Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?


Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Until we read the EO we won't know what it does. One thing is sure, hundreds of thousands of newly classified illegals will be able to use Obamacare.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Enrolled in Obamacare
It does give the GOP an opportunity at least to add or modify some of the conditions. May not go anywhere, but at least maybe a conversation can occur.

What worries me Mac, is with Obama's speech, and this last years wave of kids that came here and are likely to stay, that there is going to now more than ever be the message sent out that if you can get here, you'll likely be able to stay.

We could really be in for a tsunami from the south.

Thanks for the response, for a minute there I thought everyone had me on ignore.

I'm just mystified as to why the GOP doesn't want to just pass a bill. If they're so sure of their positions, why the hell won't they put them in writing?

they did, but Harry "Whorehouse" Reid shelved them, as he did with 99.99999999% of what the Republicans proposed. :up:
Hasn't it occurred to you that what the GOP proposed is bullshit. You can't name a single GOP policy in the last 40 years that has helped a majority of Americans. You know they don't want to help the middle class. They hate the poor and minorities, some more than others. How do we know? Listen to their leaders.
Despite the far left propaganda.:.

So when do we see the bill from the new Congress?


When will you hold Obama accountable for violating the constitution?

And sense you want to side with the far lefty on tis issue, the new Congress doe snot start until January.

That is the earliest the "new" Congress can do anything.

Great. Obama challenged them to send him a bill. Don't you think that, with their new power, this is the perfect opportunity to lead?


Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Until we read the EO we won't know what it does. One thing is sure, hundreds of thousands of newly classified illegals will be able to use Obamacare.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Enrolled in Obamacare

People trying to stay hidden enrolling in anything. Hilarious. It defies common sense.
they did, but Harry "Whorehouse" Reid shelved them, as he did with 99.99999999% of what the Republicans proposed. :up:

So they can't write a new one in January, when they're in control?

Wouldn't that be a good idea?


Why write a new law when all the others on the books are not being enforced.

Now Obama says not to enforce said laws.

Why make new ones when the old ones are not being enforced and scrapped by an unconstitutional president?
The big deal is illegal means a person has not followed the law. A nation of lawlessness cannot stand. An illegal is here for self interests, we need a nation united. Historically we discovered it was best to grant entry to this country to higher skilled people, this flies in the face of good immigration policy.
what is needed is the immigration laws/rules we had from the 1920's !

Ellis Island ??
Despite the far left propaganda.:.

So when do we see the bill from the new Congress?


When will you hold Obama accountable for violating the constitution?

And sense you want to side with the far lefty on tis issue, the new Congress doe snot start until January.

That is the earliest the "new" Congress can do anything.

Great. Obama challenged them to send him a bill. Don't you think that, with their new power, this is the perfect opportunity to lead?


Why make new laws when the old ones are not being enforced?
And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

I would say that you are missing the fact that some very large employers who are very big supporters of the Republican party, in no way want their source of cheap labor to dry up.

Repubs are all talk, no actions about immigration reform. And there is a reason. Cheap workers who do a decent job.

Nonsense. Democrats would be seeing 5% of their votes leave the country if 11million illegals were deported.
And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

I would say that you are missing the fact that some very large employers who are very big supporters of the Republican party, in no way want their source of cheap labor to dry up.

Repubs are all talk, no actions about immigration reform. And there is a reason. Cheap workers who do a decent job.

Man, you nailed it. The most salient, wise and enduring answer to any question in politics was spoken by FBI official Mark "Deepthroat" Felt, to Bob Woodard when they were trying to bust the Watergate scandal, "Follow the money".

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?


My problem is I don't trust the guy....

There is a problem with how we got here.
He can't wait a bit longer to get a bill passed?
We have a new Congress convening he is in such a rush he can't do it the right way....

Yeah I know the people have waited too long....

How about this....

Obama said at least 25 times he can't do what he now says he can....

Anyone want to explain what changed.
Did Valerie Jarrett proclaim him emperor and God....

How now all of a sudden Obama has powers he did not have a year ago....

And lastly...This is not the first time some sort of Amnesty has been done...
Why can't we enforce the laws on the books....
Are we going to have to go through this every 10 - 20 years...
I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?


The thing I think you are missing is the reason we are discussing immigration is because the President and Liberal Democrats in Congress wanted to. The immigration system isn't fucked just because illegal immigrants choose to break the law.

President Obama didn't challenge Congress with anything ... He threatened Congress in saying if they wouldn't do what he wanted ... He would do it himself. Measures being considered now are the results of Liberals controlling the dialog and pushing their agenda.

A child can understand the concept ... "Do it, or I will make you do it".


It's looking pretty obvious that the GOP doesn't want to write a new bill on this.

Leadership? No, that's too difficult.

I guess my question is answered.


Congress' time would be better spent balancing the budget (as currently required by law) and deficit reduction ... Versus comprehensive immigration reform ... And you can bet your bottom dollar the President and Progressive Liberals would rather talk about immigration.

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The 'Conservatives' continue to repeat the lie about the floodgates for illegal immigrants that President Obama opened. Here are the numbers. 7.5 million illegals here in 2001, 11.7 million here in 2008, and 11.3 million here in 2013. Those numbers tell who opened the floodgates, and who closed them. You assholes are such damned liars.

Illegally living in the U.S. longer - The Washington Post

Illegally living in the U.S. longer
A new study by the Pew Research Center found that about one third of illegal immigrant adults living in the United States over the years have had children here, and are staying. Read related article.
And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

I would say that you are missing the fact that some very large employers who are very big supporters of the Republican party, in no way want their source of cheap labor to dry up.

Repubs are all talk, no actions about immigration reform. And there is a reason. Cheap workers who do a decent job.

Man, you nailed it. The most salient, wise and enduring answer to any question in politics was spoken by FBI official Mark "Deepthroat" Felt, to Bob Woodard when they were trying to bust the Watergate scandal, "Follow the money".

Nailed it precisely. Money is the root of this along with power. Close to a million illegals on the Obamacare rolls have run out of time. They haven't provided proof of citizenship yet and were about to be dumped. So Obama has just extended them. All they have to do is reapply with their new Greencards. The intended purpose of this is to save Obamacare.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Enrolled in Obamacare
If we wanted cheap, dumb labor we'd go to Democrat Big City schools and hire people in college who can't read or write
Because they are lazy and want to get high all day, not work. Thanks to all the social programs their moms are on they have learned this lifestyle from "the great society". Thanks liberals

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

They also must apply for citizenship and pay all fees, which is several thousand dollars..

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