Carbonite CEO admits dropping Limbaugh hurt growth more than expected

Of course if one bothers to read all of what the CEO said, you get this:

"I'm not regretful of the decision, I think things would have been worse had we not done that."

As usual, a rightwing thread tries to tell a lie.
You have to remember who Carbonite's customers are...

People who are too stupid to back up important files, which any chimp can do.
You have to remember who Carbonite's customers are...

People who are too stupid to back up important files, which any chimp can do.

man you are just full of LOVE lately

No more than usual.

Frankly, listening to the kinds of folks who sponsor Limbaugh, they even give businessmen a bad name. Most of them are panic peddlers (Buy Gold now!) and get rich quick scammers.

He actually said, "I think things would have been worse had we not done that."

Guess we'll never know for sure will we...

Don't you think the OP should have included that little tidbit in his post?

Why? The truth is his businesses suffered, that is measurable. His CYA statement is nothing more then speculation.

Or do you think for a minute he knew what he was doing was going to hurt his company? No, I will bet just the opposite. I will bet he thought his little ploy would help attract all the liberal haters, which it may have actually done. Only problem is that those who adhere to the liberal point of view are very few. You need to learn that the outcome is always the direct opposite of the liberal's stated intent.
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Sounds lie some retard got caught pulling things way out of context and lying about the meaning again.

Actually, the numbers would offer up no proof at all without a control set to prove that their revenue would have been better had they stayed. there is absolutely no proof to claim that staying would have helped them at all.

Meanwhile there seems to be concrete proof that being pussies hurt their bottom line.

Evidence, i see no evidence of anything other than the idiocy of the rushtards thinking Rush is infallible. But if I ever want to buy cheap ass gold from dumbass rightwingers I do now where to advertise.

See this is a perfect example of the level of liberal discourse. First the use the politically incorrect term retarded to refer to people. This ain't the 1950s some one needs to grow up a bit. Second this isn't at all about Rush's audience it has to do with the decision Carbonite made trying to attract haters. Everything businesses do is to try and help their company or there are not very good businessmen. It was an idiotic ploy on Carbonite's part. Assuming their ads on Rush attracted customers, which the numbers show they did, then leaving was obviously going to hurt his business. So anyone who will now do business with them is taking a chance on a company run by morons.
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