Can You Feel It?

I'm a big supporter of conservatism. This is why I hate people like Pedophile Don and UC.

If your neighbor invites a guest into their house and that guest shits all over your neighbors furniture, you would look at that guest pretty disdainfully.

But if a guest came into YOUR house and shit all over YOUR furniture, you would HATE that person with far more passion than your neightbor's guest.

Pedophile Don and the pseudocons like UnCensored are in MY house and shitting on MY furniture. They have destroyed the conservative brand for a generation.

Only a blazing retard would take my hate toward that guest to mean I support my neighbor's guest. You'd have to be down there in the single digits of intelligence. And that describes UnCensored profoundly retarded position.

Pedophile Don has to lose to save the soul of the conservative movement and the GOP. The pseudocons like UC have to be shown the door. It's way past time to kick them to the curb.
He was "very pro-choice" right up to the ninth month of pregnancy.

Trump was and probably is pro-abortion. Up to the 9th month? You're making that up, of course. Hey, you're a democrat, lying is what you do.

He wanted us to cut and run from Iraq.

He opposed our involvement from the start - unlike your gal Hillary.

He supported the war BEFORE the invasion. Just like Hillary and all his fellow Democrats.

And then, just like Code Pink, he demanded we cut and run from Iraq. THE VERY POLICY HE NOW BLAMES FOR THE RISE OF ISIS.

He said Bill Clinton was a great President.

Don't you say the same. Comrade?

Nope. Retard.

He said Hillary Clinton was the best Secretary of State ever, despite Benghazi.


Fact. Retard.

"How did she do as Secretary of State? Probably above and beyond everybody else and everything else."

But your beloved Hillary is "Conservative," Guno? :lmao:

I don't support Clinton, and you know that fuckwad. Liar. Retard.

There is NO ONE, not rdean, not Candy Corn, not Blindfool, who is a bigger promoter of Hillary Rodham Soprano than you are, Guno5000.


I take it as a compliment that you are more upset with me than the others, Don. It means I have kicked your balls the hardest.

Trump's campaign was first and always about him. I mean the tape of him saying something like grab them by the p9ssy and walking into dressing rooms with nude or seminude minors .... that was always gonna come out. If he were running against a normal candidate that would have killed him in any event. But Hillary has a sea anchor. LOL

But the ego and narcissism ..... Reagan, both Kennedys, Ike, FDR .... it was never about them. That's why on every important issue like trade and immigration, he's a false prophet. He's not trying to uplift the country and make it better. He's selling a con. "Only I can save you." "No one knows the tax code like I do."
Pedophile Don had to know his past was going to come out during the vetting process. But he was clever enough to realize the pseudocons wouldn't care and would actually defend his pedophile behavior. He knew he could mold them into everything they used to claim they hated.

Hucksters are aces at getting the rubes to buy whatever snake oil they are selling, and to be promoters of the brand.
Trump's campaign was first and always about him. I mean the tape of him saying something like grab them by the p9ssy and walking into dressing rooms with nude or seminude minors .... that was always gonna come out. If he were running against a normal candidate that would have killed him in any event. But Hillary has a sea anchor. LOL

But the ego and narcissism ..... Reagan, both Kennedys, Ike, FDR .... it was never about them. That's why on every important issue like trade and immigration, he's a false prophet. He's not trying to uplift the country and make it better. He's selling a con. "Only I can save you." "No one knows the tax code like I do."
Pedophile Don had to know his past was going to come out during the vetting process. But he was clever enough to realize the pseudocons wouldn't care and would actually defend his pedophile behavior. He knew he could mold them into everything they used to claim they hated.

Hucksters are aces at getting the rubes to buy whatever snake oil they are selling, and to be promoters of the brand.
Maybe you are right about Trump figuring his history would not have an effect because his supporters would be tied to him. I tend to think his ego and view of everyone else being a prop or a one dimensional supporting character to his reality tv star just doesn't leave room for introspection.

However, I think you give him too much credit for killing conservatism. And maybe teaparty like folks are understandably confused. W really did screw up conservatism. And it ceased being about middle America even before W.

The gop needed someone to set it on it's head. It's unfortunate that person was interested in his own self-aggrandizement rather than middle America. But imo a guy like Kasich or Portman or some middle America schlep can adapt on trade. Immigration and even the deficits are not unsolvable. Terrorism is dangerous, but it's nowhere near the edge of annihilation that scared the shit out of JFK and Reagan.
Trump's campaign was first and always about him. I mean the tape of him saying something like grab them by the p9ssy and walking into dressing rooms with nude or seminude minors .... that was always gonna come out. If he were running against a normal candidate that would have killed him in any event. But Hillary has a sea anchor. LOL

But the ego and narcissism ..... Reagan, both Kennedys, Ike, FDR .... it was never about them. That's why on every important issue like trade and immigration, he's a false prophet. He's not trying to uplift the country and make it better. He's selling a con. "Only I can save you." "No one knows the tax code like I do."
Pedophile Don had to know his past was going to come out during the vetting process. But he was clever enough to realize the pseudocons wouldn't care and would actually defend his pedophile behavior. He knew he could mold them into everything they used to claim they hated.

Hucksters are aces at getting the rubes to buy whatever snake oil they are selling, and to be promoters of the brand.
Maybe you are right about Trump figuring his history would not have an effect because his supporters would be tied to him. I tend to think his ego and view of everyone else being a prop or a one dimensional supporting character to his reality tv star just doesn't leave room for introspection.

However, I think you give him too much credit for killing conservatism. And maybe teaparty like folks are understandably confused. W really did screw up conservatism. And it ceased being about middle America even before W.

The gop needed someone to set it on it's head. It's unfortunate that person was interested in his own self-aggrandizement rather than middle America. But imo a guy like Kasich or Portman or some middle America schlep can adapt on trade. Immigration and even the deficits are not unsolvable. Terrorism is dangerous, but it's nowhere near the edge of annihilation that scared the shit out of JFK and Reagan.
Trump didn't destroy conservatism. Pseudocons like UnCensored did. The only reason Pedophile Don was able to walk in and take the nomination is because the GOP and conservatism were already hijacked and destroyed by them long ago.
I take it as a compliment that you are more upset with me than the others, Don. It means I have kicked your balls the hardest.


Upset with you?


You're a lying hack leftist. You spew shit from KOS and ThinkHatred. You're just another Soros drone lying about being a Republican.

You're a dime a dozen around here.

Pedophile Don had to know his past was going to come out during the vetting process. But he was clever enough to realize the pseudocons wouldn't care and would actually defend his pedophile behavior. He knew he could mold them into everything they used to claim they hated.

Hucksters are aces at getting the rubes to buy whatever snake oil they are selling, and to be promoters of the brand.

So Trump makes Matzo from the blood of gentile children, Herr Goebbels? :eek:
Make America Great Again™ means Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House again, a Democratic Senate again, the Clintons in the White House again, and a liberal Supreme Court again.

It's looking quite possible that Pedophile Don might achieve that goal across the board. Can you feel it?
"It just seemed like [Nancy Pelosi] was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing."
I'm a big supporter of conservatism. This is why I hate people like Pedophile Don and UC.

If your neighbor invites a guest into their house and that guest shits all over your neighbors furniture, you would look at that guest pretty disdainfully.

But if a guest came into YOUR house and shit all over YOUR furniture, you would HATE that person with far more passion than your neightbor's guest.

Pedophile Don and the pseudocons like UnCensored are in MY house and shitting on MY furniture. They have destroyed the conservative brand for a generation.

Only a blazing retard would take my hate toward that guest to mean I support my neighbor's guest. You'd have to be down there in the single digits of intelligence. And that describes UnCensored profoundly retarded position.

Pedophile Don has to lose to save the soul of the conservative movement and the GOP. The pseudocons like UC have to be shown the door. It's way past time to kick them to the curb.

But you support the most corrupt person ever to run for any public office. Therefore, you are a fuckin moron.
"I’ve known her and her husband for years, and I really like them both a lot!”
“I think Bush is probably the worst president in the history of the United States. The rest of the world hates us."
Trump didn't destroy conservatism. Pseudocons like UnCensored did. The only reason Pedophile Don was able to walk in and take the nomination is because the GOP and conservatism were already hijacked and destroyed by them long ago.

Comrade, as things stand today, despite all of the campaigning you have done on behalf of the democratic party, the GOP stands to retain both the House and the Senate.

Look, you want a one party systems where Hillary reigns supreme and Ginsburg defines a SCOTUS justice, with the Bill of Rights a distant memory.

I get it. Even so, your vision of a Stalinist America that you yearn for is not likely to happen yet - your enemies are going to retain both houses, even if your gal wins.Yes, your gal will nominate justices dedicated to the destruction of the Constitution, but confirmation could be a challenge.
"You know they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory and leave!"
“It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice. I am pro-choice in every respect”.
“I think Bill Clinton is terrific. I think he’s done an amazing job. I think he’s probably got the toughest skin I’ve ever seen, and I think he’s a terrific guy. I just have to view the economy and the country. I think Bill Clinton has done a terrific job."
“It may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country…but I am strongly for choice. I am pro-choice in every respect”.

"it was caused by a video"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"if you like your doctor you can keep him"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I never had sex with that woman, Miss Lewenski"
"I always try to be truthful"
"I never sent any classified e-mails"

So, stop with the quotes, you will lose if you continue.
"And how did [Hillary Clinton] do as secretary of state? Probably above and beyond everybody else and everything else."
"Hillary Clinton I think is a terrific woman. I am biased because I have known her for years. I live in New York. She lives in New York. I really like her and her husband both a lot. I think she really works hard. And I think, again, she's given an agenda, it is not all of her, but I think she really works hard and I think she does a good job. I like her."

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