Carrier & Trump

Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?

Will the jobs saved by this deal be a cost-benefit for Indiana, or a cost deficit? We need to wait and see, but the practice seems to be a dangerous move and one which others will see as an opportunity to tap into government largess.
You already lost the debate liberal child.....
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

After promising to put tariffs on imports from companies that send jobs to Mexico, he instead gifts Carrier 7 million dollars, and only saves some of the jobs (for now). He's Carrier's Butt Boy. He's officially owned by Wall Street. The rest of corporate greedy America will expect , and probably get , a similar deal. Sad!
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.
Link to Trumps discussion with Carrier?
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

After promising to put tariffs on imports from companies that send jobs to Mexico, he instead gifts Carrier 7 million dollars, and only saves some of the jobs (for now). He's Carrier's Butt Boy. He's officially owned by Wall Street. The rest of corporate greedy America will expect , and probably get , a similar deal. Sad!
You have no clue what is going on.....we are not surprised....
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.
Saving almost 1,100 jobs before he's even in office is a great deal, you're just too stupid to see it. Nor do you understand grade school English. Money not collected isn't a subsidy. Thanks for proving why liberals are what they are.
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.
Saving almost 1,100 jobs before he's even in office is a great deal, you're just too stupid to see it. Nor do you understand grade school English. Money not collected isn't a subsidy. Thanks for proving why liberals are what they are.

They are just pissed off that Trump "the worst thing ever", is getting more done than they before he's even in the office. They have to deny, deny, deny.
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.

He is not president yet!

And he is better than Obama, as the far left told us that we should just accept this as the new norm.

He was wheeling and dealing with Carrier, and then laughably celebrating the "win" as if he were President. It doesn't matter if he's not yet President. He claims its his deal.

Trump is a joke. One second he was going to slop tariffs on companies like Carrier. Next second , Carrier gets a $7 million tax giveaway they do not deserve. His first idea would save ALL the jobs. NAFTA was a mistake and has to be scrapped pronto.
It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!
So you have your bases covered before a link is even presented to you. It is true, regardless. Go ask the folks whose jobs are leaving if that's all you will believe.

So you have no real proof of anything other than the far left Hack sites say it so!
I'm not wasting my time discussing this further. You asked for a link. I gave you one and told you other places I have heard it and seen it and you are rejecting them all out of hand. Why would I bother "arguing" about the veracity of a report when you discredit the NYTimes. Do you think they made up the facts so they could be sued? That is really really stunningly stupid.
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

After promising to put tariffs on imports from companies that send jobs to Mexico, he instead gifts Carrier 7 million dollars, and only saves some of the jobs (for now). He's Carrier's Butt Boy. He's officially owned by Wall Street. The rest of corporate greedy America will expect , and probably get , a similar deal. Sad!
That's brain dead. He isn't in office yet and can't enact anything, even when in office he can't do it alone, it will take time. You can't give somebody something that doesn't exist. If the money isn't taxed it isn't in the state coffers.

Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.

He is not president yet!

And he is better than Obama, as the far left told us that we should just accept this as the new norm.

He was wheeling and dealing with Carrier, and then laughably celebrating the "win" as if he were President. It doesn't matter if he's not yet President. He claims its his deal.

Trump is a joke. One second he was going to slop tariffs on companies like Carrier. Next second , Carrier gets a $7 million tax giveaway they do not deserve. His first idea would save ALL the jobs. NAFTA was a mistake and has to be scrapped pronto.

Yes it does matter if he is president yet as you want him to do things he can not do now.

I will give Trump two years to do what he says he is going to do.

Until he actually takes office you can not expect Trump to tear up a treaty!
It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!
So you have your bases covered before a link is even presented to you. It is true, regardless. Go ask the folks whose jobs are leaving if that's all you will believe.

So you have no real proof of anything other than the far left Hack sites say it so!
I'm not wasting my time discussing this further. You asked for a link. I gave you one and told you other places I have heard it and seen it and you are rejecting them all out of hand. Why would I bother "arguing" about the veracity of a report when you discredit the NYTimes. Do you think they made up the facts so they could be sued? That is really really stunningly stupid.

Yes they have made up "facts" before.

Until actual documents appear, it is all speculation and lies told by the far left press!

The far left press has shown they will do all they can to take down Trump, even after he won!
It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!
So you have your bases covered before a link is even presented to you. It is true, regardless. Go ask the folks whose jobs are leaving if that's all you will believe.

So you have no real proof of anything other than the far left Hack sites say it so!
I'm not wasting my time discussing this further. You asked for a link. I gave you one and told you other places I have heard it and seen it and you are rejecting them all out of hand. Why would I bother "arguing" about the veracity of a report when you discredit the NYTimes. Do you think they made up the facts so they could be sued? That is really really stunningly stupid.
You moron. The letter didn't back up your claims and only revealed what we all already knew. Nowhere does it say Trump is helping them build in Mexico. Were the words too big for you?
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.
Saving almost 1,100 jobs before he's even in office is a great deal, you're just too stupid to see it. Nor do you understand grade school English. Money not collected isn't a subsidy. Thanks for proving why liberals are what they are.

Nice try. The "money not collected" in taxes will instead go to the building a new factory in Mexico. Way to go, Trump. He promised to end NAFTA and tax imports. In other words, Carrier is building a factory in Mexico, and the Indiana taxpayer is paying for it.
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?

Will the jobs saved by this deal be a cost-benefit for Indiana, or a cost deficit? We need to wait and see, but the practice seems to be a dangerous move and one which others will see as an opportunity to tap into government largess.

First explain why you are lying. You said, "tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana" a blatant liar liar pants on fire LIE. Carrier keeping its own money it earned e.g. a tax break is not money paid by the residents of Indiana hence you are a liar. You know just talk to the :eusa_hand:
Next up Rexnord who was going to close an entire factory and force all 300 workers to train Mexican replacements.

Ford is in negotiations to stay based on a rollback of insane regulations.

This is how democrats were reduced to a regional power.
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.
Saving almost 1,100 jobs before he's even in office is a great deal, you're just too stupid to see it. Nor do you understand grade school English. Money not collected isn't a subsidy. Thanks for proving why liberals are what they are.

Nice try. The "money not collected" in taxes will instead go to the building a new factory in Mexico. Way to go, Trump. He promised to end NAFTA and tax imports. In other words, Carrier is building a factory in Mexico, and the Indiana taxpayer is paying for it.
Nice try? LOL. Your shit is weak, you have nothing but idiocy to rest on. They wanted to move the whole operation to Mexico so there was no money to count on. This dumbfuckery proves what's wrong with libs. It's like trying to explain calculus to a child.
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

America becomes great because the govt pays for the workers of the private companies. If this happened in any other country the US govt would decry it as COMMUNISM.

How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?

Will the jobs saved by this deal be a cost-benefit for Indiana, or a cost deficit? We need to wait and see, but the practice seems to be a dangerous move and one which others will see as an opportunity to tap into government largess.

So far no evidence to support such a claim!
It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!

Oh yes, oh yes, exactly what the far leftists said-)

Hey, 7 million is a lot of money, paid by the state where the jobs will be retained in. (no it isn't, but for the sake of argument, let us all play along)

Can ANYONE remember not tax breaks like this, but actual TRANSFER OF MONEY OUT OF THE FED TREASURY by Obysmal to help an industry?!?!?!

Nah, Obysmal would NEVER, ever do that, now would he-) Brookings: Cash for Clunkers failed

Oh my God, say it isn't so Obysmal and leftists-)

Why are these people so reality impaired?

Trump isn't trying to help industry, but keep jobs in America. Keep businesses in America that are LEAVING. Help the working class, the class which you are supposed to STAND FOR, morons.

Sure he is ... Plutocrats are always on the side of the working men and women in our country. I'm certain Donald Trump will seek to change the efforts by establishment Republicans to deny workers the right to collectively bargain for wages, benefits and working conditions, make sure women are paid the same as men who do the same work, and punish businesses, large and small, who hire and exploit workers not legally eligible to work in the our country.
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?
LOL. This one still thinks a tax relief is a payment.

Nothing will be paid out. Carrier would have left because of people like you who think you are entitled to their earnings.

Left for Mexico and taken ALL the tax revenue with them leaving Indiana with a bit fat $0.00. Now at least Indiana will still get a portion of the taxes they were getting from Carrier, plus the taxes from the 1,000 employees who still have a job, and the taxes from all the upstream and downstream beneficiaries of these jobs, suppliers, the businesses where these 1,000 families spend their money.

I'm fed up with these liberals lying and shitting on this deal, for fucks sake what a bunch of dicks.
Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

It doesn't matter if it's a tax subsidy or a handout. Carrier will use the money to build a factory, and send American jobs to Mexico. Trump should have told Carrier he's ripping up NAFTA, like he promised and that Carrier would be taxed for every Mexican import they try to send back to the US. THis would have saved ALL the jobs instead of just half or so. I think we should rip the Carrier deal up and demand a better one. He's a terrible negotiator.

He is not president yet!

And he is better than Obama, as the far left told us that we should just accept this as the new norm.

He was wheeling and dealing with Carrier, and then laughably celebrating the "win" as if he were President. It doesn't matter if he's not yet President. He claims its his deal.

Trump is a joke. One second he was going to slop tariffs on companies like Carrier. Next second , Carrier gets a $7 million tax giveaway they do not deserve. His first idea would save ALL the jobs. NAFTA was a mistake and has to be scrapped pronto.

Yes it does matter if he is president yet as you want him to do things he can not do now.

I will give Trump two years to do what he says he is going to do.

Until he actually takes office you can not expect Trump to tear up a treaty!

I expect him to tell Carrier and other job killing greedsters that NAFTA will be done, gone and over. He should have told them to go ahead and send all the jobs to Mexico but expect to pay a tariff on each import you try to send back. He coulld have told them this, and should have. It would have forced Carrier to kill their whole plan , and would have saved ALL the jobs, without taking money out if the Indiana governments pocket. Instead, only some jobs are saved, and Indiana taxpayers have a seven million dollar gap in their budget to make up elsewhere. What a bad deal! Low Energy!
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

America becomes great because the govt pays for the workers of the private companies. If this happened in any other country the US govt would decry it as COMMUNISM.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?

Will the jobs saved by this deal be a cost-benefit for Indiana, or a cost deficit? We need to wait and see, but the practice seems to be a dangerous move and one which others will see as an opportunity to tap into government largess.

It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!

Oh yes, oh yes, exactly what the far leftists said-)

Hey, 7 million is a lot of money, paid by the state where the jobs will be retained in. (no it isn't, but for the sake of argument, let us all play along)

Can ANYONE remember not tax breaks like this, but actual TRANSFER OF MONEY OUT OF THE FED TREASURY by Obysmal to help an industry?!?!?!

Nah, Obysmal would NEVER, ever do that, now would he-) Brookings: Cash for Clunkers failed

Oh my God, say it isn't so Obysmal and leftists-)

Why are these people so reality impaired?

Trump isn't trying to help industry, but keep jobs in America. Keep businesses in America that are LEAVING. Help the working class, the class which you are supposed to STAND FOR, morons.

Sure he is ... Plutocrats are always on the side of the working men and women in our country. I'm certain Donald Trump will seek to change the efforts by establishment Republicans to deny workers the right to collectively bargain for wages, benefits and working conditions, make sure women are paid the same as men who do the same work, and punish businesses, large and small, who hire and exploit workers not legally eligible to work in the our country.

Yes that is why the far left you support without question or hesitation bailed out wall street and the banks, not the people who were suffering.

Once again you prove that you run far left religious narratives instead of reality and facts!

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