Can't you people see what Trump is doing???

He's doing better than I expected. :2up:
Wait until you state goes from millions of federal dollars from the EPA down to pennies and lets see how you feel then when you get some good ol fashion FLINT FUCKIN WATER YOU STUPID WHITE MOTHERFUCKER!!
He's doing better than I expected. :2up:
Wait until you state goes from millions of federal dollars from the EPA down to pennies and lets see how you feel then when you get some good ol fashion FLINT FUCKIN WATER YOU STUPID WHITE MOTHERFUCKER!!
The water problem in Flint was caused by democrats being lazy and stupid. :)

I'm glad Trump is getting the EPA under control. It was a disaster under Obama.
Maybe they'll stop doing stupid shit like this......

Didn't say a word against the media during his campaign?

Clearly you were asleep through 2016 because Trump consistently bashed the media through his entire campaign.

I agree and the moron op thinks the media handed Trump the victory??

She must have missed how the media was touting Clinton's win.

She must have missed how they bashed Trump every chance they got.

Tiggerass needs stronger meds and a dose of truthfulness.
its a tiger thread,what would you expect?....she sees trump even when she is getting laid......
Hah! You're assuming there's an idiot out there that would sleep with someone like that.

If there is one, it must be Al Sharpton.
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!

Many Americans do know the Corporate Main Stream Media fully supports the Republican agenda.

How else could it be when these 'news' outlets are owned and operated by huge corporations with bigtime financial ties to that party?.........and they're doing a fantastic job propping up these bandits
This is called delusion and at the highest level. Or as some may say, just plain lying to achieve an agenda.
True story; Trump has been bitching about the media's deceptions since his divorce; he's talked about it off and on in interviews for about 20 years.
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!
FYI: 1. Wikileaks brought the Democrat DNC wrongdoings to public attention with the assistance of Russia. It was something that should have been brought to light....because what they did was "wrong."
2. The manufacturer of the voting machines said that you could put one of his machines in the middle of Red Square and the Russians still couldn't hack it, for the simple reason that the machine doesn't work like a computer.
3. The Electoral College is comprised of 538 Electors. They choose the president (not the popular public vote). They voted and signed their votes with the majority voting for Trump. They are not Russian and the Russians had absolutely "nothing" to do with the Electoral College voting and Trump victory.
GET THE HELL OVER IT ALREADY!! Your proto-communist side lost.
You do know that Wacky leaks is a Russian sponsored website, yes?
Obama and Clinton were heading us toward a military confrontation with Russia. They are not only nuclear armed but also possess the most powerful nuclear bomb in the world. Simple logic demands that it is better to be friends than enemies.
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!

......damn I'm good!!
There is no need for Trump to delegitimize a bunch of dimwits like CNN etc to beat them to a pulp with the stupid-stick. You posted the proof, just how stupid they are.

During the election "the very same media CNN,MSNBC,ABC,etc" that you say "helped get his ass into the white house" sided with your bitch laughing at Trump every time he said that the election is rigged.
And now after they say he "Putin rigged" and won it you idiots say he was right !
Let me get that straight. A bunch of idiots admit that they were fools all along, is now supposed to make the case that Trump can`t fool you idiots.
Damn you are good!
Lucky for you he only used Russians and not the Germans, that have been cloned by Dr.Mengele in Brazil. That might be the "Trump" up his sleeve. So you better watch out and help build that wall
before they get across and set up camp in your "sanctuary cities". Camps like Auschwitz...muhaha !
The US media without a doubt, handed Trump his victory and never once during all those interviews, the exposure, not once did he say anything BAD ABOUT OUR MEDIA...NOT ONE NEGATIVE WORD. He welcomed the free press, the free campaign exposure, he was cool wit it because it helped him lay the groundwork for scorching the country with rants of " rigged elections " and it worked. For weeks, that's all the media did, was show footage after footage of Trump raging about rigged elections and he used the media well those few weeks...again, no fake news chants, no crooked media chants, nada.

But he won and he won with the help of Trump being the master of con....turned on the very media that got his ass in the white house and it stunned the hell out of CNN,MSNBC, ABC, etc...all shocked as hell with this guy turning on convenient, that out of no where, the news is now fake, can't be trusted, spread the word time.....can't you idiots see what this mad bitch is up too?

Just as he scorched the country with rigged election chants, thinking he's lose, he's now trying that same tatic with fake news....why? Because he knows they're gonna come up with ties to Russia and Trump wants to de-legitimize the media before it happens......damn I'm good!!

I agree with you that Trump is an asshole, but you're wrong about Trump not complaining. One of the reasons the media hates Trump is because he started insulting them a long time ago on the campaign trail, like in 2015. This is from last summer:

The one and only time Trump turned on the media was women began coming forth and accusing of sexual harrassment, that is completely different from demanding that the american stupid completely disregard the media all together, apple and oranges, fool

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