Can You Feel It?

Listen to the crazy left. They are posing an argument that if every wild allegation about Trump is true he must be half as bad as the Clintons.
Why do you enabling tards of a pedophile make a five year old's argument?

"Billy did it, too!"

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger™.
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Listen to the crazy left. They are posing an argument that if every wild allegation about Trump is true he must be half as bad as the Clintons.
Why do you enabling tards of a pedophile make a five year old's argument?

"Billy did it, too!"

they're attracted to the hypocrisy .... and too damn dumb to understand it.
Ahhhh, you gotta love the ignorance of the tards who think the Christian terrorists of the Klan were all Democrats.

Ahh, you've just gotta love lying fucks who fabricate tales in direct contradiction to historical fact.

Hey, you're a democrat, you lie, it's what you do.

The fact is, the Republican party was dominated by the Klan. Kind of like the way it is currently dominated by the retards, racists, bigots, liars, hypocrites and psychopaths today.

You're lying, flat out.

You know you're lying, and I know you're lying.

You're a hack without a hint or shred of integrity, so you lie.

And just like back then, the sane Republicans actually considered starting a new party because the GOP had become so infected by the Klan.

And the called that party the "Dixicrats." Because they were Republicans from Dixi, and when you combine Republican and Dixi if forms Dixicrat.

Oh wait, you're lying through your fucking teeth again - you're a democrat, a sociopath who lies the way other people breath.

To call the KKK a Democratic organization is to tell a HUGE lie of omission.

You offer a HUGE lie of commission.

A far more accurate term for the KKK is "Christian terrorists".

Lies are not "accurate" by definition, Yes, you are christophobic bigot and seek to slander the object of your hatred with the sins the YOU perpetrated,.

The KKK was the terrorist wing of the democratic party, terrorist promoting YOUR filthy and shameful party.

It is amusing how the retards demand Obama call ISIS "Muslims terrorists" and yet you NEVER hear them call the KKK "Christian terrorists", even though that is exactly what the Klan is.

Thus the category "hypocrites" is part of my list of assholes who have hijacked the party.

I call them what they were, "democrat terrorists."

That you are a pathological liar doesn't alter reality, it just demonstrates that you're a democrat.
Ooooookayyyy! Just remember, you asked for it, ignoramus!

Hooded Americanism

It is positively AMAZING how ignorant of American history Trump's Chumps are!
A lot of discussion has centered around the meaning of "Make America Great Again".

Was it a dog whistle calling for a return to the days when darkies and homos and broads knew their place?

Or was it a whining pessimist's assessment of America as it stands today and his promise to get the trains running on time again?

Well, I think recent events have revealed what the true meaning is.

You see, Pedophile Don had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way the Clintons have been vetted for the past 25 years. He had to know he was going to be vetted the exact same way Obama has been vetted for the past 9 years.

He had to know all the dirt about him would come out, but only after it was too late for the rubes to catch on.

Let's put it together, shall we?

I've been telling you from the get-go that Donald Trump is a New York limousine liberal, and a close friend of the Clintons. I've been telling you from the get-go he is "very pro-choice". I've been telling you from the get-go he liked Nancy Pelosi and wanted her to impeach Bush. I've been telling you from the get-go he opposed the surge and wanted us to cut-and-run from Iraq.

Now, at this much too late date to do anything about it, you are learning Donald Trump repeatedly sexually assaulted women. You have learned he lusted after ten year olds. You have learned he barged into the dressing rooms of underaged girls so he could seem them naked.

You have learned he was sued for attempted rape and settled out of court. You have learned that during the same period, he came rushing to Bill Clinton's defense and called Clinton's accusers ugly and losers.

So what does all this inform us of the true meaning of Pedophile Don's motto? What is his vision of returning to greatness?

Well, it looks like it means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again. It looks like a Democratic Senate again. It looks like a Clinton as President again. It looks like a liberal Supreme Court again.

Can you feel it?
I can feel it....your racist democrat kkk days are coming to an end....

It's toxic..,,
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige. I was saying. It is not accurate to use the terms "Democrat" and "KKK" synonymously.

The correct term for the Klan is "Christian terrorists", by the very standards used by the willfully ignorant psuedocons of today.
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.

Lying again Comrade?

You gutter scum democrats are all in for the Big Lie tactic.

Did you ever have integrity? I mean, did you attend seminars provided by the party to learn to purge yourself of all ethics and become the pathological liar you are today? Or were you born a sociopath?
New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.

Lying again Comrade?

You gutter scum democrats are all in for the Big Lie tactic.

Did you ever have integrity? I mean, did you attend seminars provided by the party to learn to purge yourself of all ethics and become the pathological liar you are today? Or were you born a sociopath?
Notice the willfully blind tard in action. Deliberately ignoring the mountain of evidence which just buried him! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Isn't this shit incredible? :lol: I was saying. It is not accurate to use the terms "Democrat" and "KKK" synonymously.

The correct term for the Klan is "Christian terrorists", by the very standards used by the willfully ignorant psuedocons of today.

You weren't "saying," you were lying.

It's what you do, you're a democrat, a lying scumbag.

Now, don't you have a Bible study to terrorize, maybe burn a cross in front of?
Notice the willfully blind tard in action. Deliberately ignoring the mountain of evidence which just buried him! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Isn't this shit incredible? :lol:

Blind? I see your lies quite clearly.

You are a leftist hack who does what all leftists do, you lie.When you get called on your lies, you lie some more. Then you spew hatred at Christians and whites.

Typical democrat.
Ahhhh, you gotta love the ignorance of the tards who think the Christian terrorists of the Klan were all Democrats.

Ahh, you've just gotta love lying fucks who fabricate tales in direct contradiction to historical fact.

Hey, you're a democrat, you lie, it's what you do.

The fact is, the Republican party was dominated by the Klan. Kind of like the way it is currently dominated by the retards, racists, bigots, liars, hypocrites and psychopaths today.

You're lying, flat out.

You know you're lying, and I know you're lying.

You're a hack without a hint or shred of integrity, so you lie.

And just like back then, the sane Republicans actually considered starting a new party because the GOP had become so infected by the Klan.

And the called that party the "Dixicrats." Because they were Republicans from Dixi, and when you combine Republican and Dixi if forms Dixicrat.

Oh wait, you're lying through your fucking teeth again - you're a democrat, a sociopath who lies the way other people breath.

To call the KKK a Democratic organization is to tell a HUGE lie of omission.

You offer a HUGE lie of commission.

A far more accurate term for the KKK is "Christian terrorists".

Lies are not "accurate" by definition, Yes, you are christophobic bigot and seek to slander the object of your hatred with the sins the YOU perpetrated,.

The KKK was the terrorist wing of the democratic party, terrorist promoting YOUR filthy and shameful party.

It is amusing how the retards demand Obama call ISIS "Muslims terrorists" and yet you NEVER hear them call the KKK "Christian terrorists", even though that is exactly what the Klan is.

Thus the category "hypocrites" is part of my list of assholes who have hijacked the party.

I call them what they were, "democrat terrorists."

That you are a pathological liar doesn't alter reality, it just demonstrates that you're a democrat.
Ooooookayyyy! Just remember, you asked for it, ignoramus!

Hooded Americanism


You lie a lot, but you're a democrat so lying is your nature.

The Republican Party had been founded in a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin just 12 years earlier, and Lincoln was its first president. The Klan saw both as just as big a menace as the newly freed slaves. Less than a year after Lincoln’s assassination, the Klan’s anti-Republican ideology spread rapidly.

As Dr. Foner wrote:

In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. It aimed to destroy the Republican party’s infrastructure, undermine the Reconstruction state, reestablish control of the black labor force, and restore racial subordination in every aspect of Southern life.

In 1868, the Klan elected its first Grand Wizard, Nathaniel Bedford Forrest. Decades later, his grandson wrote in the September 1928 issue of the Klan’s Kourier Magazine:

I have never voted for any man who was not a regular Democrat. My father … never voted for any man who was not a Democrat. My grandfather was …the head of the Ku Klux Klan in reconstruction days…. My great-grandfather was a life-long Democrat…. My great-great-grandfather was…one of the founders of the Democratic party.

Under the elder Forrest, the Klan’s violence grew almost uncontrollable. PBS’ American Experience reports:

In the time leading up to the 1868 presidential election, the Klan's activities picked up in speed and brutality. The election, which pitted Republican Ulysses S. Grant against Democrat Horatio Seymour, was crucial. Republicans would continue programs that prevented Southern whites from gaining political control in their states. Klan members knew that given the chance, the blacks in their communities would vote Republican.

Across the South, the Klan and other terrorist groups used brutal violence to intimidate Republican voters. In Kansas, over 2,000 murders were committed in connection with the election. In Georgia, the number of threats and beatings was even higher. And in Louisiana, 1000 blacks were killed as the election neared. In those three states, Democrats won decisive victories at the polls.

Democrats. Not Republicans, not Tea Partiers. Democrats.

Read more: The Democratic Party and the KKK | Common Sense Central | News/Talk 1130 WISN}

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