Cardone Capital immediately ceases ALL UNDERWRITING ON REAL ESTATE in New York.

You were never an appraiser. I was. I was more than just an appraiser, I owned my own appraisal firm and hired appraisers. I also was called on by major lenders to double check work done by other appraisers.

The law does not demand you be honest on your form. We assumed borrowers were not honest. We double checked all borrowers honesty. We got credit reports, we got appraisals we got internal appraisers to verify the veracity of the appraisal submitted. You said you work at XYZ and you signed a form that gave us permission to verify this with company XYZ. Do not think lenders trust you.

Redirect Notice
I really have to wonder. Are all of them this ignorant on the lending process? Obtuse? Or simply feigning the same in service of their Trump hate.
Well that didn't take long. Investors, venture capitalists and developers will be voting with their money thanks to the political hit job that Letitia James and Judge Engeron executed on Donald Trump. More to follow, that is for certain.

Well he's in court on fraud nearly as much as Dump! lol

better won loss record though
Democrats are not bright people.
Lets compare where you live before you make that statement. First, what part of Russia are you in?

LOL sure NYC loves losing billions of dollars while we bus hundreds of thousands of dirt poor illegals into their city.
Is this another thing like your truck embargo? You guys have such fertile imaginations.
Is this another thing like your truck embargo? You guys have such fertile imaginations.
What's not imaginary is that we f'ing HATE Democrats guts now. Our mission is to destroy that corrupt party and oppose them at every turn. Tissue?

They're exercising their right to refuse to do business in an area that will go after you for executing a deal in which everyone agreed to the contract, it was fulfilled successfully, and no one was damaged.
Yeah there's no telling what they could decide to pick on. A comma, a misspelled word, a missing appraisal's a free-for-all now.
Sounds like a risk NYC is happy to take.
We do not know how this will shake out. It is fun. If it ends in a not so nice way...Letitia the Pauperizer. The loss of companies reduces taxes. Reduces employees. Reduces the city's wealth. New York makes a lot of money on companies that pass currency around. They get their cut as it may.
Yeah there's no telling what they could decide to pick on. A comma, a misspelled word, a missing appraisal's a free-for-all now.
Well in this case they picked on someone who misrepresented the state of a property, building permissions, renting status, number, square footage, and estimated value. On top of little things like sourcing a valuation on someone who declares under oath he had nothing to do with it. Picking on a comma or a missing piece of paper seems far removed from that.

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