Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

$10.6T the day Obama took office. Over $17T today. That is according to your own link.
Remind me how Bush created the deficit.

Bush is the one that dramatically increased our debt through increased spending and drop in revenue.

The debt was $5.7T the day Bush took office. When he left it was 10.7, an increase of 5T in 8 years. When Obama took office it was 10.7T and is now 17.2T, an increase of nearly 7T. Obama has spent more money in 5 years than Bush spent in 8. So tell me how the current debt is Bush's fault.
$10.6T the day Obama took office. Over $17T today. That is according to your own link.
Remind me how Bush created the deficit.

Bush is the one that dramatically increased our debt through increased spending and drop in revenue.

The debt was $5.7T the day Bush took office. When he left it was 10.7, an increase of 5T in 8 years. When Obama took office it was 10.7T and is now 17.2T, an increase of nearly 7T. Obama has spent more money in 5 years than Bush spent in 8. So tell me how the current debt is Bush's fault.

It's Bush's fault that Obama is an inept boob

$10.6T the day Obama took office. Over $17T today. That is according to your own link.
Remind me how Bush created the deficit.

Bush is the one that dramatically increased our debt through increased spending and drop in revenue.

The debt was $5.7T the day Bush took office. When he left it was 10.7, an increase of 5T in 8 years. When Obama took office it was 10.7T and is now 17.2T, an increase of nearly 7T. Obama has spent more money in 5 years than Bush spent in 8. So tell me how the current debt is Bush's fault.

The policies dont end with the term. Any idiot knows Bush was responsible for 10 T (spending, tax cuts), not 7. Part of the reason it got so high now is because Obama extended Bush's tax cuts which was a bonehead move on his part. Spending has continued under Obama, but he did nothing to increase the rate of spending, unlike Bush did from Clinton.
The DEBT is a fake as the money we're using, kiddies

Some of you already understand what the above is telling you.

Some of you will never be able to get it.

The MASTERS (of capital) understand that perfectly.


Now, as the economy expands, the growth of federal spending as a percentage of GDP will get smaller. Since the amount is an even smaller part of the entire monetary worth of the entire economy. Meaning that it can spend the same amount, or even more money than before, so long as the economy continues to grow as well. So, that chart is disingenuous. Should you compare Obama's spending with previous economies, the federal expenditure rate would considerably greater.

That would hardly make a difference. Just accept facts for what they are.

Actually, you are not entitled to your own facts, Billy.

Let me put it into context you can wrap your liberal mind around.

The number next to Obama's name (6.4 trillion) is bigger than what's next to Bush's name (5.2 trillion) which means Obama has spent more money in 5 years, than Obama has in 8.

When an economy expands, the growth rate of federal expenditures can reflect a greater percentage (in Reagan's case where the economy was smaller) of the GDP, or smaller percentage (in Obama's case, where the economy is now ten times the size of Reagan's) of the GDP. So like I said, the chart is deceptive. The sizes of the economy have a lot to do with how those numbers are calculated.

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Wasnt 2009 the year they passed the "Stimulus" that provided for $47B in extra infrastructure spending? Wouldn't spending go down once the funding ended for those "shovel ready" projects?
Libs are bad at math and history.

As for the OP: The U.S. owes $7T more than the day Obama took office. That is 70% more than the deficit was, even counting the "massive deficits" of Pres Bush. There is no way to spin that number with "rates of increase" etc. It represents a massive failure by the Democrats, who are entirely responsible for every penny of it since they controlled Congress from 2006 to 2010.

And yet the deficit is falling faster than it has since WWII

Irrelevant. The deficit is bigger than it's ever been. And it will increase once the subsidies for Obamacare kick in.
This chart shows why you are among the dumbest posters on this site...

And yet the deficit is falling faster than it has since WWII

Irrelevant. The deficit is bigger than it's ever been. And it will increase once the subsidies for Obamacare kick in.
This chart shows why you are among the dumbest posters on this site...



Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress
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i often wonder, were liberals born stupid or did the public school system indoctrinate them to be stupid ??

Maobama is the biggest spender this country has ever seen, $7,000,000,000,000 spending in 5 years is more than ALL the presidents from Washington to FDR !!!

BTW libs, how do you like the fact that this BOOB president of yours has given Iran the green light to develop more nuclear weapons ??
Because teh deficit was $7T when Bush left office and is now 17T? And that's Bush's fault, how?

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

$10.6T the day Obama took office. Over $17T today. That is according to your own link.
Remind me how Bush created the deficit.

How fuking stupid are you really rabbit?

You act like all the tax cuts and spending on wars and prescription drug programs that were enacted (and not paid for) under Bush all went away when Obama came into office.

It don't work like that you idiot. Had Obama not spent a dime, we would still have a huge deficit from the decisions made under Bush.

Are you really so fuking stupid that you think 1. Obama just all on his own spent 7 trillion dollars or 2. that Congress gave Obama new spending authority for 7 trillion dollars. (or what ever amount you want to contribute to Obama)

Are you really so stupid to think that Obama did not walk into his Presidency with a huge debt left to him by the former President? A debt that would continue to increase because Bush and his Congress put no payment plan into place for the money they decided to spend on giveaways.

As Cheney said; deficits don't matter.

Right? Was Cheney right or not?
Hey three more idiots all logged in thinking that Obama inherited a no debt, no obligation government when he came into office.

And all the deficits are on Obama.

How stupid are you people? I mean really? How stupid are you temple of carmac.
Hey three more idiots all logged in thinking that Obama inherited a no debt, no obligation government when he came into office.

And all the deficits are on Obama.

How stupid are you people? I mean really? How stupid are you temple of carmac.

Seriously, how bad is your grammar, zeke. Stop whining. Obama will be held accountable for the money he spent while in office. It's his White House now, so he should be big enough to accept the blame.
Irrelevant. The deficit is bigger than it's ever been. And it will increase once the subsidies for Obamacare kick in.
This chart shows why you are among the dumbest posters on this site...



Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress

It's sad that so many of your dumbass Conservatives are such retards.

Look at the chart I posted again.

That IS the "national deficit.". And it's not higher than it's ever been. At $680b, it's lower than the previous 4 years.

Why is it you freaks on the right can't learn the difference between deficit and debt?
This chart shows why you are among the dumbest posters on this site...



Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress

It's sad that so many of your dumbass Conservatives are such retards.

Look at the chart I posted again.

That IS the "national deficit.". And it's not higher than it's ever been. At $680b, it's lower than the previous 4 years.

Why is it you freaks on the right can't learn the difference between deficit and debt?

There isn't a difference. Debt is deficit, deficit is debt. Pretty simple concept really. What is it about cutting spending that you don't get, exactly?
This chart shows why you are among the dumbest posters on this site...



Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress

It's sad that so many of your dumbass Conservatives are such retards.

Look at the chart I posted again.

That IS the "national deficit.". And it's not higher than it's ever been. At $680b, it's lower than the previous 4 years.

Why is it you freaks on the right can't learn the difference between deficit and debt?

You are right. I was wrong on the deficit. I meant "debt" not deficit. I acknowledged as much in an earlier post if you had bothered to read it.
But see your own chart?
2009 was teh year of the stimulus, when extraordinary spending was supposed to get us out of the recession. See that spending has not gone down below what iwas before the recession, even though we are in recovery, and have been for several years? Do you see we are spending more now baseline than we were previously?
Yeah, I thought not.
Hey three more idiots all logged in thinking that Obama inherited a no debt, no obligation government when he came into office.

And all the deficits are on Obama.

How stupid are you people? I mean really? How stupid are you temple of carmac.

So Bush is responsible for everything that happened in his presidency, even though he had a Dem Congress the last two years, but Obama is responsible for nothing, even though he had a Dem Congress for two years?
Sounds about right. Obama gets credit for anyhting good, Bush gets blame for anything bad.
i often wonder, were liberals born stupid or did the public school system indoctrinate them to be stupid ??

Maobama is the biggest spender this country has ever seen, $7,000,000,000,000 spending in 5 years is more than ALL the presidents from Washington to FDR !!!

BTW libs, how do you like the fact that this BOOB president of yours has given Iran the green light to develop more nuclear weapons ??

Before you start calling Liberals' stupid, you should first learn the difference between "spending" and "debt," otherwise, you look even more ignorant than those you are insulting.

Adding $7t in debt is not "spending" $7t. Actually, we've spent $17.6t since Obama became president. Debt is the amount we spent beyond the revenues taken in. Now ya know so there is no excuse in the future.

Please make a note of that before you make your next ignorant statement. :cool:
Hey three more idiots all logged in thinking that Obama inherited a no debt, no obligation government when he came into office.

And all the deficits are on Obama.

How stupid are you people? I mean really? How stupid are you temple of carmac.

So Bush is responsible for everything that happened in his presidency, even though he had a Dem Congress the last two years, but Obama is responsible for nothing, even though he had a Dem Congress for two years?
Sounds about right. Obama gets credit for anyhting good, Bush gets blame for anything bad.

No idiot. bush is simply responsible for more of it. That is a fact.
Hey three more idiots all logged in thinking that Obama inherited a no debt, no obligation government when he came into office.

And all the deficits are on Obama.

How stupid are you people? I mean really? How stupid are you temple of carmac.

So Bush is responsible for everything that happened in his presidency, even though he had a Dem Congress the last two years, but Obama is responsible for nothing, even though he had a Dem Congress for two years?
Sounds about right. Obama gets credit for anyhting good, Bush gets blame for anything bad.

No idiot. bush is simply responsible for more of it. That is a fact.

Come now. Try proving that 'fact' for us, if you don't mind.
Hey three more idiots all logged in thinking that Obama inherited a no debt, no obligation government when he came into office.

And all the deficits are on Obama.

How stupid are you people? I mean really? How stupid are you temple of carmac.

So Bush is responsible for everything that happened in his presidency, even though he had a Dem Congress the last two years, but Obama is responsible for nothing, even though he had a Dem Congress for two years?
Sounds about right. Obama gets credit for anyhting good, Bush gets blame for anything bad.

No idiot. bush is simply responsible for more of it. That is a fact.

The debt increased 5T under Bush in 8years and 7T under Obama in 5 years and Bush is responsible for more of it?

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