Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

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Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation
P.O. Box 2070
Pine Ridge SD 57770
Phone Number: (605) 867-5821
Fax Number: (605) 867-6076
East Wind Casino (info)
Highway 18
Martin, SD
Prairie Winds Casino (info)
Highway 18
Pine Ridge, SD 57770
Neither one of them are on the pine ridge reservation Martin is a few miles outside of it and prairie winds is about 25 miles west of it.

lol, you just got OWNED hard. Wow. Fucking fraud.
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?
Neither one of them are on the pine ridge reservation Martin is a few miles outside of it and prairie winds is about 25 miles west of it.

lol, you just got OWNED hard. Wow. Fucking fraud.
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?
Politicians, career ones
lol, you just got OWNED hard. Wow. Fucking fraud.
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?
Politicians, career ones
Why do conservatives say the pledge?

The pledge says the flag stands for one nation, indivisible.

Conservatives almost to a person believe that the nation IS divisible, constitutionally, via secession of any state or states.

It is indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Without liberty and justice, it is divisible. The OP seeks to take away liberty,
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?
Politicians, career ones
OK, the Indian reservation owns a couple casinos. Hardly a great capitalist venture… LOL
Recent reports point out that the median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.
East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?
Politicians, career ones
OK, the Indian reservation owns a couple casinos. Hardly a great capitalist venture… LOL
Recent reports point out that the median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.
Now, that didn't hurt much, did it?
"Back then we had dictators, kings and queens."

Back then it was better, Democracy is a failed concept and Democracy allows even the stupidest people to vote, a Dictatorship in tandem with a Monarchy is the best system for a nation.

Wow. Your posts in this thread have been absolutely astonishing. You are the most right wing person I've ever run into on the net. It's crazy! Thank God you are not American!

Whats the matter?

Lucy not a total corrupt lying bitch like Hillary?

In fact Lucy Would of made one hell of a queen
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?
Politicians, career ones
OK, the Indian reservation owns a couple casinos. Hardly a great capitalist venture… LOL
Recent reports point out that the median income on the Pine Ridge Reservation is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.
Now, that didn't hurt much, did it?
Very socialist wages though
"Back then we had dictators, kings and queens."

Back then it was better, Democracy is a failed concept and Democracy allows even the stupidest people to vote, a Dictatorship in tandem with a Monarchy is the best system for a nation.

Wow. Your posts in this thread have been absolutely astonishing. You are the most right wing person I've ever run into on the net. It's crazy! Thank God you are not American!

Whats the matter?

Lucy not a total corrupt lying bitch like Hillary?

In fact Lucy Would of made one hell of a queen

Neither one of them are on the pine ridge reservation Martin is a few miles outside of it and prairie winds is about 25 miles west of it.

lol, you just got OWNED hard. Wow. Fucking fraud.
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?

Lmao..coyote What this thread about?

Didnt you warn us like 5 pages ago to stay on topic ?
lol, you just got OWNED hard. Wow. Fucking fraud.
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?

Lmao..coyote What this thread about?

Didnt you warn us like 5 pages ago to stay on topic ?

Ya...can't remember the topic now...
The Pledge of Allegiance is not an expression of patriotism. It is a loyalty oath that one normally associates with totalitarian regimes. People who love freedom, should be appalled by the idea our children are being coerced to stand and declare their support for the state. This is the worst form of indoctrination and it is completely anathema to the principals articulated in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I cannot imagine outspoken libertarians like Thomas Jefferson or Tom Paine ever proclaiming their loyalty to the state when they correctly saw the state as the greatest threat to individual freedom. Which it is.

Now I know that many people think the Pledge is simply an affirmation of their respect for the flag, their love for the country, and their gratitude to the men and women who fought in America’s wars. But that’s not what it is. The Pledge is an attempt to impose conformity on the masses and compel them to click their heels and proclaim their devotion to the Fatherland. That’s not how it’s supposed to work in a democracy. In a democracy, the representatives of the state are supposed to pledge their loyalty to the people and to the laws that protect them. That’s the correct relationship between the state and the people. The Pledge turns that whole concept on its head.

Now I’d have no problem if our schoolchildren recited the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence before class every day:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

That’s great stuff, unfortunately, the people who run this country would never allow it. They’d never allow our kids to recite an incendiary, revolutionary document like that every day for fear it would incite violence against the state. What they want is “good Germans”, not revolutionaries, not freedom-loving populists, and not well-informed, critical thinking individuals who can see through the sham of their jingoistic propaganda. They want people who are going to follow the rules, do what they’re told, fight the wars, and perform their worktime drudgery for 30 or 40 years until they’re carted off to the glue factory. That’s what they want. Reciting the Pledge fits perfectly with this dumbed-down version of permanent indentured servitude. It provides the ideological foundation for bovine acquiescence to the demands of the state and the crooks who run it behind the tri-color banner.

The fact that institutions like the Pledge are never challenged in a public format, points to deeper problems with the media and the way our kids are being educated. And while I don’t have time to talk about that now, it makes me wonder where are the people to question these silly recitations that undermine democracy and personal liberty? Why are their voices never heard?

Read the rest here:
Can We Please Get Rid of the Pledge?

Interesting perspective, one that I've shared for years but never bothered to articulate as well as this author did. Your thoughts?

As a kid I detested the pledge

It always seemed the height of hypocrisy- forcing kids to 'pledge' to be patriotic.

I always figured if I wasn't patriotic, I wouldn't hesitate to lie and say I was.

As an adult it irritates me less, but it still strikes me as hypocrisy.

I am a patriotic American- you don't have to force me to pledge it as part of the collective.

Who is forcing anyone?
They are not on the reservation dumbass

East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?

Lmao..coyote What this thread about?

Didnt you warn us like 5 pages ago to stay on topic ?

Ya...can't remember the topic now...

Damn you are probably the most coolest mod here..

You should post more, So we can argue more :)
East Winds Casino
Tribal Organization: Oglala Sioux Tribe
Highway 18
Martin, South Dakota

They are owned by the tribe....income to the tribe...yes?
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?

Lmao..coyote What this thread about?

Didnt you warn us like 5 pages ago to stay on topic ?

Ya...can't remember the topic now...

Damn you are probably the most coolest mod here..

You should post more, So we can argue more :)


Let me drink some more wine first :eusa_angel:
It seems you think you are funny. It is more like you are deranged. You cannot answer a simple question, therefore you are trolling. You are a simpleton getting government "benefits" on our taxpayers money yet you disparage the country and what it stands for. The mad dog biting the feeding hand...that's something to be proud of...

How much am I getting, and when will the check arrive?
You don't need to try to look stupid... you are... an anti-American leech on the neck of society. A troll who doesn't know the Bill of Rights therefore he hates it because he is told to do so by George Soros or one of his anti-American organizations. That sums it up who you are...

I don't know George Soros. I did go to school with a guy by the name of George Soccardo. Could that be who you are talking about?
As I said, do not try to look are... you get your marching orders from one of his anti-American organizations. The do not bear the George Soros name. The have fancy names, he has many. Google is your friend. Try it and see how many organizations he finances. (hint) BLM is one of them...

George Soros founded the Bureau of Land Management?
Damn! That explains what happened in Oregon!
You know, your trolling doesn't faze me a bit. I got used to dealing with idiots. What baffles me is that you put it on display. Nobody can be that stupid, I thought, then I am proven wrong again.
How much am I getting, and when will the check arrive?
You don't need to try to look stupid... you are... an anti-American leech on the neck of society. A troll who doesn't know the Bill of Rights therefore he hates it because he is told to do so by George Soros or one of his anti-American organizations. That sums it up who you are...

I don't know George Soros. I did go to school with a guy by the name of George Soccardo. Could that be who you are talking about?
As I said, do not try to look are... you get your marching orders from one of his anti-American organizations. The do not bear the George Soros name. The have fancy names, he has many. Google is your friend. Try it and see how many organizations he finances. (hint) BLM is one of them...

George Soros founded the Bureau of Land Management?
Damn! That explains what happened in Oregon!
You know, your trolling doesn't faze me a bit. I got used to dealing with idiots. What baffles me is that you put it on display. Nobody can be that stupid, I thought, then I am proven wrong again. often happens!
I'm gonna start a movement… Red lives matter.
And no pledges allowed
Martin South Dakota is not on the reservation

Who runs it and profits from it?

Lmao..coyote What this thread about?

Didnt you warn us like 5 pages ago to stay on topic ?

Ya...can't remember the topic now...

Damn you are probably the most coolest mod here..

You should post more, So we can argue more :)


Let me drink some more wine first :eusa_angel:

Gotta love the mods on USMB..

The most fairest ones in 20 years I have been on the internet..

Talk about thick skin :)
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