Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?

Can we talk about what Obama actually DID?

Sure, he lied his ass off, sided with foreign criminals over Americans, and ignored the will of the American people. Voters told Obama NO we don't agree with you and Obama said fuck y'all.
So did Reagan, it's something that has been going on since the early eighties. When union busters got Reagan, the ex president of the screen actors guild, to be anti-union...

I don't disagree, Reagan, Bush, Obama all screwed over Americans siding with illegals. Under Reagan's amnesty the damn border was supposed to be secured but of course lying Democrats reneged on that part of the deal. And 10 years later studies proved Reagan's amnesty was a net loss for our economy.
It was suppose to be secured under Bush but it was a half assed job that was left undone....

Again no argument from me. This sometimes confuses the left but we conservatives have NO PROBLEM calling Republican presidents on the carpet and slamming them for things like this. The left on the other hand, a Dem president could kill and eat a puppy and they would defend him.

Hardly as I would be the first to notice a bad move, my wife is farther left than I and says we should not eat animals, would be the first to say that it's a bad move. I was severely affected in my ability to earn a living during the illegals invasion during Boosh...and we both are anti-illegals...
Sure, he lied his ass off, sided with foreign criminals over Americans, and ignored the will of the American people. Voters told Obama NO we don't agree with you and Obama said fuck y'all.
So did Reagan, it's something that has been going on since the early eighties. When union busters got Reagan, the ex president of the screen actors guild, to be anti-union...

I don't disagree, Reagan, Bush, Obama all screwed over Americans siding with illegals. Under Reagan's amnesty the damn border was supposed to be secured but of course lying Democrats reneged on that part of the deal. And 10 years later studies proved Reagan's amnesty was a net loss for our economy.
It was suppose to be secured under Bush but it was a half assed job that was left undone....

Again no argument from me. This sometimes confuses the left but we conservatives have NO PROBLEM calling Republican presidents on the carpet and slamming them for things like this. The left on the other hand, a Dem president could kill and eat a puppy and they would defend him.

Hardly as I would be the first to notice a bad move, my wife is farther left than I and says we should not eat animals, would be the first to say that it's a bad move. I was severely affected in my ability to earn a living during the illegals invasion during Boosh...and we both are anti-illegals...

I'm sick and tired of illegals jumping our border and shitting on us while the president and some in congress on both sides take their side over Americans.
The immigration system is broken because that is how the ones that want cheap labor want it.....

Our immigration system consists of laws ... People not following the laws doesn't mean it is broken ... It means the illegal immigrants are criminals.


Our immigration laws are like our gun laws.

Our gun laws are fine but everybody know criminals will still get guns.
Our immigration laws are fine it just allows illegal immigrants to still get jobs.
Just throw up you hands (like on gun laws) and admit there is nothing we can do about it.
Criminals are just being criminals...and employers still like cheap labor.
Buy another gun, you will feel better.

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.
1. It was a law written by a Democrat Congress. Calling it Reagan's bill does not lend much in the way of credibility to your argument.

2. There are laws still on the books regarding immigration that predate the 80's amnesty bill, which was to be a "One Time" deal.

So, again, let Me reiterate. Enforce the immigration laws that are on the books, and companies along with border jumpers, get fined, penalized and/or jailed or deported.

The real problem with immigration is its lack of enforcement. Plain and simple.

Start with enforcing current law. Then look at what area's are lacking...

Then...........and get this....

Fix ONLY those areas that are lacking. Like border enforcement and the like.

The bill passed by the Senate is a farce, as is ANY bill that claims to be "comprehensive".

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.
Oblama has been penalizing companies with big fines, the boarder may not be closed but technology put there alerts to border crossing in the very open areas. The border cities are not as secured as they need to be and we need to do like Mexico and register all who enter..$28 dollars por favor...
The immigration system is broken because that is how the ones that want cheap labor want it.....

Our immigration system consists of laws ... People not following the laws doesn't mean it is broken ... It means the illegal immigrants are criminals.


Our immigration laws are like our gun laws.

Our gun laws are fine but everybody know criminals will still get guns.
Our immigration laws are fine it just allows illegal immigrants to still get jobs.
Just throw up you hands (like on gun laws) and admit there is nothing we can do about it.
Criminals are just being criminals...and employers still like cheap labor.
Buy another gun, you will feel better.
You can buy guns out of the newspaper without and background checks, hell they sell them on Criagslist.....

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.
Oblama has been penalizing companies with big fines, the boarder may not be closed but technology put there alerts to border crossing in the very open areas. The border cities are not as secured as they need to be and we need to do like Mexico and register all who enter..$28 dollars por favor...
the fines and punishment, legislated by congress, are not deep enough to truly hurt.
Our immigration laws are like our gun laws.

Our gun laws are fine but everybody know criminals will still get guns.
Our immigration laws are fine it just allows illegal immigrants to still get jobs.
Just throw up you hands (like on gun laws) and admit there is nothing we can do about it.
Criminals are just being criminals...and employers still like cheap labor.

Your statements are true ... With the exception of employers liking cheap labor (not all employers are interested in cheap labor over quality labor) ... The idea that doing nothing is more effective than punishing criminals ... And the idea a firearm has anything to do with the way I feel.



Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.
Oblama has been penalizing companies with big fines, the boarder may not be closed but technology put there alerts to border crossing in the very open areas. The border cities are not as secured as they need to be and we need to do like Mexico and register all who enter..$28 dollars por favor...
the fines and punishment, legislated by congress, are not deep enough to truly hurt.
They should yank their license..

Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.
1. It was a law written by a Democrat Congress. Calling it Reagan's bill does not lend much in the way of credibility to your argument.

2. There are laws still on the books regarding immigration that predate the 80's amnesty bill, which was to be a "One Time" deal.

So, again, let Me reiterate. Enforce the immigration laws that are on the books, and companies along with border jumpers, get fined, penalized and/or jailed or deported.

The real problem with immigration is its lack of enforcement. Plain and simple.

Start with enforcing current law. Then look at what area's are lacking...

Then...........and get this....

Fix ONLY those areas that are lacking. Like border enforcement and the like.

The bill passed by the Senate is a farce, as is ANY bill that claims to be "comprehensive".
you've misunderstood, Reagan's Proposal on Immigration was GOOD, it had teeth, with its amnesty...

congress chose to STRIP Reagan's Immigration proposal of teeth...
You can buy guns out of the newspaper without and background checks, hell they sell them on Criagslist.....

Yep and the gun nuts will tell you there is nothing to be done about it.
The employers of illegals will tell you that there is nothing to be done about illegals........except hire them.
You can buy guns out of the newspaper without and background checks, hell they sell them on Criagslist.....

Yep and the gun nuts will tell you there is nothing to be done about it.
The employers of illegals will tell you that there is nothing to be done about illegals........except hire them.

Prosecuting the existing law (against criminals in all associated matters) would solve those problems ... But choosing not to prosecute the law is exactly (to the word) what the President's Executive Order requires. Just another example of how Progressive Liberals have nothing to offer except the exact opposite of what would improve conditions in regards to the law.


Boy, I'm really failing to get this conversation going on other threads, so I'll try to start one.

From what I've seen the main takeaway from this act is that most illegals will not be deported if they have not been here long enough; they have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

Seems like much ado about not that much to me.

I also heard him challenge the GOP Congress to pass a bill that will override this act. So, as I asked on another thread -- don't we all agree that our immigration system is fucked up? Don't we want to fix something that is important and fucked up?

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

Here is your problem.

We DON'T agree that the immigration system is fucked up.

The system is just fine.

It is the people administering the program that are fucked up. I think we should press criminal charges against them Myself.

If we simply enforced our existing immigration laws, there would be no problem at all.
Well, that is not true Darkwind, we do have problems with our immigration policy and it extends from when Immigration reform was passed under President Reagan. President Reagan's plan had border enforcement and very harsh penalties for American Companies hiring illegals....with his Amnesty.

When the bill finally passed, Congress STRIPPED the hard penalties for employers that hire illegals and didn't fund increased border security for a couple more decades.

THIS is where Reagan's Immigration Reform went wrong....and THIS is why we have more illegals today than ever before....not Reagan's Amnesty....Reagan gives very eloquent reasons why....amnesty was important....but Congress gutting the bill of any teeth to stop illegal immigration from continuing, is where the bill failed us.

Congress needs to put some teeth in an immigration policy that stops illegal immigration from continuing and harsh penalties for employers that hire illegals stops illegal immigration at its ROOT.

These people are coming here to better their lives by getting jobs.

No jobs to be had for new illegals, no one wanting to risk death to cross the border to get here....for no jobs available for them.
1. It was a law written by a Democrat Congress. Calling it Reagan's bill does not lend much in the way of credibility to your argument.

2. There are laws still on the books regarding immigration that predate the 80's amnesty bill, which was to be a "One Time" deal.

So, again, let Me reiterate. Enforce the immigration laws that are on the books, and companies along with border jumpers, get fined, penalized and/or jailed or deported.

The real problem with immigration is its lack of enforcement. Plain and simple.

Start with enforcing current law. Then look at what area's are lacking...

Then...........and get this....

Fix ONLY those areas that are lacking. Like border enforcement and the like.

The bill passed by the Senate is a farce, as is ANY bill that claims to be "comprehensive".
you've misunderstood, Reagan's Proposal on Immigration was GOOD, it had teeth, with its amnesty...

congress chose to STRIP Reagan's Immigration proposal of teeth...

Darn that far left Tip O'Neil..

Although Reagan did go to Congress and worked with Congress vs what Obama has done..
[T]hey have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

FACT: Obama is only granting temporary amnesty to a finite group of parents whose children are legal U.S. citizens.

FACT: In exchange for this temporary amnesty, these illegals have to come out of the shadows, pay taxes and render themselves trackable by the US Government (by signing forms and handing over private information). Under the laws of Homeland Security, the high number of undocumented immigrants living in the shadows is considered a threat to national security. (The GOP knows this, and they know the president has to do something about it, and they're hoping that their inaction will force Obama's hand which will give them "red meat" to convince the American people that a democratic president cannot be trusted. This is a sign of their increasing desperation over not being able to win presidential elections).

FACT: Reagan enacted a sweeping (and much larger) overhaul that gave legal status to up to 3 million immigrants without authorization to be in the country, if they had come to the U.S. before 1982.

FACT: In February 1990, President George H.W. Bush, acting through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, established a "family fairness" in which family members living with a legalizing immigrant were granted protection from deportation and authorized to seek employment. The administration estimated up to 1.5 million people would be covered by the policy.

FACT: The GOP will not pass immigration reform because any Republican who is part of any legislation that Obama signs will be destroyed in the next election.

FACT: if the Democrats and Republicans work together to solve this problem, specifically if they send Obama an immigration bill that he can sign, than this would prove that government can (in isolated circumstances) fix problems. However, we know that The GOP cannot allow this to happen because they have created a climate where they lose politically if government solves any problems. The Republican platform is now 100% dominated by one single fact: government is broken and cannot solve any problems. Remember: these people get elected based on the promise that they will obstruct Obama and Government from doing anything, because Government by definition is evil and must be stopped.

FACT: it is in the GOPs interest to do ABSOLUTELY nothing on this issue, thus forcing Obama to bring these people out of the shadows so that they can be taxed and, more importantly, documented & tracked by the Department of Homeland Security. Then, when Obama does what they know he has to do, they can run commercials in 2016 about how Democratic presidents are dictators who don't respect "Borders, Language, Culture".

FACT: They got Obama exactly where they want him.
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[T]hey have to pass criminal and security background checks, they have to pay taxes and prove their eligibility to stay.

And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

FACT: Obama is only granting temporary amnesty to a finite group of parents whose children are legal U.S. citizens. Reagan did the same thing

FACT: In exchange for this temporary amnesty, these illegals have to come out of the shadows, pay taxes and render themselves trackable by the US Government (by signing forms and handing over private information). Under the laws of Homeland Security, the high number of undocumented immigrants living in the shadows is considered a threat to national security. (The GOP knows this, and they know the president has to do something about it, and they're hoping that their inaction will force Obama's hand which will give them "red meat" to convince the American people that a democratic president cannot be trusted. This is a sign of their increasing desperation over not being able to win presidential elections).

FACT: Reagan enacted a sweeping (and much larger) overhaul that gave legal status to up to 3 million immigrants without authorization to be in the country, if they had come to the U.S. before 1982.

FACT: In February 1990, President George H.W. Bush, acting through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, established a "family fairness" in which family members living with a legalizing immigrant were granted protection from deportation and authorized to seek employment. The administration estimated up to 1.5 million people would be covered by the policy.

FACT: The GOP will not pass immigration reform because any Republican who is part of any legislation that Obama signs will be destroyed in the next election.

FACT: if the Democrats and Republicans work together to solve this problem, specifically if they send Obama an immigration bill that he can sign, than this would prove that government can (in isolated circumstances) fix problems. However, we know that The GOP cannot allow this to happen because they have created a climate where they lose politically if government solves any problems. The Republican platform is now 100% dominated by one single fact: government is broken and cannot solve any problems. Remember: these people get elected based on the promise that they will obstruct Obama and Government from doing anything, because Government by definition is evil and must be stopped.

FACT: it is in the GOPs interest to do ABSOLUTELY nothing on this issue, thus forcing Obama to bring these people out of the shadows so that they can be taxed and, more importantly, documented & tracked by the Department of Homeland Security. Then, when Obama does what they know he has to do, they can run commercials in 2016 about how Democratic presidents are dictators who don't respect "Borders, Language, Culture".

FACT: Game over.
I think they should be registered, photographed, Iris scanned and implanted with microchips, and NEVER allowed to be citizens.

I am fine with them being here working, since so many Americans find work offensive, and are perfectly happy on the dole.

When these hard working, registered and permitted aliens make a lot of money, their citizen kids will probably be Republicans as they watch their tax dollars go to slugs.
Their cheeks still flushed from Ebolysteria sickness, the rubes lined up for their weekly goblets of piss, and were grubered into believing amnesty was going to be in that thar EO.

Stupid voters. Why haven't they figured out yet that mug of piss is laced with what's making them ill?

Will being lied to over and over and over and over again ever cause the rubes to stop buying into the propaganda and unclog their logic filters?

I am not optimistic. In a week or two, they will grab onto another piss vessel over some other manufactured crisis.

Just like they have been for six years going now.
FACT: Obama is only granting temporary amnesty to a finite group of parents whose children are legal U.S. citizens.

It is not amnesty. Amnesty is permanent. Temporary amnesty is an oxymoron. Like "a temporary pardon".

This was a stay of execution, not a pardon. It gives the idiot Republicans in the House more time to enact the actual amnesty that has been sitting on their desk all year that they were too chickenshit to pass before the election.
And why, precisely, wouldn't the GOP jump at this opportunity to pass a bill and put it on Obama's desk?

What am I missing?

I would say that you are missing the fact that some very large employers who are very big supporters of the Republican party, in no way want their source of cheap labor to dry up.

Repubs are all talk, no actions about immigration reform. And there is a reason. Cheap workers who do a decent job.

Huh? Corporations aren't hiring illegals, small businesses are.
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