Can You Feel It?

A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?
The old white racist men have made their final stand, and lost.
Now young white men are about to kick the shit out of you.

Democrats will have nothing left after they lose their "deplorables".
I pointed out during the Democratic convention that the Democrats let a golden opportunity pass by them unexploited.

When Bernie Sanders' supporters started booing, the Chairman of the convention should have showed them the door right then and there.
Black lives matter and la Raza are the deplorables, not the ACTUAL progressives
You mean like the Trump supporters who are supposedly so "deplorable"?

Not being able to recognize racism from people other than whites is a sign of severe mental disability.

Some day america may come to understand that no one, no people will accept oppression without resisting.
America hasn't even begun to feel the resistance of white people to their oppression yet.

Oh bullshit son, you're dilusional in so many ways you're not worth the time, have a nice day.
Ignorance isn't a virtue.

You will learn in good time though.

The poor downtrodden white male in america.
Hey give it a break, I'm trying to be white about my reversal in fortunes. (-:
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?
It's all going to be a jagged pill for the GOP folks who got turned into Tea the GOP caps the Tea Party in the head, and kicks it in the ditch.
Name a single Tea Party platform....

"Tea Party" is nothing but a euphemism for a"redneck" to you assholes
Not just's "uneducated white rednecks over 40, who go to a Bible Belt church once a week"
Except the TEA party had nothing to do with religion, and even the biased studies concluded that Tea party members were both more educated and more wealthy than your shitstain of a party ever dreamed of being.

Maybe we should resume this exchange when you graduate high school finally.

The tea party was not monolithic. It included the "don't socialize my medicare" crew along with the von mises devotees.
More ignorant caricatures manufactured by the media.
You mean like the Trump supporters who are supposedly so "deplorable"?

Not being able to recognize racism from people other than whites is a sign of severe mental disability.

Some day america may come to understand that no one, no people will accept oppression without resisting.
America hasn't even begun to feel the resistance of white people to their oppression yet.

Oh bullshit son, you're dilusional in so many ways you're not worth the time, have a nice day.
Ignorance isn't a virtue.

You will learn in good time though.

The poor downtrodden white male in america.
The poor, downtrodden, public school graduates of America....
Bills wife, if she has a vagina this is going to be historic !!!!!

And perhaps for lesbians, fat asses, and alzheimers patients as well !!!!!

Important factors to be sure...... lol
Can You Feel It?

I'm feelin' the epic asswhoopin' Trump's going to get.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

It feels like billions of souls just cried out in horror
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

Your attempts to saddle well meaning liberals with Trump are amusing. I'm not sure why you insist on doing that....but it's interesting.

Please wasn't liberals who got snookered by this clown.

Trump isn't a liberal. He's a nut. A conspiracy theory believing, opportunistic nut. And that nut has been embraced by a majority of America's self described conservatives.
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Donald's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?

And you will be at the front of the line, dick sucking/twat slurping to get your piece of the pie.
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.

Prove that I am a bigot or racist, or shut the fuck up. I never said I loved Trump, but i would have rather dealt with 4 years of his chaos that 4-8 years of progressive hell.

If this thing with the video being held for MONTHS rings true, then what we have is probably collusion to fuck up the Republican nomination, and you have been one of the willful idiots that will have let them get away with it.
Oh, I have no doubt the bus tape was held back deliberately. I even started a topic about it before it even occurred to any of you rubes. I called it Amateur vs. Professional October Surprises.

You rubes were wetting your pants in premature glee over the upcoming Wikileaks releases. In the meantime, the people who held a REAL surprise kept their counsel. They kept their powder dry. You dumb fucks never even saw it coming.

And just as I predicted, the Wikileaks ejaculations were weak sauce.

It's amusing you whine about interference in the election process when it is foreigners who are behind the Wikileaks bullshit.

NBC held the tape...but it wasn't NBC who ran with it. Why would NBC give up the honor?
I'll be right where I have always been. Kicking the assholes who have hijacked my party in the nuts. It is far past time for the GOP to show all you retards, hypocrites, liars, bigots, racists, and psychopaths the door.

Prove that I am a bigot or racist, or shut the fuck up. I never said I loved Trump, but i would have rather dealt with 4 years of his chaos that 4-8 years of progressive hell.

If this thing with the video being held for MONTHS rings true, then what we have is probably collusion to fuck up the Republican nomination, and you have been one of the willful idiots that will have let them get away with it.
Oh, I have no doubt the bus tape was held back deliberately. I even started a topic about it before it even occurred to any of you rubes. I called it Amateur vs. Professional October Surprises.

You rubes were wetting your pants in premature glee over the upcoming Wikileaks releases. In the meantime, the people who held a REAL surprise kept their counsel. They kept their powder dry. You dumb fucks never even saw it coming.

And just as I predicted, the Wikileaks ejaculations were weak sauce.

It's amusing you whine about interference in the election process when it is foreigners who are behind the Wikileaks bullshit.

I notice you dodged my racist/bigot challenge, you gutless hack. And yet you still don't see your enabling.

Trump is an ass, but he would have been a limited ass, held in check by congress, the courts, and a hostile media. Hillary will be given carte fucking blanche to reshape the country as she sees fit, and idiots like you are going to be the cause of it.

Or the nation could have gotten a real candidate out of the republican party.

it was a perfect storm, Celebrity, angst in the heartland, and a complicit press that was waiting to give Hilary the easiest path possible.

No one person made this situation, it was a team effort.

The press gave Trump the easiest path possible.....along with 16 incompetent primary opponents.
It has to be really tough for Melania right now. Really, really tough.

Kind of like Hillary back in the day. Do I stand by him and maybe get to the White House, or do I do the right thing and kick this motherfucker out of the house?

She must be doing some serious calculus right now. Checking the election polls, her current bank balance, Donald's tax returns...

I won't be surprised if we see them divorce in the next year or so if trump loses the election.
Ahhhh, you gotta love the ignorance of the tards who think the Christian terrorists of the Klan were all Democrats.

Ahh, you've just gotta love lying fucks who fabricate tales in direct contradiction to historical fact.

Hey, you're a democrat, you lie, it's what you do.

The fact is, the Republican party was dominated by the Klan. Kind of like the way it is currently dominated by the retards, racists, bigots, liars, hypocrites and psychopaths today.

You're lying, flat out.

You know you're lying, and I know you're lying.

You're a hack without a hint or shred of integrity, so you lie.

And just like back then, the sane Republicans actually considered starting a new party because the GOP had become so infected by the Klan.

And the called that party the "Dixicrats." Because they were Republicans from Dixi, and when you combine Republican and Dixi if forms Dixicrat.

Oh wait, you're lying through your fucking teeth again - you're a democrat, a sociopath who lies the way other people breath.

To call the KKK a Democratic organization is to tell a HUGE lie of omission.

You offer a HUGE lie of commission.

A far more accurate term for the KKK is "Christian terrorists".

Lies are not "accurate" by definition, Yes, you are christophobic bigot and seek to slander the object of your hatred with the sins the YOU perpetrated,.

The KKK was the terrorist wing of the democratic party, terrorist promoting YOUR filthy and shameful party.

It is amusing how the retards demand Obama call ISIS "Muslims terrorists" and yet you NEVER hear them call the KKK "Christian terrorists", even though that is exactly what the Klan is.

Thus the category "hypocrites" is part of my list of assholes who have hijacked the party.

I call them what they were, "democrat terrorists."

That you are a pathological liar doesn't alter reality, it just demonstrates that you're a democrat.
Obama's old church can also be categorized as "Christian terrorists"....
Oh, so you admit Obama is a Christian when it suits you, eh? On any other day, though, he's a Muslim, amiright?

Positively schizophrenic. I've seen so many examples of it in Trump's Chumps I honestly do not understand why their heads don't explode from holding so many schizophrenic memes in their heads.

So...what acts of terror did the Trinity Church commit?
When did I say Obama was a Muslim?

BTW, You do realize there are plenty of KKK chapters that have never harmed a hair on anyone's head, right?

How is Reverend Wright any different from David Duke?
What acts of terror has the Trinity Church committed?
What act of terror did David Duke commit...besides being pro-white in an anti-white world?

You want to perpetually call the entire KKK a terrorist organization for murders in the distant past, but you can't admit that they really aren't any different from any other group spouting racist diatribes today(including Obama's church).
The Christian terrorists of the KKK would still be murdering darkies today if they had their way.

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