Candace Owens Calls Trudeau a Dictator and Asks for U.S. to invade Canada

Canada was the first country to offer us aid on 9-11, coordinated the grounding of all flights.

Trudeau will face an election of the Canadian people. Owens is ignorant.

Instead of sending other peoples kids of to war, why doesn't she enlist, volunteer to fight?
Candis Ewens (👈 intentional) has no record of anything. Never been elected. Never ran for office. Never been a journalist or a reporter. Never had a TV show. But she did commit fraud to get out of a lease. And she did detest Donald Trump before she saw the writing on the wall. I personally never see/hear her other than tweets about her. But I know she's a willing tool of old White Republicans. Like Herschel Walker. Like Tim Scott.

None of you jokers ever click these links. Ignorance is blissfully Republican.
A lot of people detested Trump. Looking past his personality was a man who did his best to kept promises and put us back in good standing. Issue still existed, but we were becoming The United States even though we were still moving left in other ways.
Candis Ewens (👈 intentional) has no record of anything. Never been elected. Never ran for office. Never been a journalist or a reporter. Never had a TV show. But she did commit fraud to get out of a lease. And she did detest Donald Trump before she saw the writing on the wall. I personally never see/hear her other than tweets about her. But I know she's a willing tool of old White Republicans. Like Herschel Walker. Like Tim Scott.

None of you jokers ever click these links. Ignorance is blissfully Republican.
You negroes are some bizarre motherfuckers….any well spoken, decent, moral, law abiding negro that sides with Americas best citizens is somehow a “willing tool”.
Candis Ewens (👈 intentional) has no record of anything. Never been elected. Never ran for office. Never been a journalist or a reporter. Never had a TV show. But she did commit fraud to get out of a lease. And she did detest Donald Trump before she saw the writing on the wall. I personally never see/hear her other than tweets about her. But I know she's a willing tool of old White Republicans. Like Herschel Walker. Like Tim Scott.

None of you jokers ever click these links. Ignorance is blissfully Republican.

So Candice Owens didn't like Trump and now does? He developed and so did she. Big deal. I agreed with whoever it was that said, "Donald Trump is running as a Republican but I thought he was running as a joke". I was floored that educated or intelligent people would support him. And then he became the nominee and it was hold my nose and support him against Hillary. And then he became President. And he did wonderful things. He started the wall, he tried to defund Planned Parenthood. He stopped Putin's pipeline. He was loud, obnoxious, but brilliant. Reminds me of myself.
Tell this stupid bitch to go fuck herself. She's dumber than a sack of hammers and just in it for the money.
And here you win the award for the best communication skills on usmessageboard. Read what you write and then think about whether you should be calling anyone dumb.
And here you win the award for the best communication skills on usmessageboard. Read what you write and then think about whether you should be calling anyone dumb.

Thank you for the award. You get the award for the most useless comment on a message board and for thinking yourself clever in doing so. I gave the comment the thread deserved.

Why would I have any interest what this stupid cow says? She has as much relevance to anything as Anne Coulter. Another sell out to the mistreatment at the hands of the right wing authoritarian misogyny.

If you're too stupid to recognize that Republicans don't have your best interests at heart, I don't have any respect for you either.
Thank you for the award. You get the award for the most useless comment on a message board and for thinking yourself clever in doing so. I gave the comment the thread deserved.

Why would I have any interest what this stupid cow says? She has as much relevance to anything as Anne Coulter. Another sell out to the mistreatment at the hands of the right wing authoritarian misogyny.

If you're too stupid to recognize that Republicans don't have your best interests at heart, I don't have any respect for you either.
Oh noes! Dragon breath doesn’t respect us…whatever will we do eh?
Thank you for the award. You get the award for the most useless comment on a message board and for thinking yourself clever in doing so. I gave the comment the thread deserved.

Why would I have any interest what this stupid cow says? She has as much relevance to anything as Anne Coulter. Another sell out to the mistreatment at the hands of the right wing authoritarian misogyny.

If you're too stupid to recognize that Republicans don't have your best interests at heart, I don't have any respect for you either.

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