Can You Feel It?



By 1875, Republicans, both black and white, had worked together to pass over two dozen civil rights bills. Unfortunately, their momentum came to a screeching halt in 1876 when the Democratic Party took control of Congress. Hell bent on preventing blacks from voting, Southern Democrats devised nearly a dozen shady schemes, like requiring literacy tests, misleading election procedures, redrawing election lines, changing polling locations, creating white-only primaries, and even rewriting state constitutions. Talk about disenfranchising black voters!

There were also lynchings, but not what you might think. According to the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, between 1882 and 1964 an estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,279 whites were lynched at the hands of the Klan.}

Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

You only lie when you post.

We come to celebrate and give thanks for the remarkable life of J. William Fulbright, a life that changed our country and our world forever and for the better. . . . In the work he did, the words he spoke and the life he lived, Bill Fulbright stood against the 20th century’s most destructive forces and fought to advance its brightest hopes. So spoke President William J. Clinton in 1995 of a man was among the 99 Democrats in Congress to sign the “Southern Manifesto” in 1956. (Two Republicans also signed it.) The Southern Manifesto declared the signatories’ opposition to the Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education and their commitment to segregation forever. Fulbright was also among those who filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Read more at:}

By 1875, Republicans, both black and white, had worked together to pass over two dozen civil rights bills. Unfortunately, their momentum came to a screeching halt in 1876 when the Democratic Party took control of Congress. Hell bent on preventing blacks from voting, Southern Democrats devised nearly a dozen shady schemes, like requiring literacy tests, misleading election procedures, redrawing election lines, changing polling locations, creating white-only primaries, and even rewriting state constitutions. Talk about disenfranchising black voters!

There were also lynchings, but not what you might think. According to the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law, between 1882 and 1964 an estimated 3,446 blacks and 1,279 whites were lynched at the hands of the Klan.}

Articles: The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party
Hey retard. I have never denied Democrats were in the Klan. In fact, I said it is a lie of omission to say ONLY Democrats were in the Klan.

All caught up now, retard?

The GOP was infested with Klansmen. They took over the party. I have buried you with the evidence.

Tell me something. Serious question: How are you so ignorant of American history?

What kind of school did you attend? Based on your posting history, they didn't teach math, they didn't teach logic, they didn't teach US history. So what DID they teach?

Did you drop out in fifth grade?
They have made the home of the editor and publisher of the Colorado Springs Gazette, and GOP national committee member, a historic landmark because of his fight against the Klan's infestation of the GOP:

"In 1926 he and former Governor Oliver H. Shoup received national attention for leading a successful fight to defeat Klan-backed candidates in Republican primaries and keep the Ku Klux Klan from controlling the party in Colorado."

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So you see, it is inaccurate to make the "KKK" and "Democrats" synonymous. That is a huge lie of omission. The Big Lie propagandists count on the willfully stupid tards like UnCensored not having any familiarity with American history at all.

The Klan infested both parties.

We shall now sit back and watch UnCensored continue to stab out his own eyes and rip off his own ears to keep himself blind and deaf to American historical fact. ;)
Kansas Battles the Invisible Empire

IN THE SPRING OF 1921, 200 kleagles, of the Ku Klux Klan spread across the nation seeking members for William Joseph Simmons' revival of the KKK of Reconstruction days. Kansas did not escape the invasion. Fresh from successful membership campaigns in Oklahoma and working out of the Kansas City, Mo., office of Imperial Representative George C. McCarron (who had made his way north from Houston and Oklahoma City [1]), the organizers appeared first in southcentral and southeastern Kansas, in such places as Arkansas City, Winfield, Pittsburg, Fort Scott, Caney, and Independence, and in the state's two largest cities, Wichita and Kansas City. They declared that the "Invisible Empire" stood for Protestant, Fundamental Christianity, old-fashioned morality, and patriotism.

Like I keep saying, "Christian terrorists" is a far more accurate term, using the pseudocons own standard!

Attorney General Griffith wanted an anti-Klan plank in the platform of the Kansas Republican party, but his motion was overruled by Ben S. Paulen, who, with the support of the KKK, secured the Republican nomination for governor. The Democrats, on the other hand, denounced the Invisible Empire in their platform, but because Gov. Jonathan M. Davis had accepted the Klan's support in 1922, considerable doubt was cast upon the sincerity of the Democratic position.

Honestly, how is it the tards are completely unaware the Klan infested both parties?

They don't know even the basics of American history. They only know what the revisionist propagandists tell them.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

One question.

Do you think Donald Trump has ever has strongly held political beliefs of any kind?
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

One question.

Do you think Donald Trump has ever has strongly held political beliefs of any kind?
When he wasn't running for office, he invariably gave the far left answer to any political question asked of him.

He's a New York liberal! It's not like liberals are thin on the ground in NYC, for chrissakes.

He used to be proud of being a NY liberal.

Now he is a liberal pretending to be a conservative, and he talks like a liberal who has no idea what real conservatives think. His demented brain overflows with straw man fallacies of what it means to be a conservative.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

One question.

Do you think Donald Trump has ever has strongly held political beliefs of any kind?
When he wasn't running for office, he invariably gave the far left answer to any political question asked of him.

He's a New York liberal! It's not like liberals are thin on the ground in NYC, for chrissakes.

He used to be proud of being a NY liberal.

Now he is a liberal pretending to be a conservative, and he talks like a liberal who has no idea what real conservatives think. His demented brain overflows with straw man fallacies of what it means to be a conservative.
And Hillary is even more liberal.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

No........that is what the democrats do...the party of crime, racism and rape......the democrat party has been evil since it's creation...and it hasn't changed, it only changed tactics......
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

that's an awful lot of conspiracy theory there. i don't believe for a second that donald was a stalking horse for hillary clinton.

thank goodness re the supreme court.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

One question.

Do you think Donald Trump has ever has strongly held political beliefs of any kind?
When he wasn't running for office, he invariably gave the far left answer to any political question asked of him.

He's a New York liberal! It's not like liberals are thin on the ground in NYC, for chrissakes.

He used to be proud of being a NY liberal.

Now he is a liberal pretending to be a conservative, and he talks like a liberal who has no idea what real conservatives think. His demented brain overflows with straw man fallacies of what it means to be a conservative.
And Hillary is even more liberal.
I don't think so. I don't recall her demanding Nancy Pelosi impeach Bush like Trump did, do you?

Trump's budget plan would add many more trillions of dollars to our national debt than Hillary's plan would. In fact, that's the dead giveaway he isn't a real conservative. The first thing a real conservative would have done was put a plan to reduce our debt on the table.

No, on just about every measure, Trump has always been more liberal than Clinton.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

that's an awful lot of conspiracy theory there. i don't believe for a second that donald was a stalking horse for hillary clinton.

thank goodness re the supreme court.
I don't think Trump is a false flag in the sense he is working in cahoots with the Clintons to bring all these things to pass.

There are days though... :D
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

One question.

Do you think Donald Trump has ever has strongly held political beliefs of any kind?
When he wasn't running for office, he invariably gave the far left answer to any political question asked of him.

He's a New York liberal! It's not like liberals are thin on the ground in NYC, for chrissakes.

He used to be proud of being a NY liberal.

Now he is a liberal pretending to be a conservative, and he talks like a liberal who has no idea what real conservatives think. His demented brain overflows with straw man fallacies of what it means to be a conservative.
And Hillary is even more liberal.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

that's an awful lot of conspiracy theory there. i don't believe for a second that donald was a stalking horse for hillary clinton.

thank goodness re the supreme court.
I don't think Trump is a false flag in the sense he is working in cahoots with the Clintons to bring all these things to pass.

There are days though... :D

lol. probably because it is inconceivable that anyone could do the things donald has done and seriously want to win the presidency. it's kind of wacked.
lol. probably because it is inconceivable that anyone could do the things donald has done and seriously want to win the presidency. it's kind of wacked.
He's lived in a fantasy world of self-delusion his entire life. Roy Cohn had a major influence on making Trump the kind of creep he is today.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Donald's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

And you will be at the front of the line, dick sucking/twat slurping to get your piece of the pie.
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.
The 'assholes' have taken over "your" party and 1 of 2 things will happen.

#1 They'll keep it and grow it into a force to be reckoned with. 'Assholes' galore.
#2 Abandon it and watch it collapse.

In short the GOP will NEVER be the same and that is a good thing.
Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
Donald Trump was a registered Democrat during the entire Bush Administration, and well into the Obama Administration.

He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

He wanted Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush.

He opposed the surge.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton would make a great President.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.

I have established all of these facts many times.

Sorry, but Trump is one of yours. He is a New York limousine liberal.


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

One question.

Do you think Donald Trump has ever has strongly held political beliefs of any kind?
When he wasn't running for office, he invariably gave the far left answer to any political question asked of him.

He's a New York liberal! It's not like liberals are thin on the ground in NYC, for chrissakes.

He used to be proud of being a NY liberal.

Now he is a liberal pretending to be a conservative, and he talks like a liberal who has no idea what real conservatives think. His demented brain overflows with straw man fallacies of what it means to be a conservative.
And Hillary is even more liberal.
I don't think so. I don't recall her demanding Nancy Pelosi impeach Bush like Trump did, do you?

Trump's budget plan would add many more trillions of dollars to our national debt. In fact, that's the dead giveaway he isn't a real conservative. The first thing a real conservative would have done was put a plan to reduce our debt on the table.

No, on just about every measure, Trump has always been more liberal than Clinton.
Hillary doesn't have a budget plan.

Hillary voted for the Iraq war(making it hard to make a case to impeach Bush) and now she is against it.

Hillary is now for "free college" and other nonsense.

Hillary has a public position and a private position on everything(like every Democrat).

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