Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?

Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?

Sure, he lied his ass off, sided with foreign criminals over Americans, and ignored the will of the American people. Voters told Obama NO we don't agree with you and Obama said fuck y'all.
So did Reagan, it's something that has been going on since the early eighties. When union busters got Reagan, the ex president of the screen actors guild, to be anti-union...

I don't disagree, Reagan, Bush, Obama all screwed over Americans siding with illegals. Under Reagan's amnesty the damn border was supposed to be secured but of course lying Democrats reneged on that part of the deal. And 10 years later studies proved Reagan's amnesty was a net loss for our economy.

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up?
No, I don't agree at all.

And it appears no one can say exactly what WAS broken either.

Deja vu to the health care debate.

"Nothing is wrong, so we're just gonna sit here. And when the Democrats actually do something, we're going to try to stop them. And when we can't we just call them Marxists."

Great leadership, really top-flight.

Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?

Sure, he lied his ass off, sided with foreign criminals over Americans, and ignored the will of the American people. Voters told Obama NO we don't agree with you and Obama said fuck y'all.
So did Reagan, it's something that has been going on since the early eighties. When union busters got Reagan, the ex president of the screen actors guild, to be anti-union...

I don't disagree, Reagan, Bush, Obama all screwed over Americans siding with illegals. Under Reagan's amnesty the damn border was supposed to be secured but of course lying Democrats reneged on that part of the deal. And 10 years later studies proved Reagan's amnesty was a net loss for our economy.
It was suppose to be secured under Bush but it was a half assed job that was left undone....
The Senate passed a bipartisan bill with 68 votes...seriously, in this divided government, 68 votes in the Senate on an immigration bill that the Boehner has refused to allow the full House to vote on...because it will pass. This bill was passed by the Senate over 500 days ago.

The plan has been to never let the President to ever appear to have any victory and then complain loudly that he is not getting anything done.

Works for the faithful and stupid.
Seemed to have worked for the eight years the Democrats did nothing but try to make Bush a failure.
don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up?
No, I don't agree at all.

And it appears no one can say exactly what WAS broken either.

Deja vu to the health care debate.

"Nothing is wrong, so we're just gonna sit here. And when the Democrats actually do something, we're going to try to stop them. And when we can't we just call them Marxists."

Great leadership, really top-flight.

That made no sense at all. It IS leadership to prevent harm to occur to our country, even if that harm is initiated inside the government.

There is nothing that needs to be fixed, reformed, or altered. It just needs to be enforced.
don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up?
No, I don't agree at all.

And it appears no one can say exactly what WAS broken either.

Deja vu to the health care debate.

"Nothing is wrong, so we're just gonna sit here. And when the Democrats actually do something, we're going to try to stop them. And when we can't we just call them Marxists."

Great leadership, really top-flight.
So, noticeably, you can't say what was wrong with our immigration system.

So I'll tell you what was wrong... OUR GOVERNMENT WASN'T ENFORCING THE LAWS WE HAD.

What makes ANYONE think NEW laws will be any different?

This entire charade is politically driven. It's all a game of power.
The immigration system is broken because that is how the ones that want cheap labor want it.....
A lie. Pretty simply put, this statement is a deflection because you have no real answer to the statement that nothing needs to be fixed.
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The Senate passed a bipartisan bill with 68 votes...seriously, in this divided government, 68 votes in the Senate on an immigration bill that the Boehner has refused to allow the full House to vote on...because it will pass. This bill was passed by the Senate over 500 days ago.

The plan has been to never let the President to ever appear to have any victory and then complain loudly that he is not getting anything done.

Works for the faithful and stupid.
Seemed to have worked for the eight years the Democrats did nothing but try to make Bush a failure.
I enjoyed his EO making the worlds largest marine reserve....around Hawaii...bush did other things I approved of...but you people are like a divorcing couple, no way would you give the other partner credit for a good act or word....
The immigration system is broken because that is how the ones that want cheap labor want it.....

Our immigration system consists of laws ... People not following the laws doesn't mean it is broken ... It means the illegal immigrants are criminals.

The immigration system is broken because that is how the ones that want cheap labor want it.....

Our immigration system consists of laws ... People not following the laws doesn't mean it is broken ... It means the illegal immigrants are criminals.

So are the employers, renters, car dealers, etc, etc...I am a criminal because I refuse to follow certain laws also.....If that be the decision, I am fine living in the same spirit as the Founding Fathers when they refused to follow the King's law and edicts...
The MinC put a bandaid on the skin cancer that is festering on the ass of America. Fix the problem you useless ahole!
If you are asking ONE person to fix the problem, aren't you wanting him to act like a dictator?
I'm asking him to act like an experienced manager...come up with comprehensive solutions that solve the problem, working together with congress....leading....not dictating.
don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up?
No, I don't agree at all.

And it appears no one can say exactly what WAS broken either.

Deja vu to the health care debate.

"Nothing is wrong, so we're just gonna sit here. And when the Democrats actually do something, we're going to try to stop them. And when we can't we just call them Marxists."

Great leadership, really top-flight.

That made no sense at all. It IS leadership to prevent harm to occur to our country, even if that harm is initiated inside the government.

There is nothing that needs to be fixed, reformed, or altered. It just needs to be enforced.

99.9% of the problem right now is the laws are not enforced.

There may be problems even still with them being enforced, but we will never know until they are.

Secure Fence Act of 2006 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?

Sure, he lied his ass off, sided with foreign criminals over Americans, and ignored the will of the American people. Voters told Obama NO we don't agree with you and Obama said fuck y'all.
So did Reagan, it's something that has been going on since the early eighties. When union busters got Reagan, the ex president of the screen actors guild, to be anti-union...

I don't disagree, Reagan, Bush, Obama all screwed over Americans siding with illegals. Under Reagan's amnesty the damn border was supposed to be secured but of course lying Democrats reneged on that part of the deal. And 10 years later studies proved Reagan's amnesty was a net loss for our economy.
It was suppose to be secured under Bush but it was a half assed job that was left undone....

Again no argument from me. This sometimes confuses the left but we conservatives have NO PROBLEM calling Republican presidents on the carpet and slamming them for things like this. The left on the other hand, a Dem president could kill and eat a puppy and they would defend him.

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.

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