Cancel Student Debt

1) buyers were told they would be able to cash in because the home would increase in value so much by the time the ARM ballooned. They were lied to and did not understand. They were not told the US prime was not the basis, so they did not know their payments would almost double if the economy went south.

2) Parents remember the way it used to be, when tuition was capped and reasonable. The fact 18 year old die over seas mean they CAN'T make decisions like this, because they don't have the experience. If they could make these sorts of decisions, they would NOT be dying over seas in stupid and absurd wars against countries that never harmed us.

3) but yes we agree lenders should not be handing out money so freely, and tuition is too high. And yes, some majors are stupid.

Democrats and Republican RINO politicians forced lenders to lower lending requirements. Why? So people who could not get approved for a home loan due to their income and debt would now qualify for a mortgage. These lending standards were in place to both protect the lender and the borrower. Once removed this enabled millions to get approved for the worst types of mortgages and ultimately lead to massive home loan defaults.

Keep going...because these loans did not meet standard lending requirements none of the traditional secondary mortgage markets would buy the loans to hold long term. So all kinds of whacky 'investment' vehicles were invented to buy up the loans. Eventually these same politicians lowered the Fannie and Freddie standards so that they could buy up the bad loans. When the default wave hit this wiped them out.

So thank your politicians for sticking their nose where it didn't belong and screwing up yet something else that wasn't broken in the first place.
It is evident to some of us, that our central government has been completely captured by the billionaires and millionaires...the transnational capitalist class.

We have a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.

When will all Americans realize this?

I am not remotely rich and I like our Gov't? I am middle class. Modern home, two cars, wife, two kids. I don't have the life of Brad Pitt but I am happy with what I do have, not what I do not have.

Means ZERO.

I do question your sanity, when you state you like our government.

You mean anecdotal? I just proved you wrong. If you don't like it then leave? LOL.
It’s funny how many Americans think it perfectly okay to limit government benefits to the poor and middle class, but are fine with the ultra rich receiving huge sums of government money.

Medicare For All is CHEAPER than what we have now. DUMBASS!!! Get informed for once. Stop believing propaganda from the establishment.


But despite that correction, the report actually yields a wealth of good news for advocates of Sanders’s plan — a remarkable conclusion, given that Blahous is a former Bush administration economist working at a prominent conservative think tank.

Blahous’s paper, titled “The Costs of a National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” estimates total national health expenditures. Even though his cost-saving estimates are more conservative than others, he acknowledges that Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan would yield a $482 billion reduction in health care spending, and over $1.5 trillion in administrative savings, for a total of $2 trillion less in overall health care expenditures between 2022 and 2031, compared to current spending.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.

It is surprising how many people do not understand that single payer is the only way to fix the health care problem, because it reduces the charges from the providers. It is the ultimate in collective bargaining. And the result is that all people in total, would pay about half in health care costs compared to now. So there is no increase in spending. We all save money if we go single payer. No one pays more.

But doctors make less.
They should. They aren’t doing a good job.

Why American life expectancy is declining

Life expectancy is low because we are the fattest country and we have more auto accidents. It is not because of the doctors LOL.

Name for me the top three causes of death in America? Let’s see if you are informed.

  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Democrats and Republican RINO politicians forced lenders to lower lending requirements. Why? So people who could not get approved for a home loan due to their income and debt would now qualify for a mortgage. These lending standards were in place to both protect the lender and the borrower. Once removed this enabled millions to get approved for the worst types of mortgages and ultimately lead to massive home loan defaults.

Keep going...because these loans did not meet standard lending requirements none of the traditional secondary mortgage markets would buy the loans to hold long term. So all kinds of whacky 'investment' vehicles were invented to buy up the loans. Eventually these same politicians lowered the Fannie and Freddie standards so that they could buy up the bad loans. When the default wave hit this wiped them out.

So thank your politicians for sticking their nose where it didn't belong and screwing up yet something else that wasn't broken in the first place.
It is evident to some of us, that our central government has been completely captured by the billionaires and millionaires...the transnational capitalist class.

We have a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.

When will all Americans realize this?

I am not remotely rich and I like our Gov't? I am middle class. Modern home, two cars, wife, two kids. I don't have the life of Brad Pitt but I am happy with what I do have, not what I do not have.

Means ZERO.

I do question your sanity, when you state you like our government.

You mean anecdotal? I just proved you wrong. If you don't like it then leave? LOL.

You're old and will die soon. I am so sorry you did not enjoy your time with us.
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.

A college degree is not like a Ferrari.
It is a reasonable investment, if done properly.
Problem is students don't have the experience to know they are being ripped off from both ends.
Those giving out loans and colleges charging are being deliberately deceptive.
Clearly government for over a century, considered low tuition to be good for the country.
Has there suddenly become less need for high tech skills?
It is surprising how many people do not understand that single payer is the only way to fix the health care problem, because it reduces the charges from the providers. It is the ultimate in collective bargaining. And the result is that all people in total, would pay about half in health care costs compared to now. So there is no increase in spending. We all save money if we go single payer. No one pays more.

But doctors make less.
They should. They aren’t doing a good job.

Why American life expectancy is declining

Life expectancy is low because we are the fattest country and we have more auto accidents. It is not because of the doctors LOL.

Name for me the top three causes of death in America? Let’s see if you are informed.

  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.
Because “cancelling” means the taxpayers pick up the tab. Debt doesn’t just disappear

So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.
Why do go against your self interest and for the .1%?

If we must have a huge omnipresent expensive central government, why shouldn’t it help the majority of Americans rather than a tiny extremely wealthy minority?

Lordy, are you naïve. With Medicare for all estimated at $32 Trillion and the New Green Deal averaging $70,000 per person in the first year...yea, that will help the majority of Americans, dumbass.

It’s funny how many Americans think it perfectly okay to limit government benefits to the poor and middle class, but are fine with the ultra rich receiving huge sums of government money.

Medicare For All is CHEAPER than what we have now. DUMBASS!!! Get informed for once. Stop believing propaganda from the establishment.


But despite that correction, the report actually yields a wealth of good news for advocates of Sanders’s plan — a remarkable conclusion, given that Blahous is a former Bush administration economist working at a prominent conservative think tank.

Blahous’s paper, titled “The Costs of a National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” estimates total national health expenditures. Even though his cost-saving estimates are more conservative than others, he acknowledges that Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan would yield a $482 billion reduction in health care spending, and over $1.5 trillion in administrative savings, for a total of $2 trillion less in overall health care expenditures between 2022 and 2031, compared to current spending.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.
It's a matter of fucked up priorities. The rich have their ignorant minions convinced the country will destruct into anarchy if they are not allowed to control the all the wealth.

Nothing else makes sense. We are willing to pay far more for healthcare and we get lousier results than other first world countries.
MAGAs call that winning.

Some nutters think that aliens might come to pillage our planet's natural resources. Boy are they off base! The rich have already done so, and it may be too late to fix it.
But doctors make less.
They should. They aren’t doing a good job.

Why American life expectancy is declining

Life expectancy is low because we are the fattest country and we have more auto accidents. It is not because of the doctors LOL.

Name for me the top three causes of death in America? Let’s see if you are informed.

  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

I googled top three causes and posted it. Who is going to ban me? Sucker.

top 3 causes of death in the us - Google Search
They should. They aren’t doing a good job.

Why American life expectancy is declining

Life expectancy is low because we are the fattest country and we have more auto accidents. It is not because of the doctors LOL.

Name for me the top three causes of death in America? Let’s see if you are informed.

  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

I googled top three causes and posted it. Who is going to ban me? Sucker.

top 3 causes of death in the us - Google Search

The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States

Why would I be banned?
So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.
Why do go against your self interest and for the .1%?

If we must have a huge omnipresent expensive central government, why shouldn’t it help the majority of Americans rather than a tiny extremely wealthy minority?

Lordy, are you naïve. With Medicare for all estimated at $32 Trillion and the New Green Deal averaging $70,000 per person in the first year...yea, that will help the majority of Americans, dumbass.

It’s funny how many Americans think it perfectly okay to limit government benefits to the poor and middle class, but are fine with the ultra rich receiving huge sums of government money.

Medicare For All is CHEAPER than what we have now. DUMBASS!!! Get informed for once. Stop believing propaganda from the establishment.


But despite that correction, the report actually yields a wealth of good news for advocates of Sanders’s plan — a remarkable conclusion, given that Blahous is a former Bush administration economist working at a prominent conservative think tank.

Blahous’s paper, titled “The Costs of a National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” estimates total national health expenditures. Even though his cost-saving estimates are more conservative than others, he acknowledges that Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan would yield a $482 billion reduction in health care spending, and over $1.5 trillion in administrative savings, for a total of $2 trillion less in overall health care expenditures between 2022 and 2031, compared to current spending.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.
It's a matter of fucked up priorities. The rich have their ignorant minions convinced the country will destruct into anarchy if they are not allowed to control the all the wealth.

Nothing else makes sense. We are willing to pay far more for healthcare and we get lousier results than other first world countries.
MAGAs call that winning.

Some nutters think that aliens might come to pillage our planet's natural resources. Boy are they off base! The rich have already done so, and it may be too late to fix it.

Not too sure about your neighborhood, but over here we're not seeing any fairies riding unicorns on the rainbow.
So the trillion per year Trump is racking up in debt really bothers you? Let me guess….you’re not bothered at all by your blob’s reckless spending.

You’re so full of shit, you’re eyes are brown.

Trumps spending certainly doesn't bother me as much as Medicare for all, Free College and the New Green Deal....dumbass.
Why do go against your self interest and for the .1%?

If we must have a huge omnipresent expensive central government, why shouldn’t it help the majority of Americans rather than a tiny extremely wealthy minority?

Lordy, are you naïve. With Medicare for all estimated at $32 Trillion and the New Green Deal averaging $70,000 per person in the first year...yea, that will help the majority of Americans, dumbass.

It’s funny how many Americans think it perfectly okay to limit government benefits to the poor and middle class, but are fine with the ultra rich receiving huge sums of government money.

Medicare For All is CHEAPER than what we have now. DUMBASS!!! Get informed for once. Stop believing propaganda from the establishment.


But despite that correction, the report actually yields a wealth of good news for advocates of Sanders’s plan — a remarkable conclusion, given that Blahous is a former Bush administration economist working at a prominent conservative think tank.

Blahous’s paper, titled “The Costs of a National Single-Payer Healthcare System,” estimates total national health expenditures. Even though his cost-saving estimates are more conservative than others, he acknowledges that Sanders’s “Medicare for All” plan would yield a $482 billion reduction in health care spending, and over $1.5 trillion in administrative savings, for a total of $2 trillion less in overall health care expenditures between 2022 and 2031, compared to current spending.
Koch-Backed Think Tank Finds That “Medicare for All” Would Cut Health Care Spending and Raise Wages. Whoops.
It's a matter of fucked up priorities. The rich have their ignorant minions convinced the country will destruct into anarchy if they are not allowed to control the all the wealth.

Nothing else makes sense. We are willing to pay far more for healthcare and we get lousier results than other first world countries.
MAGAs call that winning.

Some nutters think that aliens might come to pillage our planet's natural resources. Boy are they off base! The rich have already done so, and it may be too late to fix it.

I am Happy with the life I have so how does that make me a sycophant? Please explain?
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.

A college degree is not like a Ferrari.
It is a reasonable investment, if done properly.
Problem is students don't have the experience to know they are being ripped off from both ends.
Those giving out loans and colleges charging are being deliberately deceptive.

College in not a reasonable investment for many given the amount of money they will likely make vs what they are paying. Life is full of financial decisions which must be taken seriously. I was given a credit card when I was in college even though I had very little income. My credit limit was too high based on my income. I maxed it out and had to work full time all summer to pay it off. I learned from my mistake. That being said, I would have NEVER taken out huge loans for college that I would be saddled with upon graduation. I would have gone to community college, sat out a year to save money or whatever it took to avoid very large loans.

Personal responsibility is paramount here and it starts at 18 when people can vote and join the military. If they can make those decisions, they can do the same for taking out loans they can't afford.
Life expectancy is low because we are the fattest country and we have more auto accidents. It is not because of the doctors LOL.

Name for me the top three causes of death in America? Let’s see if you are informed.

  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

I googled top three causes and posted it. Who is going to ban me? Sucker.

top 3 causes of death in the us - Google Search

The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States

Why would I be banned?
For ignorance.

Name for me the top three causes of death in America? Let’s see if you are informed.

  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

I googled top three causes and posted it. Who is going to ban me? Sucker.

top 3 causes of death in the us - Google Search

The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States

Why would I be banned?
For ignorance.

If that were the case you would be banned. Get your old ignorant ass out of my thread. I posted links. We are fat and drive a lot. We have the best healthcare in the world. Why do you care anyway? You don’t have that much time left here?
  • Heart disease. - We are Fat
  • Cancer. - We eat poorly
  • Unintentional injuries. - Auto Accidents
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

I googled top three causes and posted it. Who is going to ban me? Sucker.

top 3 causes of death in the us - Google Search

The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States

Why would I be banned?
For ignorance.

If that were the case you would be banned. Get your old ignorant ass out of my thread. I posted links. We are fat and drive a lot. We have the best healthcare in the world. Why do you care anyway? You don’t have that much time left here?
Dumb. You can’t be fixed. You can’t fix stupid. Sorry.
Wrong. As I thought. Please get informed, dummy. STOP POSTING OR BE BANNED.

Medical Errors Are Third Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
10 percent of U.S. deaths are due to preventable medical mistakes.

I googled top three causes and posted it. Who is going to ban me? Sucker.

top 3 causes of death in the us - Google Search

The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States

Why would I be banned?
For ignorance.

If that were the case you would be banned. Get your old ignorant ass out of my thread. I posted links. We are fat and drive a lot. We have the best healthcare in the world. Why do you care anyway? You don’t have that much time left here?
Dumb. You can’t be fixed. You can’t fix stupid. Sorry.

Sure you can. But you cannot stop Father Time. You’re old and angry at how wasteful your life was. So sorry.
Your "naked eye" isn't worth any further than you can see, stupid.

And paychecks sure as hell haven't seen any noticeable increase.

My employees received a $0.77 cents an hour raise in January.

Wages are going up all over. In Pennsylvania, the legal minimum wage is $7.25- the federal minimum.

But it would be very difficult to find an actual job that pays only 7.25. Signs outside Walmart and Aldi's and McDonald's promise wages 50% higher or even more than the federal minimum.

I am a seasoned citizen, although not that decrepit yet. I was in Ollie's and the manager at the cash register comes up to me and says "Sir, a smart man like you shouldn't be just shopping at Ollies. You should be WORKING here, and hands me a flyer about the job fare and their wage offerings". The man knew nothing about me, and sought to recruit. The labor market is very tight, wages are going up in the Trump economy. Now, if one of the D's get elected, this will be out the door.
Increases in minimum wage have ZERO to do with Trump's tax cut
Why not just pay off all home mortgages? What is the difference? Morgages are certainly a burden to people, so we can remove that burden. Who cares if you over-bought? Evidently, Democrats couldn't care less about personal responsibility anyway, plus, everythng is "free" from a Democrats point of view.

Bottom line is that people shouldn't take out loans that can't pay back. Don't get a 200k student loan and major in Middle Eastern folk art unless you know you have a path to a good paying job after graduation. Colleges have become too expensive. Ferrarri's are too expensive too, which is why I won't buy one even though it would be very fun to have one. Granted, student loans are given out for virtually any amount,. but that doesn't preclude the student from excercising a little common sense.
Good question. The two assholes W and O bailed out the extremely rich in the last recession and did nothing for the millions of homeowners who lost their homes.

Why are some Americans cool with socialism for the .1% and ruthless uncaring capitalism for other Americans?

I was under the impression that Obama bailed out those who lost their homes from having to pay the deficiencies after their former homes were liquidated by the creditors and lien holders during the Obama Recession. Is this incorrect?

I was under the impression that Obama bailed out those who lost their homes from having to pay the deficiencies after their former homes were liquidated by the creditors and lien holders during the Obama Recession. Is this incorrect?
Contract or not does not change that the government could just cancel the debt and it would not cost them anything. It is no different than absorbing the toxic mortgages.

Did you somehow miss what happened to the economy when those toxic mortgages were "absorbed"? How would canceling $1.52 TRILLION NOT cost the government anything? Those loans have been made by private banks and guaranteed by the government. Where do all those taxpayer dollars come from in your world?

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