Can't you people see what Trump is doing???

The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!

I agree with you that Trump is an asshole, but you're wrong about Trump not complaining. One of the reasons the media hates Trump is because he started insulting them a long time ago on the campaign trail, like in 2015. This is from last summer:

What he's doing is Making America Great Again.
That's what has the left so pissed off.

No, dumbass. What the left is pissed off about can be seen all over television and newspapers today: MORE SCANDAL. Now his little monkey grandpa Sessions has to recuse himself because he's in collusion with the Russians, too.

Let's see: Wilbur Ross, Rex Tillerson, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort and now Jeff Sessions...all firmly up Putin's ass with Trump. Getting it yet, goon?
What he's doing is Making America Great Again.
That's what has the left so pissed off.

No, dumbass. What the left is pissed off about can be seen all over television and newspapers today: MORE SCANDAL. Now his little monkey grandpa Sessions has to recuse himself because he's in collusion with the Russians, too.

Let's see: Wilbur Ross, Rex Tillerson, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort and now Jeff Sessions...all firmly up Putin's ass with Trump. Getting it yet, goon?
The smell of your faux outrage is invigorating.

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal
Didn't say a word against the media during his campaign?

Clearly you were asleep through 2016 because Trump consistently bashed the media through his entire campaign.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.
its a tiger thread,what would you expect?....she sees trump even when she is getting laid......
Hah! You're assuming there's an idiot out there that would sleep with someone like that.
i have seen some pretty nasty looking woman with kids there are guys out there....
Didn't say a word against the media during his campaign?

Clearly you were asleep through 2016 because Trump consistently bashed the media through his entire campaign.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.
its a tiger thread,what would you expect?....she sees trump even when she is getting laid......

And it makes her ram the strap-on into guno all the harder.
oh geezus.....poor guno.....
Didn't say a word against the media during his campaign?

Clearly you were asleep through 2016 because Trump consistently bashed the media through his entire campaign.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.
its a tiger thread,what would you expect?....she sees trump even when she is getting laid......

And it makes her ram the strap-on into guno all the harder.
oh geezus.....poor guno.....

His idea, no doubt.
Didn't say a word against the media during his campaign?

Clearly you were asleep through 2016 because Trump consistently bashed the media through his entire campaign.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.
its a tiger thread,what would you expect?....she sees trump even when she is getting laid......

And it makes her ram the strap-on into guno all the harder.
oh geezus.....poor guno.....

His idea, no doubt.
guno?.....say it aint
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!
View attachment 115014
Yeah, conning the American stupid....shit like this is why if you were to pull that shit again'd go up in dust.
Didn't say a word against the media during his campaign?

Clearly you were asleep through 2016 because Trump consistently bashed the media through his entire campaign.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??Question?, How many times have Trump ran for president? And how many times had the media ignored his stupid ass until now? I rest my fuckin case, bitch!!

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.Why would anyone in their right mind think a lying, racist, pussy grabbing white fuck nut would win?

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.Trump bashed his own self, it was his words, his mouth, his fools that they reported on...not one lie among the footage, just Trump at his best, conning dumb white neo nuts

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.By the time the media gets through with Trump, meth will be the least of yaws problems.....
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!

Did you miss parts of his campaign?
He criticized the media plenty of times before he was elected. Jeez!

The only times and you can google this, is when they reported the Billy Bush shit, that was it......Trump never once came out and said, don't trust the crooked media, they give you fake news, etc.....not was shortly after the Russian leaks the bs began
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!
FYI: 1. Wikileaks brought the Democrat DNC wrongdoings to public attention with the assistance of Russia. It was something that should have been brought to light....because what they did was "wrong."
2. The manufacturer of the voting machines said that you could put one of his machines in the middle of Red Square and the Russians still couldn't hack it, for the simple reason that the machine doesn't work like a computer.
3. The Electoral College is comprised of 538 Electors. They choose the president (not the popular public vote). They voted and signed their votes with the majority voting for Trump. They are not Russian and the Russians had absolutely "nothing" to do with the Electoral College voting and Trump victory.
GET THE HELL OVER IT ALREADY!! Your proto-communist side lost.
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!

He did that and then what was one of the first things he did upon taking office? Three guesses as to why...

it worked.

And it did because of the pervasively intransigent anti-intellectualism and basic sagacity found among the majority of 21st century conservative movement that revels is sophistry and wraps itself in the flag of "partisan tendency that would prefer not to have intellectual overtones."

Daniel McCarthy and David Brooks remind us that, "Buchanan is remembered as a populist, which he was, but ...his movement was also rife with Ph.D.s and exhibited undeniable signs of intellectual vitality — a world removed from Sarah Palin and the Randian cliches of the Tea Party." Guffaws requiring medical attention would break out were one to try saying that of the flagitious Trump Troupe and his supporters, calamitous detritus of birth whose mere existence illustrates comprehensively not only the sine qua non of abortion, but also the horrors resulting from test tube experiments gone wrong.
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!
View attachment 115014
Thank God for "shit like this."
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!
FYI: 1. Wikileaks brought the Democrat DNC wrongdoings to public attention with the assistance of Russia. It was something that should have been brought to light....because what they did was "wrong."
2. The manufacturer of the voting machines said that you could put one of his machines in the middle of Red Square and the Russians still couldn't hack it, for the simple reason that the machine doesn't work like a computer.
3. The Electoral College is comprised of 538 Electors. They choose the president (not the popular public vote). They voted and signed their votes with the majority voting for Trump. They are not Russian and the Russians had absolutely "nothing" to do with the Electoral College voting and Trump victory.
GET THE HELL OVER IT ALREADY!! Your proto-communist side lost.
They are mindless lemmings who believe whatever their Party Bosses tell them to believe.
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!
FYI: 1. Wikileaks brought the Democrat DNC wrongdoings to public attention with the assistance of Russia. It was something that should have been brought to light....because what they did was "wrong."
2. The manufacturer of the voting machines said that you could put one of his machines in the middle of Red Square and the Russians still couldn't hack it, for the simple reason that the machine doesn't work like a computer.
3. The Electoral College is comprised of 538 Electors. They choose the president (not the popular public vote). They voted and signed their votes with the majority voting for Trump. They are not Russian and the Russians had absolutely "nothing" to do with the Electoral College voting and Trump victory.
GET THE HELL OVER IT ALREADY!! Your proto-communist side lost.
You do know that Wacky leaks is a Russian sponsored website, yes?

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