Can we last till the election?

Of course it is. The Cult of Trump proved their undying devotion that day as they sought to keep him president even though he lost his election. Some even donning Trump capes and giving up their lives for him. The very definition of a cult.
No, it isn't, you stupid fuck. Try using a dictionary for definitions instead of your ass.
That picture isn't proof of a cult, retard.
Try using your head for something other than a doorstop.
No, it isn't, you stupid fuck. Try using a dictionary for definitions instead of your ass.
Aww, you ppor thing ... you're fucked in the head ...

a situation in which people admire and care about something or someone very much or too much
Retard, I said you weren't a mind reader. You're not.
And I said Trump has no cult. He doesn't.
Yes, you did.
Of course, I'm not as feeble-minded as you.
WHO needs to be a mind reader for this?

August 18 2020
"We are going to win four more years," Trump said at a rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on Monday. "And then after that, we'll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years."

YOU, obviously, do.
Of course it is. The Cult of Trump proved their undying devotion that day as they sought to keep him president even though he lost his election. Some even donning Trump capes and giving up their lives for him. The very definition of a cult.
Especially the "emperor has no clothes" syndrome they all are under.


No matter what the orange blob does, they dismiss it or ignore it.

I would bet if Trump grabbed their daughter by the pussy, they would scold their daughter.
Your illiteracy doesn’t excite me, retard, it just illustrates your mental incompetence for all to see. Lulz.
How unfortunate for you that you think that's what a typo illustrates...

Who's gonna pay to house all those drug addicts, wanted felons, and nutbags?
Wherever they land, you can guarantee it'll be reduced to uninhabitable shit-hole status within a year.
Wash, rinse, repreat.
How unfortunate for you that you think that's what a typo illustrates...

How unfortunate for you that you post like an illiterate imbecile.
It is telling that you desperately searched my post history for typos. I own you, dumbfuck. Lol.

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