Can You Imagine The MSM If Allen West Is Chosen V.P. 2012?{Compared To Palin In 2008}

Feb 13, 2011

If There Is A Potential VP Candidate That Would Threaten The Re-Election Of Obama, It's Congressman Allen West. Did you see him on Greta/Fox News last night? What an amazing true hero! So well spoken,so genuine,no need for a "Presidential Teleprompter. No stuttering,no pausing to have to think of an answer. The man was flawless. Now I hope he makes the short list for VP. Anyhow, can you imagine how he will be treated by CNN,MSNBC and the rest if he's chosen? Will they all say that Congressman West is too dumb and unqualified to be VP? Will they say that Allen West can see Jamaica from his house? The leftist Networks and N.P.R. are helpless&speechless in this situation!:lol:
Have you forgotten that Obama WON in 2008?

If Allen West is the male Palin, what's the threat, exactly?
and here he is now taking 5 or so minutes to answer a simple question during this conference,and yet I still can't figure out his logic.:cuckoo:
If the GOP really wants to get it on in 2012, they'll go with a double teamer ticket like Cain/West.
(not really.....)
If the GOP really wants to get it on in 2012, they'll go with a double teamer ticket like Cain/West.
(not really.....)

Too many Republicans won't vote for a black person.

^True story! I learned that right here on these boards.
I wonder how Chrissy Tingles Matthews will react to it? will he still be rubbing his thighs everytime Obama speaks?

If There Is A Potential VP Candidate That Would Threaten The Re-Election Of Obama, It's Congressman Allen West. Did you see him on Greta/Fox News last night? What an amazing true hero! So well spoken,so genuine,no need for a "Presidential Teleprompter. No stuttering,no pausing to have to think of an answer. The man was flawless. Now I hope he makes the short list for VP. Anyhow, can you imagine how he will be treated by CNN,MSNBC and the rest if he's chosen? Will they all say that Congressman West is too dumb and unqualified to be VP? Will they say that Allen West can see Jamaica from his house? The leftist Networks and N.P.R. are helpless&speechless in this situation!:lol:

I've been very impressed with every thing I have heard him say. He sounds like a bright and intelligent man with common sense.
If Allen West Is VP, Obama can kiss Florida Goodbye!!!and you can't win without Florida! just ask al gore.
A VP candidate that threatens our president? That makes perfect nonsense, guess the presidential candidate doesn't really matter? Maybe they could pick Sarah Palin or Michelle Bachmann as the presidential candidate and then make sure only Allan appeared on TV? You think? Sarah would be seen making moose stew and Bachmann would be staring off into space, hoping Scotty beams her up. Then all the guilt or some assumed conspiratorial background item, only understood in the nether-land of spin politics, will command the audience to vote for the VP. And yes they are an audience. The stars will stop shining, earth will reverse spin, and superman will return. Oh, and Allan will appear on a cloud over Washington too. MSM won't know what to say, having never seen such a thing and not really believing it possible. Wikileaks will then leak the true story, but by then Julian will be behind bars due to prophylactic breakage. It all makes sense to me now.

"Men are so necessarily mad, that not to be mad would amount to another form of madness." Blaise Pascal


If There Is A Potential VP Candidate That Would Threaten The Re-Election Of Obama, It's Congressman Allen West. Did you see him on Greta/Fox News last night? What an amazing true hero! So well spoken,so genuine,no need for a "Presidential Teleprompter. No stuttering,no pausing to have to think of an answer. The man was flawless. Now I hope he makes the short list for VP. Anyhow, can you imagine how he will be treated by CNN,MSNBC and the rest if he's chosen? Will they all say that Congressman West is too dumb and unqualified to be VP? Will they say that Allen West can see Jamaica from his house? The leftist Networks and N.P.R. are helpless&speechless in this situation!:lol:

msn will keep thier mouth shut and just let the sideliners say whatever racist hatefilled crap they want.

A black person can't even mention a conservative idea w/o being called an uncle tom or a monkey in the window.

It's disgusting what liberals say about blacks that dare think for themselves.
And what will my buddy Ed Schultz say? he beats up on every white conservative that is a threat to Obama's re-election campaign, what can he possibly say about Allen West? will he say that he is not black? that Jamacian's aren't "Necessarily Black"? He is already being careful when he tries to insult Marco Rubio(but he doesnt spend much time beating Rubio up! gee,I wonder why)
Too many Republicans won't vote for a black person.

^True story! I learned that right here on these boards.



Look everyone

A pair of liars scratching each others backs!

How sweet.

I wasn't kidding. There are so-called conservatives (and Republicans) on this very board that will admit they won't vote for black people. In fact, they don't feel black people are capable of leading.
And what will my buddy Ed Schultz say? he beats up on every white conservative that is a threat to Obama's re-election campaign, what can he possibly say about Allen West? will he say that he is not black? that Jamacian's aren't "Necessarily Black"? He is already being careful when he tries to insult Marco Rubio(but he doesnt spend much time beating Rubio up! gee,I wonder why)

don't worry.

If the nod goes to a white man it will be b/c all conservatives are racists. So all they have to do is sit back and hope none of them can generate enough backing.

If a non-white does get the nod... Well that will be funny to watch them keep a straight face.
well if come October 2012 the race is a 50/50 split, the GOP nominee will have to pick either West or Rubio(unless another Conservative Black or Latino come into the mix)

Look everyone

A pair of liars scratching each others backs!

How sweet.

I wasn't kidding. There are so-called conservatives (and Republicans) on this very board that will admit they won't vote for black people. In fact, they don't feel black people are capable of leading.

So a couple of random morons becomes "Too many"?

That's why you are a liar.

Check the topics, you will find an entire liberal website that dedicated a story to calling Cain a "window monkey".

But that's ok, b/c they are liberals and he's a sell out. Right?
well if come October 2012 the race is a 50/50 split, the GOP nominee will have to pick either West or Rubio(unless another Conservative Black or Latino come into the mix)

Don't go to sleep on Jindahl!

I like him and Cristi the most right now.

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