Zone1 Capital Punishment is Wrong!

I 100% support capital punishment, and not just for murder. If you are caught selling heroin, or Methamphetamine, or cocaine, or fentanyl, etc. You should be executed by firing squad.

If you were convicted of rape, I support death by hanging.

If you were convicted of child related crimes, such as rape, molestation, exploitation or pornography, you should be executed via slow, lethal injection.

If you are convicted of killing an innocent family in a drunk driving incident, you should be executed.

If you are convicted of murder, you should be executed by firing squad.

Maybe if people were being executed left and right for their crimes, and not sitting in prison getting hot meals and a bed, people would be thinking twice about the consequences. The current justice system incarcerates people, and may give them the death penalty, but they'll wait 20 years or more to do it. Why are we keeping animals worthy of death alive on taxpayer money?
The death penalty, like any other penalty will never be a deterrent. Criminals, no matter what their crime, never believe they will be caught. If they are, no jury in the world will convict them.

There are many reasons why but it's enough to just say that the convicted will be those who can't afford a defense costing 1/2 million dollars or more. Or are black people.

My own personal opinion is that it's uncivilized and amounts to the state (country) shirking it's social responsibilities.

If it's wrong for Canada, you are entitled to spew that opinion all you like in the Canada forum.

Besides the pro side being represented by our leading racist, they're also frantically trolling for a response.

Hopefully they will be denied the satisfaction and attention they crave.

Look who's talking about trolling, spewing their irrelevant opinion about what's right for a country they don't even live, much less vote, in.

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This thread has unfortunately only provided an opportunity for the pro side to express their rage and frustration by trolling with extremist nonsensible comments. And not to overlook those who are incapable of anything more than grunting, so then resort to the red thumb down.

I'll allow it to go 3 or 4 pages and then do a count on the pros and cons, with the purpose of making a point.
It is also very expensive and not at all effective in deterring more than one single convict, the l.
I once worked with a Russian in New York who told me that crimes of pedophilia were rather uncommon in Russia because occasionally they would execute child molesters along with murderers. That was back around 2000 or 2001.

Dont tell me people arent deterred by the thought of the death penalty. Perhaps some aren't and even scoff at it until someone throws the switch, but it needs to always be an option. If they are THAT defiant after committing such a heinous crime THEY DON'T NEED TO CONSUME OUR RESOURCES AND CONTRIBUTE TO THE GENE POOL ANYMORE!!!!

What if you came home and found someone beating and raping your wife or child...and you were armed? What if that person didn't run right away and tried to engage you? I know as a Canadian you've been conditioned to be "nice" about it. I for one would blast that mofo to Kingdom Come if conditions of self-defense enabled it . I already asked you in another thread to prove the superiority of your philosophy with statistics. We haven't seen anything yet. What's taking so long?
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It is also very expensive and not at all effective in deterring more than one single convict, the killee.


One lethal injection is a lot cheaper than decades of housing and feeding a vile parasite, not to mention tying up the courts with appeals forever.


There are many reasons why but it's enough to just say that the convicted will be those who can't afford a defense costing 1/2 million dollars or more. Or are black people.

My own personal opinion is that it's uncivilized and amounts to the state (country) shirking it's social responsibilities.
Only way to guarantee the offender never commits the crime again.
This thread has unfortunately only provided an opportunity for the pro side to express their rage and frustration by trolling with extremist nonsensible comments. And not to overlook those who are incapable of anything more than grunting, so then resort to the red thumb down.

I'll allow it to go 3 or 4 pages and then do a count on the pros and cons, with the purpose of making a point.
Some crimes are so heinous that only the death penalty will do. :mad:

There are many reasons why but it's enough to just say that the convicted will be those who can't afford a defense costing 1/2 million dollars or more. Or are black people.

My own personal opinion is that it's uncivilized and amounts to the state (country) shirking it's social responsibilities.
I dint know they had capital punishment in Canada

Can people be executed there for saying that homosexuality is a sin?

If so thats a crime against humanity
What if you came home and found someone beating and raping your wife or child...and you were armed? What if that person didn't run right away and tried to engage you?
We could expect that one of the 'pro' side would attempt to relate it to a 'personal' experience of a victim's loved ones.

That is an admission in itself that it's not justifiable on any other grounds. If you understand that, you may feel that you want to comment further on your premise?
This thread has unfortunately only provided an opportunity for the pro side to express their rage and frustration by trolling with extremist nonsensible comments. And not to overlook those who are incapable of anything more than grunting, so then resort to the red thumb down.

I'll allow it to go 3 or 4 pages and then do a count on the pros and cons, with the purpose of making a point.
There have been many national surveys that show majority support of the DP. It has declined in recent years, but I believe it is still a majority. Public opinion is greatly swayed by the liberal media against the DP. However, the DP is used so infrequently that by all accounts it is a dead issue.
So are the crimes they commit.

A bullet to the back of the head is far less a torture than being raped, cut open and disemboweled. Ever see photos of the Black Dahlia's corpse? The person who did that apparently did similar alot of others. You think such a person can be rehabilitated and walk free and live a normal life??? How about giving potential future victims the same benefit of a doubt that you're giving to a bloodthirsty demon of a person!!!!


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You're nearly always leading a thread off topic, when there's no need to do that. you're free to start a thread on some other topic.

Thanks for sharing your opinion, troll, which I value about as much as I value your opinion on this issue.

Stay in Canada and spout your opinions there. You have no right to do it here in US.

Or when you are ready to pay for the upkeep of a vicious murderer here in the US, let us know. Then you can have the luxury of an opinion.

So are the crimes they commit.
Some are so violent and heinous that often details are never shared with the public. I learned this one from a cop friend of mine. A little girl was sodomized and killed, stuffed into a trash bag and left in a storage locker. The killer had shoved a broom handle clear through her body and into her throat. This little detail was never release to the public. Sadly, my state has abolished the DP. This guy, a convicted pedophile, deserved the death penalty.

Many such horrible details are kept from the public, but are revealed to family members. Only the death penalty would bring closure to the grief and anger of many of these families.

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