Can you tell us why you support Progressives over sanity?

Riiight, the “greedy GOP laughing to the bank”. If you are referring to the politicians in Washington that supported “free trade” with China, and endless wars then I might agree. The problem is that is exactly what the Democrat Party is today as well, which you fully support. You have zero issues with the multi-millionaire and billionaires on the left and in Congress like Pelosi and her husband making money off stocks. You love greedy rich assholes as long as they spout some climate change nonsense before hopping on their private jets.

And yes, I have been all over Europe. I lived in Germany for several years. No, their unemployment rate was very low, and there were very few brown skinned people eating up their tax dollars. Of course that all started to change when your beloved Hussein financed a few new wars like in Syria, which created the refugee waves that flooded Europe, which caused crime and welfare programs to go up.

But hey, don’t let the facts stop you. Keep pretending blacks and Muslims are just like white people. I’m sure you’ve chosen to live in a black neighborhood. I’m sure you’d love it if your daughter or granddaughter married a Muslim. Sure, Francis. :itsok:
Germany is the richest EU country lol. And there were many Turks there for years.... Rich Democrats want to raise taxes on all rich people so we can have a modern civilized country where everyone does well instead of just the rich. After 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, we have the worst inequality and upward mobility anywhere and ever by far - great job. If you know what those things mean which I doubt.

So why are we the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage healthcare daycare cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich? Remember the argument we were having lol before you went all racist on me lol. Everyone is the same when they have the same environment and the same opportunities which they don't- thanks to you.
You people vilify "progessivism" without having so mucgh as an elementary understanding of it;s history or what it really is. You just have a knee jerk reaction to the word becuse you see it as a threat to your reactionary conservative world view that favors the wealthy over the poor, the favored races and religions of others, and the myth that Laissez-Faire capitalism is superior to workers rights, consumer protection, environmental responsability, and wage and wealth parity. Tghe fact is that progessivism made this country what it is. It built the middle class, only to have it eroded by consevative policies in recent decades/

A great democracy has got to be progressive or it will soon cease to be great or a democracy.

Theodore Roosevelt

Do you like the idea that workers can organize? That child labor is illegal? That you get weekends and holidays off? That we no longer have deadly sweat shops? Then stop trashing progressives/
And how exactly did Biden "cause" the border crisis?
Good God are you stupid? Biden created the surge and has dismantled the ability to stop it. His words and actions leading up to his election and then his actions after becoming President. You have to be willfully BLIND not to know to this.
Dems LIE to get elected, their lies are spewed 24/7 by the Dem controlled media. After the election they screw over the people, rinse and repeat.
Good God are you stupid? Biden created the surge and has dismantled the ability to stop it. His words and actions leading up to his election and then his actions after becoming President. You have to be willfully BLIND not to know to this.
Is that supposed to be an answer?
Progressive policies are insane, can you tell us why you support them?
/——-/ NY Prog doubles down on intolerance. If you don’t agree with me, leave.
Gov Hochul says “We're here to say the era of Trump and Zeldin and Molinaro – just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK?” she said alongside Ryan on Monday, State of Politics reported. “You are not New Yorkers.”
Really? See post 36 from yesterday. No a single intellegent or meaningful response fron anyone who has been trashing progressives. YOU know you are beaten
Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the king, queen or whatever of wanting to hurt people's feelings, just for the purpose of allowing itself to feel better about itself. Pretty pathetic.
Speaking as a former democrat in late highschool and college. I was stupid.
Ditto here. When I was young my parents were poor. I was poor. I was a loyal democrat working a minimum wage job. I remember supporting them because they were for raising the minimum wage and I remember getting my first raise in the minimum wage from $2.85 per hour to $3.15 per hour, a whopping increase of about $50 per month, minus taxes. Then, one day, it hit me like a ton of bricks. If my only goal in life that I strived for was waiting for my friends, the democrats, to raise my minimum wage, I was ALWAYS going to be poor. So, I turned Republican and I actually did pull myself up by my bootstraps (okay, I didn't really have any boots) and grabbed the bull by the horns (okay, I didn't really have a bull either) and I improved my lot in life all by myself into eventually owning my own business making over 100K per year.

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