Carrie Fisher Dies; Now, can 2016 please die?

I just watched Episode IV with my grandson and I thought the circle is now complete. Very sad day for the Star Wars universe.
Star Wars fans soon to die off...they don't get laid.

They are probably super annoying too.
I agree. They wait for another sequel to come out. Least advisable business venture. Condom booth at Star Wars convention.

While I like some movies, even a lot, I've never really understood the weird obsession that some people develop over a movie. It's a very odd thing, IMO.
Star Wars fans soon to die off...they don't get laid.

They are probably super annoying too.
I agree. They wait for another sequel to come out. Least advisable business venture. Condom booth at Star Wars convention.

While I like some movies, even a lot, I've never really understood the weird obsession that some people develop over a movie. It's a very odd thing, IMO.
It is. I remember the kickboxer movies from the 1990's. Those folks were odd too. "Gee I hear there is lots of kicking in this movie!"
I don't get it "celebrity" LOL! worship? A bum freezes to death behind a dumpster, no one cares? A Police Officer "executed" while sitting in his car or pumping gas, maybe gets a mention for a while. Many on this very board become "happy" (he got what he deserved, etc.).

But some bimbo has a bad heart valve and "it" becomes news? I don't get it. Is she worth more than a frozen bum?

How many people knew about that particular bum?
Fisher's Princess Lea role has affected millions for several decades now.
I'm not all broken up about celebrity deaths. After all, I didn't even know them. I just think it's pretty weird that all of these celebrities have died this year. The only movie I ever saw Carrie Fisher in was Star Wars and maybe one other.
I don't get it "celebrity" LOL! worship? A bum freezes to death behind a dumpster, no one cares? A Police Officer "executed" while sitting in his car or pumping gas, maybe gets a mention for a while. Many on this very board become "happy" (he got what he deserved, etc.).

But some bimbo has a bad heart valve and "it" becomes news? I don't get it. Is she worth more than a frozen bum?

How many people knew about that particular bum?
Fisher's Princess Lea role has affected millions for several decades now.
Affected how? Hollywood is fake you know this right?
I don't get it "celebrity" LOL! worship? A bum freezes to death behind a dumpster, no one cares? A Police Officer "executed" while sitting in his car or pumping gas, maybe gets a mention for a while. Many on this very board become "happy" (he got what he deserved, etc.).

But some bimbo has a bad heart valve and "it" becomes news? I don't get it. Is she worth more than a frozen bum?

How many people knew about that particular bum?
Fisher's Princess Lea role has affected millions for several decades now.
Affected how? Hollywood is fake you know this right?

Well, she was more well known than some homeless guy. Doesn't really seem fair that everyone will mourn over some celebrity they didn't even know and ignore Joe the Homeless Guy down the street, but it is what it is.

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