Can we finally bury the myth Democrats are smarter?

I never said he was the smartest pick, and neither is Hillary.

She wasn't? Which choice was smarter? It was her vs Bernie who's positions were as radical and unworkable as they were honest.

Sanders was a smarter choice than making an excuse for corruption. O'Malley was running. Early on the DNC pushed the candidate of corruption and the lemmings followed and will gladly go over the cliff for their candidate of, by and for corruption.
I never said he was the smartest pick, and neither is Hillary.

She wasn't? Which choice was smarter? It was her vs Bernie who's positions were as radical and unworkable as they were honest.

Sanders was a smarter choice than making an excuse for corruption. O'Malley was running. Early on the DNC pushed the candidate of corruption and the lemmings followed and will gladly go over the cliff for their candidate of, by and for corruption.

I've never made excuses for CORRUPTION. Clinton was never convicted for any corruption, though that will probably not stop you from repeating that loud claim.

Tell me, was Bill Clinton corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt? They certainly have lied, but corruption is a whole different level of accusation,.

Clinton has been a solid, mainstream Democrat and there is nothing stupid about that pick.

Trump the clown on the other hand had to full on re-invent half of what he was saying as recent as 2008.

He was FOR single-payer healthcare before he was against it, FOR universal coverage, before he was against it, FOR mandate, before he was against it.
He was FOR abortion rights before he was against them.
He was FOR Iraq before he was against it (while denying he was for it)
He was FOR raising taxes on the rich before he was against it.
He was FOR Libya intervention before he was against it.
He was FOR minimum wage before he was against it.
He was FOR military breaking laws before he was against it.
He was FOR work visas before he was against them and then he was for them and then he was against them..and then there is always tomorrow.
The list goes on and on and on and on, as his words are ever permutating.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

His every other word is an easily proven falsehood.

How fucking stupid and disconnected from policy discussion does the party have to be to nominate such a clown?

Hillary is a model of honesty and consistency compared to that train-wreck.
Republicans are so fucking stupid.

Democrats feel that
-Every one should have a education
-Everyone should have healthcare
-Value knowledge and the advancement of such
-Value science investment and believe that it can cure diseases that effect us.
-Value being number one on earth as a country!
-Value our environment and fight to protect our national treasures.
-Value our air, water and food quality
-Believe the worker isn't a second class citizen because he or she was born without as much money.
-I am seriously starting to believe that the democrats believe in modern civilization while the repubicans wish for something very backwards.

WTF do republicans want to do? The opposite. and you call yourself smart? Give me a fucking break. You sound more and more like the taliban every day.
Get a fucking job and we'll give you a break you useless twat!
I never said he was the smartest pick, and neither is Hillary.

She wasn't? Which choice was smarter? It was her vs Bernie who's positions were as radical and unworkable as they were honest.

Sanders was a smarter choice than making an excuse for corruption. O'Malley was running. Early on the DNC pushed the candidate of corruption and the lemmings followed and will gladly go over the cliff for their candidate of, by and for corruption.

I've never made excuses for CORRUPTION. Clinton was never convicted for any corruption, though that will probably not stop you from repeating that loud claim.

Tell me, was Bill Clinton corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt? They certainly have lied, but corruption is a whole different level of accusation,.

Clinton has been a solid, mainstream Democrat and there is nothing stupid about that pick.

Trump the clown on the other hand had to full on re-invent half of what he was saying as recent as 2008.

He was FOR single-payer healthcare before he was against it, FOR universal coverage, before he was against it, FOR mandate, before he was against it.
He was FOR abortion rights before he was against them.
He was FOR Iraq before he was against it (while denying he was for it)
He was FOR raising taxes on the rich before he was against it.
He was FOR Libya intervention before he was against it.
He was FOR minimum wage before he was against it.
He was FOR military breaking laws before he was against it.
He was FOR work visas before he was against them and then he was for them and then he was against them..and then there is always tomorrow.
The list goes on and on and on and on, as his words are ever permutating.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

His every other word is an easily proven falsehood.

How fucking stupid and disconnected from policy discussion does the party have to be to nominate such a clown?

Hillary is a model of honesty and consistency compared to that train-wreck.

Comparing Trump to Hillary? Comparing dishonest with dishonest, flip flop to flip flop.

NAFTA, Hillary was for it, now against it. Against gay marriage, now for it. Hillary not under sniper attack and then was.

She rails against big money in politics while she rakes it in.

Stricter gun control, she is now for it, used to be against it.

For the war in Iraq before she was against it.

Was for not allowing illegal immigrants driver's license and now for it.

We can go on and on. She and Trump are not trustworthy.

Clinton lied to instigate a war to over throw Libya.

How can anyone can vote for either one is a mystery to me, but hey you are the nut that is voting for one of the idiots. LOL! Not very smart.
I never said he was the smartest pick, and neither is Hillary.

She wasn't? Which choice was smarter? It was her vs Bernie who's positions were as radical and unworkable as they were honest.

Sanders was a smarter choice than making an excuse for corruption. O'Malley was running. Early on the DNC pushed the candidate of corruption and the lemmings followed and will gladly go over the cliff for their candidate of, by and for corruption.

I've never made excuses for CORRUPTION. Clinton was never convicted for any corruption, though that will probably not stop you from repeating that loud claim.

Tell me, was Bill Clinton corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt? They certainly have lied, but corruption is a whole different level of accusation,.

Clinton has been a solid, mainstream Democrat and there is nothing stupid about that pick.

Trump the clown on the other hand had to full on re-invent half of what he was saying as recent as 2008.

He was FOR single-payer healthcare before he was against it, FOR universal coverage, before he was against it, FOR mandate, before he was against it.
He was FOR abortion rights before he was against them.
He was FOR Iraq before he was against it (while denying he was for it)
He was FOR raising taxes on the rich before he was against it.
He was FOR Libya intervention before he was against it.
He was FOR minimum wage before he was against it.
He was FOR military breaking laws before he was against it.
He was FOR work visas before he was against them and then he was for them and then he was against them..and then there is always tomorrow.
The list goes on and on and on and on, as his words are ever permutating.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

His every other word is an easily proven falsehood.

How fucking stupid and disconnected from policy discussion does the party have to be to nominate such a clown?

Hillary is a model of honesty and consistency compared to that train-wreck.

Comparing Trump to Hillary? Comparing dishonest with dishonest, flip flop to flip flop.

NAFTA, Hillary was for it, now against it. Against gay marriage, now for it. Hillary not under sniper attack and then was.

She rails against big money in politics while she rakes it in.

Stricter gun control, she is now for it, used to be against it.

For the war in Iraq before she was against it.

Was for not allowing illegal immigrants driver's license and now for it.

We can go on and on. She and Trump are not trustworthy.

Clinton lied to instigate a war to over throw Libya.

How can anyone can vote for either one is a mystery to me, but hey you are the nut that is voting for one of the idiots. LOL! Not very smart.
Why isn't Trump trustworthy?
I never said he was the smartest pick, and neither is Hillary.

She wasn't? Which choice was smarter? It was her vs Bernie who's positions were as radical and unworkable as they were honest.

Sanders was a smarter choice than making an excuse for corruption. O'Malley was running. Early on the DNC pushed the candidate of corruption and the lemmings followed and will gladly go over the cliff for their candidate of, by and for corruption.

I've never made excuses for CORRUPTION. Clinton was never convicted for any corruption, though that will probably not stop you from repeating that loud claim.

Tell me, was Bill Clinton corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt? They certainly have lied, but corruption is a whole different level of accusation,.

Clinton has been a solid, mainstream Democrat and there is nothing stupid about that pick.

Trump the clown on the other hand had to full on re-invent half of what he was saying as recent as 2008.

He was FOR single-payer healthcare before he was against it, FOR universal coverage, before he was against it, FOR mandate, before he was against it.
He was FOR abortion rights before he was against them.
He was FOR Iraq before he was against it (while denying he was for it)
He was FOR raising taxes on the rich before he was against it.
He was FOR Libya intervention before he was against it.
He was FOR minimum wage before he was against it.
He was FOR military breaking laws before he was against it.
He was FOR work visas before he was against them and then he was for them and then he was against them..and then there is always tomorrow.
The list goes on and on and on and on, as his words are ever permutating.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

His every other word is an easily proven falsehood.

How fucking stupid and disconnected from policy discussion does the party have to be to nominate such a clown?

Hillary is a model of honesty and consistency compared to that train-wreck.

Comparing Trump to Hillary? Comparing dishonest with dishonest, flip flop to flip flop.

NAFTA, Hillary was for it, now against it. Against gay marriage, now for it. Hillary not under sniper attack and then was.

She rails against big money in politics while she rakes it in.

Stricter gun control, she is now for it, used to be against it.

For the war in Iraq before she was against it.

Was for not allowing illegal immigrants driver's license and now for it.

We can go on and on. She and Trump are not trustworthy.

Clinton lied to instigate a war to over throw Libya.

How can anyone can vote for either one is a mystery to me, but hey you are the nut that is voting for one of the idiots. LOL! Not very smart.
Why isn't Trump trustworthy?

Trump is more of a bull in a china shop and can't help but insult people. He is probably more honest than Hillary but he like Hillary play their words. His positions. like Hillary's will shift with the polls. Some of his business practice, while legal are not honest. Hillary is in the same boat, however she will flat out lie.
She wasn't? Which choice was smarter? It was her vs Bernie who's positions were as radical and unworkable as they were honest.

Sanders was a smarter choice than making an excuse for corruption. O'Malley was running. Early on the DNC pushed the candidate of corruption and the lemmings followed and will gladly go over the cliff for their candidate of, by and for corruption.

I've never made excuses for CORRUPTION. Clinton was never convicted for any corruption, though that will probably not stop you from repeating that loud claim.

Tell me, was Bill Clinton corrupt? Was Reagan corrupt? They certainly have lied, but corruption is a whole different level of accusation,.

Clinton has been a solid, mainstream Democrat and there is nothing stupid about that pick.

Trump the clown on the other hand had to full on re-invent half of what he was saying as recent as 2008.

He was FOR single-payer healthcare before he was against it, FOR universal coverage, before he was against it, FOR mandate, before he was against it.
He was FOR abortion rights before he was against them.
He was FOR Iraq before he was against it (while denying he was for it)
He was FOR raising taxes on the rich before he was against it.
He was FOR Libya intervention before he was against it.
He was FOR minimum wage before he was against it.
He was FOR military breaking laws before he was against it.
He was FOR work visas before he was against them and then he was for them and then he was against them..and then there is always tomorrow.
The list goes on and on and on and on, as his words are ever permutating.

Here Are All of Donald Trump's Flip-Flops on Big Issues

His every other word is an easily proven falsehood.

How fucking stupid and disconnected from policy discussion does the party have to be to nominate such a clown?

Hillary is a model of honesty and consistency compared to that train-wreck.

Comparing Trump to Hillary? Comparing dishonest with dishonest, flip flop to flip flop.

NAFTA, Hillary was for it, now against it. Against gay marriage, now for it. Hillary not under sniper attack and then was.

She rails against big money in politics while she rakes it in.

Stricter gun control, she is now for it, used to be against it.

For the war in Iraq before she was against it.

Was for not allowing illegal immigrants driver's license and now for it.

We can go on and on. She and Trump are not trustworthy.

Clinton lied to instigate a war to over throw Libya.

How can anyone can vote for either one is a mystery to me, but hey you are the nut that is voting for one of the idiots. LOL! Not very smart.
Why isn't Trump trustworthy?

Trump is more of a bull in a china shop and can't help but insult people. He is probably more honest than Hillary but he like Hillary play their words. His positions. like Hillary's will shift with the polls. Some of his business practice, while legal are not honest. Hillary is in the same boat, however she will flat out lie.

Which of his legal business practices aren't honest?
A right is something that government cannot take away from you. What do you think the "Bill of Rights" is?
The "Bill of Rights" is a list of rights embedded in the Constitution and recognized by the US Government. What the government give the government can take away. The Constitution has been altered many times. There is a good portion of this country that would repeal the 2nd amendment if they could get a majority of the country on their side so that "right" might vanish.

And if you get the 2nd amendment repealed, then yes, that right goes away. Here's the 4-1-1, it hasn't been repealed, so it's still a right ...
Then we agree, a right is something that government can take away from you.

Government violate your rights, but it can never take them away. A given act doesn't suddenly become just because government legalizes it.
-Every one should have a education Then get a job; and pay for it yourself. For you ,and your children. Education is a privilege; not a right.

And I bet you see owning a gun as a right not a privilege?

The neocon whackjobs sure have their priorities right.

As to the Oped, I dunno if Dems are smarter. What I do know is that anybody who didn't vote for Dumbya and who won't vote for Trump are smarter than those that did/will.

If you vote for either candidate this election, you are not smart at all. This is a year to find a good third party candidate.

Unfortunately the way your political system is set up means the third-party option is a wasted vote. I do agree with you in principle though.
A right is something that government cannot take away from you. What do you think the "Bill of Rights" is?
The "Bill of Rights" is a list of rights embedded in the Constitution and recognized by the US Government. What the government give the government can take away. The Constitution has been altered many times. There is a good portion of this country that would repeal the 2nd amendment if they could get a majority of the country on their side so that "right" might vanish.

And if you get the 2nd amendment repealed, then yes, that right goes away. Here's the 4-1-1, it hasn't been repealed, so it's still a right ...

No, only the legal protection for the right goes away. True rights are not created by laws.
A right is something that government cannot take away from you. What do you think the "Bill of Rights" is?
The "Bill of Rights" is a list of rights embedded in the Constitution and recognized by the US Government. What the government give the government can take away. The Constitution has been altered many times. There is a good portion of this country that would repeal the 2nd amendment if they could get a majority of the country on their side so that "right" might vanish.

The government doesn't give rights. It only protects them or violates them.
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If you had a blood clot in your brain and you walked into a hospital in Ethiopia, would they have a brain surgeon on staff who would treat you? No? Then healthcare is not a right. Same thing with education. Do you think every little boy in Nigeria goes to school? No? Then it's not a right.

I should have been more clear, I live in the USofA

Your problem is that you don't know the difference between a right and a government boondoggle.
Do you know the difference? I'd love to hear it.

So your rights disappear the minute you step off U.S. soil? That isn't what a right is. Why do Americans have the right to medical care and education but not Ethiopians? What principle is that idea based on?
Well, Republicans did elect Trump as their nominee - that is a REALLY bad way convince people you aren't dumb.

And Democrats made the dishonest Hillary their nominee, not sure how you can consider them smart.

I don't recall honesty ever being correlated to smart or stupid. Are you just making argument of convenience?

Hillary is a standard-fair Democrat who has devoted lifetime to that party...Trump is an orange clown.

Standard-fair Democrat = criminal douche bag.
No, owning a gun is a privilege. That's why it's in the Bill of Privileges.

No wait, it's the Bill of Rights ...

Feriners don't grasp our Constitution, do you?

Once again, you fail to grasp my point. Maybe you shouldn't comment on threads that are obviously above your mental capacity to comprehend.

You suck at insults too. You used "neocon" as an insult in a way that contradicted the definition of neocon, classic. Can't make up the stupid that leftists actually are. You don't know what a neocon is, do you? LMAO

The fact that you are still lost in the past with a historical definition of the term is of no surprise to me.

Thank you. Ditto for Obama and Hillary

Er, no. Hate or loathe Obama and Hillary even their little pinkies show more signs of intelligence than Trump and Dumbya combined. Personally, I think Obama and Hillary are average candidates, but Trump and Bush? Beyond awful.

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