canada Watch: canadians Flipping Off America

My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.

WOW another person who thinks nothing could possibly happen.

Being wary and concerned is a long way from hate.

Of course you wouldn't know that because you don't want to know.

Your a man who see's nothing wrong with allowing all these refugees into a country.

Hope your right because if your not these peaceful Muslims could kill quite a few people.

Oh but you know that. You just don't want to have to admit it.
My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
You should have stayed....traitor!
God bless Canada! Obviously a more advanced nation.
It has "advanced" further down the toilet bowl.
Can you believe this shit. These canadian fuckers are welcoming killer Muslims to North America. Our border to the North is more porous than that with Mexico. Islamic radicals are a problem in canada and these assholes are walking right across the border into America. canada is a breeding ground for these crazy killer muslims.

Fuck canada.

Canadian children record welcome message for Syrian refugees – video

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My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
Yep. The real Home Of The Brave.
My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
You should have stayed....traitor!
Dear little corksmoker, my dd214 says Honorable. Yours? You fruitloop rightwingnutjobs are all the same. Afraid of every thing, and not a single rational thought in your little flat heads.
My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
You should have stayed....traitor!
Dear little corksmoker, my dd214 says Honorable. Yours? You fruitloop rightwingnutjobs are all the same. Afraid of every thing, and not a single rational thought in your little flat heads.

How bout your so called rightwingnutjobs having a little common sense which you don't seem to have any of???
My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
You should have stayed....traitor!
Dear little corksmoker, my dd214 says Honorable. Yours? You fruitloop rightwingnutjobs are all the same. Afraid of every thing, and not a single rational thought in your little flat heads.

Nutz is not a right winger. He just has this insane obsession about Canada.
Carolyn Parish...that is the name of the bitch canuck leader that stomped on a Bush doll.

She did nothing more than what all Democrats in Congress and insane ones like you in the general population would have done if they had have the guts.
I agree. The liberal pussies during the Iraq was nonsense. Similar to faggot pseudo-conservatives pissed off because the POTUS is of a darker hue.
My, my, this thread is permeated with the same odor we saw at the Trump rally with the Nazi salutes. 'Conservatives', fearing everything and hating everything that is slightly differant from them. Little differance between their mindset and that of the Taliban and ISIS. What a bunch of losers.

Hurray for Canada. A sane nation, with a lot of admirable people. Been as far north as Yellowknife, did it in a car in '75, and loved the trip.
You should have stayed....traitor!
Dear little corksmoker, my dd214 says Honorable. Yours? You fruitloop rightwingnutjobs are all the same. Afraid of every thing, and not a single rational thought in your little flat heads.

Nutz is not a right winger. He just has this insane obsession about Canada.
Yes, I am a TRUE conservative.
Over 3,000 of the refugees entering Canada are slated to settle in Alberta province, north of Montana.

In Havre, Montana, 40 miles south of Canada, Jenny Van Cleve, a waitress, says she is scared about the arrival of the Syrian refugees into Canada.

"The border is so easy to cross, pretty much anywhere. And there are abandoned houses all over the place to hide out in. We have farmer friends who find people in their buildings all the time. It's scary."

Canada refugee plan revives concerns over porous U.S. border

(Additional reporting by Julia Edwards in Washington; editing by Jason Szep and Stuart Grudgings.)

Then just maybe the US should beef up its border patrol efforts in Montana, ya think?
Germany and Merkel tried that they are fugged and trying to back track. Canada isn't paying attention
Germany and Merkel tried that they are fugged and trying to back track. Canada isn't paying attention

No its not. Canada is a big country with a small population and they welcome those that want to settle.

Unfortunately for them Muslims never assimilate in any country they have gone into.

I also wonder how long the taxpaying Canadian citizens are going to want to bankroll all these Muslims??

Not to mention how many terrorists will be moving to Canada and make their way through the US border??
Germany and Merkel tried that they are fugged and trying to back track. Canada isn't paying attention
Germany is doing exactly what they want to do...they want more Muslis to join them in their hate foe the Jew.

Quite Ironic....the nation that attempted the extermination of the Jews is now welcoming a group that has the same goal.

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