Carrier & Trump

You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.

Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.

Yes we know you believe the far left religious dogma without question or hesitation!

Now concede like Hilary did!

I stated facts, asswipe. Where are yours.

You have not stated any facts, you just repeat the far left religious dogma!

Now concede like Hilary did!
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.
You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.
Really? If you have a 7 million dollar tax bill & someone rips it up, you don't have 7 million more than before the bill was ripped up.

You people are idiots.

Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.

Great list. You left out cheaper gas, which skyrocketed in price under oil men Bush & Cheney. Big shocker.
Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.
You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.
Really? If you have a 7 million dollar tax bill & someone rips it up, you don't have 7 million more than before the bill was ripped up.

You people are idiots.

Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.

Great list. You left out cheaper gas, which skyrocketed in price under oil men Bush & Cheney. Big shocker.

Gee a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone, who would have thunk that!
Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.
You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.
Really? If you have a 7 million dollar tax bill & someone rips it up, you don't have 7 million more than before the bill was ripped up.

You people are idiots.

Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.

Great list. You left out cheaper gas, which skyrocketed in price under oil men Bush & Cheney. Big shocker.
How did they jack up the price of gas? And it was $4 a gallon until fracking came along. No thanks to obama.
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

America becomes great because the govt pays for the workers of the private companies. If this happened in any other country the US govt would decry it as COMMUNISM.

Says the guy who wants to increase government payrolls.

Ah, the liberal hypocrisy, tears... Trump's victory has already been worth it.

Where did I say I wanted to increase the government payrolls?

Hypocrisy? You have no idea about me. You're just making things up to attack me.
You uninformed pathetic rubes...

Tax credit and tax incentives to encourage business is practiced all the damn time; state, federal, municipal, all over the damn place.

It's the states right to let go of some portion of future lost taxes (as in they'd not get them at /all/ if the company left the state) as a bartering chip to employee their residents. Who the fuck are you to dictate that the state doesn't have that right? If you don't live in that state, stuff it, if you do then write your damn representative and complain.

You think tax incentives to business are bad? Better write Mr. Obama and bitch straight away because he's got a shit ton of FEDERAL TAX credits and incentives on the books; ranging from Affirmative Action to green energy. Better get started your protest schedule will be booked for years trying to get rid of them all. (Here's just a few to get you started on your attempts to rid the country of these "evils"):

Business Tax Credits

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Two New Tax Benefits Aid Employers Who Hire and Retain Unemployed Workers
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

America becomes great because the govt pays for the workers of the private companies. If this happened in any other country the US govt would decry it as COMMUNISM.

Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?

Will the jobs saved by this deal be a cost-benefit for Indiana, or a cost deficit? We need to wait and see, but the practice seems to be a dangerous move and one which others will see as an opportunity to tap into government largess.

Carrier is till building a new factory in Mexico & now Trump is helping pay for it.

So far no evidence to support such a claim!
It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

So far no evidence to support such a claim!
It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!

Oh yes, oh yes, exactly what the far leftists said-)

Hey, 7 million is a lot of money, paid by the state where the jobs will be retained in. (no it isn't, but for the sake of argument, let us all play along)

Can ANYONE remember not tax breaks like this, but actual TRANSFER OF MONEY OUT OF THE FED TREASURY by Obysmal to help an industry?!?!?!

Nah, Obysmal would NEVER, ever do that, now would he-) Brookings: Cash for Clunkers failed

Oh my God, say it isn't so Obysmal and leftists-)

I didn't say I agreed with Obama doing it either. Or that I agreed with the policies that led up to the recession that led up to handing out billions.

$7 million for 800 workers is a lot of money. That's $8,000 per worker. Seriously. How much tax will they get back from that?
Regressives are very pissed off that Trump is already making America great (their worst fear)... and he isn't even the president yet!

America becomes great because the govt pays for the workers of the private companies. If this happened in any other country the US govt would decry it as COMMUNISM.

How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.

I highlighted your lie in red. Its a blatant big fat mouth type lie typical of the left. They have no valid argument so they lie, shocker.

Carrier Will Receive $7 Million in Tax Breaks to Keep Jobs in Indiana

In truth the 7 million will be paid over ten years, and is money that might have gone to repair roads & other necessary eroding infrastructure (creating jobs) in Indiana, which is now going to Carrier. Call it what you will, we will never know what went on behind the curtain, or what other promises may have been made to United Tech. a major defense contractor and the owner of Carrier. Are they incentives or bribes, and how will other companies and industries not seek to obtain such a reward?

Will the jobs saved by this deal be a cost-benefit for Indiana, or a cost deficit? We need to wait and see, but the practice seems to be a dangerous move and one which others will see as an opportunity to tap into government largess.

So far no evidence to support such a claim!
It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

It's been reported, though without emphasis, since the first time I heard about the Trump save. Look it up.

It is on those making the claim to back up their claims, but as a far left drone you refuse to post actual facts!

If it was that easy then you could have posted a link, but did not as it must be only in far left blog sites!
Actually, I heard it first on Fox or CNN, and have heard it repeated here and there. NY Times also covered it, but I suppose that--and any other site that covers the news--will be considered a "far left blog site" by you. Don't say I didn't show you, though.

Think progress is a known far left blog site, this why the far left fails!

The New York Times is also a known far left hack.

You might as well have posted from the onion!

Oh yes, oh yes, exactly what the far leftists said-)

Hey, 7 million is a lot of money, paid by the state where the jobs will be retained in. (no it isn't, but for the sake of argument, let us all play along)

Can ANYONE remember not tax breaks like this, but actual TRANSFER OF MONEY OUT OF THE FED TREASURY by Obysmal to help an industry?!?!?!

Nah, Obysmal would NEVER, ever do that, now would he-) Brookings: Cash for Clunkers failed

Oh my God, say it isn't so Obysmal and leftists-)

Why are these people so reality impaired?

Trump isn't trying to help industry, but keep jobs in America. Keep businesses in America that are LEAVING. Help the working class, the class which you are supposed to STAND FOR, morons.

Why do I like capitalism. Because capitalism gets rid of poor companies, allows better companies with better ideas to rise up. What Trump is doing is saying that he's keeping companies that can't afford to pay US wages in the US. Oh, great.

The US should be trying to attract high level, high skill businesses that pay decent wages. The US should be aiming education towards having the workforce to attract such businesses, instead it seems to be aiming for those who can recite the Bible.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.

Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.
You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.
How so? You have no source and it makes no sense. A tax relief isn't a payment so you need to explain.
Really? If you have a 7 million dollar tax bill & someone rips it up, you don't have 7 million more than before the bill was ripped up.

You people are idiots.

Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.
Women have had equal pay for many decades, Republicans didn't cause the recession, obama helped ISIS get started instead of keeping the region secur forcing alternative marriages onto the majority isn't winning, Iran got 1.5 billion and a path to nukes, environmental over reach is killing business, the unemployment rate is sky high, your phony numbers don't tell the true picture.

You got everything wrong.
Of course, it is using the tax dollars paid by the residents of Indiana to bribe Carrier to only send 1,000 jobs to Mexico, on the promise to keep jobs 1,000 jobs in the Hossier State. Will they demand $7 million more in a few years? If Trump doesn't send additional bribes will these saved jobs leave Indiana? Will other businesses smell the green and demand more tax cuts or head to Mexico or Asia?

Speaking of Asia, how do the Trump supporters feel about his break with policy on the sensitive issue of Taiwan? Some say it was a strategic move, others a bewildering fuck up by an inexperienced yokel with no diplomatic experience, in lyrical form:

One blind mouse. One blind mouse
See how he ran. See how he ran.
He ran after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off his penis with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such a sight in your life,
As one blind mouse.
You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.
Really? If you have a 7 million dollar tax bill & someone rips it up, you don't have 7 million more than before the bill was ripped up.

You people are idiots.

Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.
Women have had equal pay for many decades, Republicans didn't cause the recession, obama helped ISIS get started instead of keeping the region secur forcing alternative marriages onto the majority isn't winning, Iran got 1.5 billion and a path to nukes, environmental over reach is killing business, the unemployment rate is sky high, your phony numbers don't tell the true picture.

You got everything wrong.
Statistics say women typically get paid less for equal work. It's Ok, I know, I Know, you are such a pussy that you are afraid of elevating women to true equality.
Republicans basically ran every Congressional Committee for 12 consectutive Year with a Republican President for nearly 7 years prior to the start of the recession in the 4th quarter of 2007. Keep telling yourself it was the Democrats. ISIS strengthened in Syria. There is no path to a nuke in the Iran Agreement. You believe that the only way companies can be profitable if they are permitted to pollute. The unem[loymet ate is 4.6%. You are a complete & total ass.
You uninformed pathetic rubes...

Tax credit and tax incentives to encourage business is practiced all the damn time; state, federal, municipal, all over the damn place.

It's the states right to let go of some portion of future lost taxes (as in they'd not get them at /all/ if the company left the state) as a bartering chip to employee their residents. Who the fuck are you to dictate that the state doesn't have that right? If you don't live in that state, stuff it, if you do then write your damn representative and complain.

You think tax incentives to business are bad? Better write Mr. Obama and bitch straight away because he's got a shit ton of FEDERAL TAX credits and incentives on the books; ranging from Affirmative Action to green energy. Better get started your protest schedule will be booked for years trying to get rid of them all. (Here's just a few to get you started on your attempts to rid the country of these "evils"):

Business Tax Credits

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Two New Tax Benefits Aid Employers Who Hire and Retain Unemployed Workers

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Tax Incentives for Using a Minority-Owned Business

Request Rejected
To claim the only way a lack man can get into college is through Affirmative Action is racist.
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!
I see you failed to debunk any of my statements. Man up, Debunk them. Or are you really just another dumbass whiner.

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.

Yes we know you believe the far left religious dogma without question or hesitation!

Now concede like Hilary did!

I stated facts, asswipe. Where are yours.

You have not stated any facts, you just repeat the far left religious dogma!

Now concede like Hilary did!
You aren't using tax dollars if you are not collecting them. I was expecting something that stupid. The citizens will benefit from the company staying, you liberals see everything the opposite of reality.
Yes so are all the far left drones that supported the alternative energy plan that killed ten of thousands of jobs and got the DNC donor rich!
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.
Women have had equal pay for many decades, Republicans didn't cause the recession, obama helped ISIS get started instead of keeping the region secur forcing alternative marriages onto the majority isn't winning, Iran got 1.5 billion and a path to nukes, environmental over reach is killing business, the unemployment rate is sky high, your phony numbers don't tell the true picture.

You got everything wrong.
Statistics say women typically get paid less for equal work. It's Ok, I know, I Know, you are such a pussy that you are afraid of elevating women to true equality.
Republicans basically ran every Congressional Committee for 12 consectutive Year with a Republican President for nearly 7 years prior to the start of the recession in the 4th quarter of 2007. Keep telling yourself it was the Democrats. ISIS strengthened in Syria. There is no path to a nuke in the Iran Agreement. You believe that the only way companies can be profitable if they are permitted to pollute. The unem[loymet ate is 4.6%. You are a complete & total ass.
Equal pay laws have been around for a long time, as I said. Statistics are groomed to create a false narrative and doesn't take into account men have different jobs, higher risk, more skilled and more hours.

Pelosi and Reid took over congress after the slim Republican lead was lost. You are short of facts.
Coal jobs lost due to cheaper gas? Those jobs?

You have two parties. The Rs that will fight green energy to help their fossil fuel donors and the Ds who will push for more green energy & less fossil fuel.

You are crying about the green energy industry donating to Ds & ignore the fossil fuel industries donating to & getting rich off the Rs. As your ignore the health risks & global warming aspects.

The Republicans: Bring back coal so miners can work & more Americans can get sick & die & future generations will face an uncertain future die to Global Warming.

Whats next? Bring back the Asbestos industry?

See how the far left will ignore what the far left did in the past eight years!

They really can not see their hypocrisy, but they will run their debunked religious narratives at all costs!
It is so sad that you choose to ignore the facts & trash women like your orange buddy Trump does.

What did the left do the past 8 years?
1) Recovered from the Republican generated worst recession in 80 years
2) Record string of monthly job gains
3) Ended quagmire wars
4) Got millions more American insured
5) Set regulations to prevent another near meltdown that taxpayers would need to pay
6) Equal pay for women
7) Advancement of gay marriage
8) Stopped Iran from getting a nuke through multilateral talks
9) 4.6% unemployment rate
10) reduced greenhouse gas emissions

All your your party putting politics ahead of this country's interest.
Lets see what your loud mouthed cheeto does from here.
Women have had equal pay for many decades, Republicans didn't cause the recession, obama helped ISIS get started instead of keeping the region secur forcing alternative marriages onto the majority isn't winning, Iran got 1.5 billion and a path to nukes, environmental over reach is killing business, the unemployment rate is sky high, your phony numbers don't tell the true picture.

You got everything wrong.
Statistics say women typically get paid less for equal work. It's Ok, I know, I Know, you are such a pussy that you are afraid of elevating women to true equality.
Republicans basically ran every Congressional Committee for 12 consectutive Year with a Republican President for nearly 7 years prior to the start of the recession in the 4th quarter of 2007. Keep telling yourself it was the Democrats. ISIS strengthened in Syria. There is no path to a nuke in the Iran Agreement. You believe that the only way companies can be profitable if they are permitted to pollute. The unem[loymet ate is 4.6%. You are a complete & total ass.
Equal pay laws have been around for a long time, as I said. Statistics are groomed to create a false narrative and doesn't take into account men have different jobs, higher risk, more skilled and more hours.

Pelosi and Reid took over congress after the slim Republican lead was lost. You are short of facts.

You said? Who the fuck cares what a women bashing POS like you thinks? The statistics show otherwise. Look you fucking moron, equal pay means equal pay for the same job. My God you people are sofa king stupid that it makes me sick that you are actually allowed to vote.

Then your lying statement about the US Senate.

2005/2-06, the split was 55 Republicans & 44 Democrats. In 2007/2008, it was 49 - 49.

Now Mr. Brilliant, how a 55-44 as slim advantage?

My God, Can you really get any dumber?
To claim the only way a lack man can get into college is through Affirmative Action is racist.

The only way W got into Yale is because his Daddy graduated from Yale. That's the rich kid's version of "affirmative action". If you're a legacy, or your Daddy donates enough to his alma mater, you'll get a golden ticket even if you're a complete moron, like W.
You uninformed pathetic rubes...

Tax credit and tax incentives to encourage business is practiced all the damn time; state, federal, municipal, all over the damn place.

It's the states right to let go of some portion of future lost taxes (as in they'd not get them at /all/ if the company left the state) as a bartering chip to employee their residents. Who the fuck are you to dictate that the state doesn't have that right? If you don't live in that state, stuff it, if you do then write your damn representative and complain.

You think tax incentives to business are bad? Better write Mr. Obama and bitch straight away because he's got a shit ton of FEDERAL TAX credits and incentives on the books; ranging from Affirmative Action to green energy. Better get started your protest schedule will be booked for years trying to get rid of them all. (Here's just a few to get you started on your attempts to rid the country of these "evils"):

Business Tax Credits

Tax Incentives Assistance Project

Two New Tax Benefits Aid Employers Who Hire and Retain Unemployed Workers

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Tax Incentives for Using a Minority-Owned Business

Request Rejected[/QUOTE

Incentives & such to a single company become bribes, it's quid pro quo. Nice try to spin straw into bullshit.
Gee a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone, who would have thunk that!

It's little Kosh sheep, bleating "far left drone, far left drone", and nothing else at everything that's posted. And then complaining that other's aren't responding to his posts. What a troll.
Carrier isn't getting anything from Sam that several other companies will get, and have gotten to stay home. Those who leave will face the music. It's the same way the mob operates....either make money with us or sleep with the fishes.
Gee a far left drone agreeing with another far left drone, who would have thunk that!

It's little Kosh sheep, bleating "far left drone, far left drone", and nothing else at everything that's posted. And then complaining that other's aren't responding to his posts. What a troll.

You are what you are, if you do not want to be called what you are, then you should not act and post far left drone religious dogma!

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