Capitalism has no place in civilization of today.

Actually the British Empire is the king of killing people by Famine, NOT the Communists, who come in second, and certainly NOT Fascists.

The British Empire killed 60 million by famine in India alone. (With over 22 recognized famines)

THE VICTORIAN BRITS were amateurs . Or do you only hate western Civilization because your genders studies teacher told ya to ?

With the invasion of India by Mahmud Ghazni about 1000 A.D., began the Muslim invasions into the Indian subcontinent and they lasted for several centuries. Nadir Shah made a mountain of the skulls of the Hindus he killed in Delhi alone. Babur raised towers of Hindu skulls at Khanua when he defeated Rana Sanga in 1527 and later he repeated the same horrors after capturing the fort of Chanderi. Akbar ordered a general massacre of 30,000 Rajputs after he captured Chithorgarh in 1568. The Bahamani Sultans had an annual agenda of killing a minimum of 100,000 Hindus every year.

estimates range from 200 to 600 million dead

60 million peanuts

And youre from upstate NEW YORK whats wrong with you? decades of modern liberal policies have destroyed the state and made it a fucking laughing stock...... and a warning.
My sisters still up in Lower Hudson valley ...her kids are grown now and like me shes getting ready to pack it up with her husband and head south
I left in 2016
All of these scheme are just euphemisms for Totalitarian Oppression. That's what happens. The few elite have all the power, and wealth, and the people starve.
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.

First of all, at a Federal Level, Capitalism IS necessary but it needs to be accompanied with Socialism. Neither is a form of government. The are Financial methods. Capitalism cannot govern and it easily gets out of control fast and the last thing you need is for Corporations to run anything. We went through that with the Robber Barons of yesterday. Socialism needs Capitalism to make the money. But Capitalism needs Socialism to spend the money in such a way that the nation prospers. It's Yin and Yang. Too much of one is bad. The US has been teetering back and forth even before the ink was dry on the Constitution. So both of the sides needs to discuss not doing away with the other side but what levels is needed to be healthy.
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.
You mean like Stalin or Lenin or Castro or Adolf Hitler or may need Madura out of Venezuela you're a moron

You mean like the Late Victorian Holocausts which killed 20- 30 million , the American wars which killed another 20- 30 million?

British people are clearly little more than Chimps, if they can't figure out they've been one of the most violent monstrosities as Capitalist scums.
No i was thinking about the socialist wars killing 60 milliion and starving millions more
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.
You mean like Stalin or Lenin or Castro or Adolf Hitler or may need Madura out of Venezuela you're a moron

You mean like the Late Victorian Holocausts which killed 20- 30 million , the American wars which killed another 20- 30 million?

British people are clearly little more than Chimps, if they can't figure out they've been one of the most violent monstrosities as Capitalist scums.
No i was thinking about the socialist wars killing 60 milliion and starving millions more

Meanwhile you leave out the 100 million that the right wing wars happening at exactly the same time killed as well. WWII was rightwing against leftwing with the US caught up in the middle. But I guess you celebrate the ones that the right wingers killed, slaughtered and murdered.
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.
Capitalism has been a boon and should continue. I'm a huge fan. I also think capitalism should be regulated by government. We get to elect our government leaders to oversee capitalism and make sure it doesn't get out of control. Vote wisely.
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.
You mean like Stalin or Lenin or Castro or Adolf Hitler or may need Madura out of Venezuela you're a moron

You mean like the Late Victorian Holocausts which killed 20- 30 million , the American wars which killed another 20- 30 million?

British people are clearly little more than Chimps, if they can't figure out they've been one of the most violent monstrosities as Capitalist scums.
No i was thinking about the socialist wars killing 60 milliion and starving millions more

Meanwhile you leave out the 100 million that the right wing wars happening at exactly the same time killed as well. WWII was rightwing against leftwing with the US caught up in the middle. But I guess you celebrate the ones that the right wingers killed, slaughtered and murdered.
First i was talking about ww2 when the national socialist party started a war o ues nazis were socialist meat head.
Socialism and communism are basically one in the same
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.

You have no place in civilization...

Actually after reading the post made some sense. Have a cookie.
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.

I completely disagree!

FETTERED capitalism coupled with rational socialism is what I would go with.

Make sure noone lives in poverty
everyone has enough to live a decent life....
provide AFFORDABLE healthcare, education, housing

and then allow for anyone/everyone to go further/get more by working harder, rising through the ranks, creating new ideas....

The Elon Musks of the world will get ME to MARS a lot quicker than any government will.
Our modern civilization needs real leadership, and management. (Socialism / Big government)

We must secure our border, we must stop the Third-World from having so many kids which are ruining the World by pollution, and immigration to the First-World.We must must secure the environment to stop major pollution, deforestation, and destruction of endangered species , we must make sure the idiots, and criminals stop having more kids than normal people.
We must crack down on those who hire foreigners in American created companies, as Capitalism gives our jobs to foreigners by outsourcing jobs to China, and insourcing illegals from Mexico.we must crack down on those who come in, and buy up land, and our businesses. We must try to limit the amount of uninsured, and bring down healthcare costs by nationalizing it, leaving more Americans to lead healthy lives. We must stop Doggie / Kittie jails from being so harsh, by funding our Pounds more.We must stop Hollywood, and media from their biases to regulate them.
We must stop Abortion murders, by outlawing it.

Doing nothing, isn't a solution.

Certainly not sitting around, thinking the ONLY problem in the World is high taxes.

That's a bit you know, Autistic.

If you don't like capitalism. Move.
We have serious issues in this World, which aren't getting aren't even close to being solved.

Not a Communist, either, but Fascism, or something similar is clearly the only suitable system.

Anyways, do you even have any evidence that Capitalism kills anymore?

The USA, and British Empire are examples of some Capitalist regimes who've also killed a bunch.
They're crony corporatist, not capitalist....Learn the difference.

Then there must be no such thing as Capitalism.

The bottom-line is that there's a ton of issues which aren't getting solved, because Capitalists are hardly even Human.
Just because you’re broke doesn’t mean everyone else has to be.
Capitalism is simply the greatest socioeconomic system ever created.

Without it, we’d all still be living in huts, scrounging for seeds to live.

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