Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?


Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress

It's sad that so many of your dumbass Conservatives are such retards.

Look at the chart I posted again.

That IS the "national deficit.". And it's not higher than it's ever been. At $680b, it's lower than the previous 4 years.

Why is it you freaks on the right can't learn the difference between deficit and debt?

There isn't a difference. Debt is deficit, deficit is debt. Pretty simple concept really. What is it about cutting spending that you don't get, exactly?
Holy shit. :eusa_doh: Rightard, words have meaning. You should learn them. The U.S. federal deficit is the annual gap between spending and revenue. That IS NOT the debt. The debt is the accumulation of those annual deficits. While entertaining, for you to even attempt to defend rabbi's idiocy with that bit of ignorance only serves to highlight what a rightard you are. Hell, even rabbi admitted he confused debt with deficit even though you can't figure out the difference.

Regardless, you are dead wrong when you claim the "deficit" has never been higher. You've been shown that it has been. But I admire your tenacity to defend your idiotic position. Most people would simply acknowledge their mistake and move on. But not you. No, you're too committed. :lol:
So explain the debt/deficit despite growing revenue.....

Why is this so hard for Cons to understand.

The programs enacted under Bush, that had no funding mechanisms in place to pay for them, have continued to this day. With the exception of Irag spending which has gone down.

Prescription drug program, yep still happening. Tax cuts, yep still happening except for the real rich, borrowing for the chosen war with Iraq that has to be paid back, yep still paying it back.

How about the borrowing to try and keep the economy from completely collapsing? Yep that money was borrowed and spent for all of us and has to be paid back. BTW who was President when the economy collapsed? Can you remember that far back?

No if you weren't blinded by hatred for Obama, you might be able to see that Obama (or any other President) was inheriting a bad situation from Bush and the time needed to fix his mess was going to be a long time. And the money needed to fix his mess was going to be huge. The collapse was huge and the fix was going to be huge.

UE alone cost us trillions. But whose fault was it that so many jobs were lost? Not Obama's that's for sure.

Obabble asked to inherit the bad situation ....and it has overwhelmed his moronic ass.

powerless to change it

Why is this so hard for Cons to understand.

The programs enacted under Bush, that had no funding mechanisms in place to pay for them, have continued to this day. With the exception of Irag spending which has gone down.

Prescription drug program, yep still happening. Tax cuts, yep still happening except for the real rich, borrowing for the chosen war with Iraq that has to be paid back, yep still paying it back.

How about the borrowing to try and keep the economy from completely collapsing? Yep that money was borrowed and spent for all of us and has to be paid back. BTW who was President when the economy collapsed? Can you remember that far back?

No if you weren't blinded by hatred for Obama, you might be able to see that Obama (or any other President) was inheriting a bad situation from Bush and the time needed to fix his mess was going to be a long time. And the money needed to fix his mess was going to be huge. The collapse was huge and the fix was going to be huge.

UE alone cost us trillions. But whose fault was it that so many jobs were lost? Not Obama's that's for sure.

Obabble asked to inherit the bad situation ....and it has overwhelmed his moronic ass.

But that's an entirely different topic. How come you wanted to change the topic?

Bush asked to inherit his good situation. And what did he do with it that was good for us all?

Bush inherited the dot com disaster and OBL...your memory is as short as your
This chart shows why you are among the dumbest posters on this site...



Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress

It's sad that so many of your dumbass Conservatives are such retards.

Look at the chart I posted again.

That IS the "national deficit.". And it's not higher than it's ever been. At $680b, it's lower than the previous 4 years.

Why is it you freaks on the right can't learn the difference between deficit and debt?

Your dumber than a rock faun, yeah, the projected deficit is on 680 billion, lower than it's been under odumas watch. But it's like you personally having $500 dollars in your checking account, you tell the wife she can buy a new dress for the holidays. She goes out and pays $1000 for one, but she tells you, "but honey it was on sale, it normally costs $1,500."

Either way, your fucking flat ass broke AND overdrawn at the bank. DO you get it now, do ya? How are you going to spin that one? Blame it on Bush? Say he did the same thing? IT STILL HAS TO STOP AND THE BUDGET NEEDS TO BE BALANCED, CUT SPENDING!!
So Bush is responsible for everything that happened in his presidency, even though he had a Dem Congress the last two years, but Obama is responsible for nothing, even though he had a Dem Congress for two years?
Sounds about right. Obama gets credit for anyhting good, Bush gets blame for anything bad.

No idiot. bush is simply responsible for more of it. That is a fact.

The debt increased 5T under Bush in 8years and 7T under Obama in 5 years and Bush is responsible for more of it?

First of all, you're blindly counting from inauguration to inauguration. While I understand the Conservative mind is limited to such rudimentary thinking, the causes of debt are far more complex than your underdeveloped brain can comprehend. Furthermore, other factors weigh in. Factors which are directly attributable to Bush and/or the conditions Obama inherited. Such as the Iraq war (which to this day, still costs us money), the Great Recession, and the structurally broken economy Bush handed Obama. All these are factors which contributed greatly to the debt since Obama's inaugration. And lastly, being the Conservative thinking, knuckle-dragging, mentally lazy individual you are, it also escapes your notice that we were still operating under Bush's budget for fiscal year 2009 when obama became president.

I hope that helps you. I have my doubts, mind you. But being Liberal, I remain hopefull nonetheless.
The programs enacted under Obama, that had no funding mechanisms in place to pay for them, have/are continuing to this day.
No idiot. bush is simply responsible for more of it. That is a fact.

The debt increased 5T under Bush in 8years and 7T under Obama in 5 years and Bush is responsible for more of it?

Uh no. You are so dumb.

The $10 trillion hangover | Harper's Magazine

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

No, Billy you dont get it. Go to the link you yourself posted. Look up what the debt was when Bush took office in 2001. Look what it was teh day he left and Obama took office. Look what it is now.
I didnt make up those numbers. The numbers are: Bush increased the debt 5T in 8 years, Obama has incresaed the debt 7T in 5 years. This is simply fact.
The debt increased 5T under Bush in 8years and 7T under Obama in 5 years and Bush is responsible for more of it?

Uh no. You are so dumb.

The $10 trillion hangover | Harper's Magazine

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

No, Billy you dont get it. Go to the link you yourself posted. Look up what the debt was when Bush took office in 2001. Look what it was teh day he left and Obama took office. Look what it is now.
I didnt make up those numbers. The numbers are: Bush increased the debt 5T in 8 years, Obama has incresaed the debt 7T in 5 years. This is simply fact.

Well gee as Faun pointed out spending spills over. A president's policies do not end when they leave office.
Yes, my mistake. I meant just executive and legislative. Ok if you want to give all the credit to the democrats for shrinking the deficit go right a head.

The Sequestration and Government Shutdown did more to reduce spending and the deficit than anything the White House has accomplished.
Hey, if they want to take credit for it ... The case could be made.

No idiot. bush is simply responsible for more of it. That is a fact.

The debt increased 5T under Bush in 8years and 7T under Obama in 5 years and Bush is responsible for more of it?

First of all, you're blindly counting from inauguration to inauguration. While I understand the Conservative mind is limited to such rudimentary thinking, the causes of debt are far more complex than your underdeveloped brain can comprehend. Furthermore, other factors weigh in. Factors which are directly attributable to Bush and/or the conditions Obama inherited. Such as the Iraq war (which to this day, still costs us money), the Great Recession, and the structurally broken economy Bush handed Obama. All these are factors which contributed greatly to the debt since Obama's inaugration. And lastly, being the Conservative thinking, knuckle-dragging, mentally lazy individual you are, it also escapes your notice that we were still operating under Bush's budget for fiscal year 2009 when obama became president.

I hope that helps you. I have my doubts, mind you. But being Liberal, I remain hopefull nonetheless.

So if you dont want to count inauguration to inauguration, what time period do you want to count?
The Iraq War is over. Bush negotiated the settlement and Obama took it and ran for the door. If it is still costing money, who's fault is that?
Were the Democrats in Congress powerless to defund Bush's programs for 4 years? Didn't they run in 2006 on the premise of fiscal responsibility?
We werent operating under Bush's budget in 2009 for the simple reason the Senate failed to pass a budget that year. In fact as long as the Democrats controlled the Senate they have not passed a budget. But Congress, which was controlled by Democrats for the last two years of Bush's presidency approves spending. Even so, spending went up after Bush left office. A lot of this was to fight the recession. But the recession has been over technically for several years. Yet spending is still higher than before the recession. Is that also Bush's fault? What part of the blame goes to Obama and the Democrats in Congress?

No, Billy you dont get it. Go to the link you yourself posted. Look up what the debt was when Bush took office in 2001. Look what it was teh day he left and Obama took office. Look what it is now.
I didnt make up those numbers. The numbers are: Bush increased the debt 5T in 8 years, Obama has incresaed the debt 7T in 5 years. This is simply fact.

Well gee as Faun pointed out spending spills over. A president's policies do not end when they leave office.

At what point do they end? Please name a time frame.

No, Billy you dont get it. Go to the link you yourself posted. Look up what the debt was when Bush took office in 2001. Look what it was teh day he left and Obama took office. Look what it is now.
I didnt make up those numbers. The numbers are: Bush increased the debt 5T in 8 years, Obama has incresaed the debt 7T in 5 years. This is simply fact.

Well gee as Faun pointed out spending spills over. A president's policies do not end when they leave office.

lame, weak. same old blame game. oduma is quick to use the pen to write an executive order to conduct damage control to his abortion called ACA, but can't seem to find a pen to fix the budget, just blame it on his predecessor.
I was right: Under Obama, spending has been flat - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

In May 2012, I wrote a column that concluded that there had been no massive binge in federal spending under Obama, as commonly believed. The column went viral after the president, his press secretary and his re-election campaign mentioned it favorably. Conservative pundits flogged me mercilessly, saying that I had manipulated the data and made overly generous assumptions about the likely path of spending in the last two years of Obama’s first term.

It turns out my assumptions weren’t generous enough. Last week, the Treasury Department announced that federal spending fell 2.3% to $3.45 trillion in fiscal 2013 after dropping 1.8% in 2012. It was the largest annual decline in federal spending since 1955, and the first time spending had fallen two years in a row since 1954-55, at the end of the Korean War...

In the four years since 2009, the final budget year under President George W. Bush, federal spending has fallen by $63 billion, or 0.45%. It’s the first decline in federal spending over a four-year presidential term since Harry Truman sat in the Oval Office just after World War II.

To really judge how much spending has increased under Obama, that additional FY2009 spending must be apportioned to Obama. In a further adjustment suggested by many of my critics, we’ll exclude the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were approved in late 2008, when Bush was a lame duck. These one-time programs raised the 2009 baseline to which we’re comparing Obama’s spending, and they lowered net outlays in recent years as they were paid back. Including them makes Obama’s spending look slower than it really was.

To really judge how much spending has increased under Obama, that additional FY2009 spending must be apportioned to Obama. In a further adjustment suggested by many of my critics, we’ll exclude the Troubled Asset Relief Program and the bailout of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were approved in late 2008, when Bush was a lame duck. These one-time programs raised the 2009 baseline to which we’re comparing Obama’s spending, and they lowered net outlays in recent years as they were paid back. Including them makes Obama’s spending look slower than it really was.

In real terms, spending rose 0.8% per year during Obama’s four years, the lowest since the 0.6% growth in Bill Clinton’s first term and the second lowest since inflation-adjusted spending fell 1.1% in Eisenhower’s first term.

The U.S. population grew at a 0.8% annual rate during Obama’s four years, which means that real federal spending per person was flat under his watch.

...And our government didn’t lift a finger. We had some brief stimulus, but it faded and was soon replaced with spending cuts....

No matter how you measure it, FEDERAL SPENDING hasn’t increased much, if at all, under Obama

Get it through your heads, cons. It's amazing one has to explain that Obama did not spend 7 trillion dollars. :cuckoo:

a trillion dollar stimulus spend is what you consider flat?

No, Billy you dont get it. Go to the link you yourself posted. Look up what the debt was when Bush took office in 2001. Look what it was teh day he left and Obama took office. Look what it is now.
I didnt make up those numbers. The numbers are: Bush increased the debt 5T in 8 years, Obama has incresaed the debt 7T in 5 years. This is simply fact.

Well gee as Faun pointed out spending spills over. A president's policies do not end when they leave office.

Unless the next administration extends them.

Usually 18 months into a new administration is the cut-off.

Obama tried to blame Bush years after he left. Obama has this strange habit of pouring gas on smoldering ashes from the Bush years.
i often wonder, were liberals born stupid or did the public school system indoctrinate them to be stupid ??

Maobama is the biggest spender this country has ever seen, $7,000,000,000,000 spending in 5 years is more than ALL the presidents from Washington to FDR !!!

BTW libs, how do you like the fact that this BOOB president of yours has given Iran the green light to develop more nuclear weapons ??

Before you start calling Liberals' stupid, you should first learn the difference between "spending" and "debt," otherwise, you look even more ignorant than those you are insulting.

Adding $7t in debt is not "spending" $7t. Actually, we've spent $17.6t since Obama became president. Debt is the amount we spent beyond the revenues taken in. Now ya know so there is no excuse in the future.

Please make a note of that before you make your next ignorant statement. :cool:

Um what? How does one add debt without spending? Do you even know what you're talking about? Don't you mean "$17.6t since Washington became president"?

Straw man = a weak or imaginary argument which is created to defeat when the actual argument can't be refuted.

Suffice it to say, your straw man is useless as I didn"t say debt was added without spending. Perhaps rereading my post a few more times will aid your feeble cognitive abilities understand what I actually wrote?

c'mon, try harder. I have faith you can do it!
Before you start calling Liberals' stupid, you should first learn the difference between "spending" and "debt," otherwise, you look even more ignorant than those you are insulting.

Adding $7t in debt is not "spending" $7t. Actually, we've spent $17.6t since Obama became president. Debt is the amount we spent beyond the revenues taken in. Now ya know so there is no excuse in the future.

Please make a note of that before you make your next ignorant statement. :cool:

Um what? How does one add debt without spending? Do you even know what you're talking about? Don't you mean "$17.6t since Washington became president"?

Straw man = a weak or imaginary argument which is created to defeat when the actual argument can't be refuted.

Suffice it to say, your straw man is useless as I didn"t say debt was added without spending. Perhaps rereading my post a few more times will aid your feeble cognitive abilities understand what I actually wrote?

c'mon, try harder. I have faith you can do it!

Well faun, at least you can understand how weak your argument is. I provide you with facts that dispute your claim, and like most libs, you ignore them.
How many times are you liberals gonna repeat this ridiculous claim? If Obama wasn't over-spending, the debt wouldn't be $7 trillion higher than it was when he came into office. The facts just ain't on your side. Sorry.



You progressives keep trotting this graph out to "prove" that Barry isn't a big spender and all that it proves is that he didn't INCREASE spending from the President who proceeded him...a President who spent an enormous amount in 2008 to avert a financial collapse. Barry obviously IS a big spender because he's increased the national debt by a huge amount...racking up trillion dollar a year deficits pretty much each year he's been in office.
Before you start calling Liberals' stupid, you should first learn the difference between "spending" and "debt," otherwise, you look even more ignorant than those you are insulting.

Adding $7t in debt is not "spending" $7t. Actually, we've spent $17.6t since Obama became president. Debt is the amount we spent beyond the revenues taken in. Now ya know so there is no excuse in the future.

Please make a note of that before you make your next ignorant statement. :cool:

Um what? How does one add debt without spending? Do you even know what you're talking about? Don't you mean "$17.6t since Washington became president"?

Straw man = a weak or imaginary argument which is created to defeat when the actual argument can't be refuted.

Suffice it to say, your straw man is useless as I didn"t say debt was added without spending. Perhaps rereading my post a few more times will aid your feeble cognitive abilities understand what I actually wrote?

c'mon, try harder. I have faith you can do it!

OK So you admit that increased deficits by this administration resulted in higher levels of debt. That's a start anyway.
How many times are you liberals gonna repeat this ridiculous claim? If Obama wasn't over-spending, the debt wouldn't be $7 trillion higher than it was when he came into office. The facts just ain't on your side. Sorry.


You progressives keep trotting this graph out to "prove" that Barry isn't a big spender and all that it proves is that he didn't INCREASE spending from the President who proceeded him...a President who spent an enormous amount in 2008 to avert a financial collapse. Barry obviously IS a big spender because he's increased the national debt by a huge amount...racking up trillion dollar a year deficits pretty much each year he's been in office.

The libs here prove over and over they cannot read a graph.

Obama's budget deficits by year, starting from 2009:

2013 $680,276,000,000

2012 $1,089,193,000,000

2011 $1,296,791,000,000


2009 $1,415,724,000,000

Meaning, that our national deficit is larger than it's ever been, and Obama hasn't been helping. While deficits are indeed lower per year, the total spent is greater in the long run. Add this $3.8 trillion onto Obama's existing total of 6.4 trillion, it would be $10.2 trillion.

Obama Sends $3.8 Trillion Budget to Congress

It's sad that so many of your dumbass Conservatives are such retards.

Look at the chart I posted again.

That IS the "national deficit.". And it's not higher than it's ever been. At $680b, it's lower than the previous 4 years.

Why is it you freaks on the right can't learn the difference between deficit and debt?

Your dumber than a rock faun, yeah,
Am I supposed to care when I'm called dumb by someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're?" :lol:

LTCArmyRet said:
the projected deficit is on 680 billion, lower than it's been under odumas watch. But it's like you personally having $500 dollars in your checking account, you tell the wife she can buy a new dress for the holidays. She goes out and pays $1000 for one, but she tells you, "but honey it was on sale, it normally costs $1,500."

Either way, your fucking flat ass broke AND overdrawn at the bank. DO you get it now, do ya? How are you going to spin that one? Blame it on Bush? Say he did the same thing? IT STILL HAS TO STOP AND THE BUDGET NEEDS TO BE BALANCED, CUT SPENDING!!

Your Conservative ignorance aside, I never said $680b was chump change. I corrected another dumbass Conservative who idiotically said that was the biggest deficit ever. And btw, that $680b figure is not a projection. It's in the books for fiscal year 2013.

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