Carrying While Black vs. Carrying While White

Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in the system...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

This is an old video that has already been explained numerous times.
There is a HUGE difference between the two.
1) The white man has the gun strapped to his back, completely behind him. At no time was he is a position to fire.
2) The black kid was carrying the gun much closer to a firing position. Why do you think the people who made the video changed how the two carried it?

Bullshit excuse.
Your boys did show up because they were scared.

Boys, boys????

Looks like your BOYS showed up - for what?
Because your BOYS were going to hold a rally at Stone Mountain and they wanted to give them the opportunity to express their grievances about blacks directly to black people.
Funny how the same people who try to minimize racism today by saying shit like "well it was worse in the past" -- are the same people who claim they are being oppressed because they had to wear a mask to go in Home Depot.
Funny that.
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Black folks are among the original 2nd amendment advocates....because black folks were the main ones targeted when 2nd amendment rights were being denied....

I suggest you so-called gun rights advocates research the life of this great man......

View attachment 472072

At one time, he even obtained a charter from the NRA for his rifle club until he vowed to exercise his 2A rights to protect his community from the KKK and racist cops.......we can't have that can we?

You're right. In fact, the main reason the Democrats formed the KKK was to go after legally armed free blacks. As you see, nothing has changed, except now they have your full support in doing it.
Marc...over and over I must say the same thing....And this is me doing it....A real political and sociological attack on teenage unmarried women having babies must be reduced. Progressive politicians do nothing to stop this. But have endless programs to help out. A million abortions a year in this nation. Globalism caused this with the carrot of payouts and a massively softening of shame for abortions and having babies.
What do abortion have to do with this topic?

As I always say, if you don't believe in having abortions then don't have one.
Funny how the same people who try to minimize racism today by saying shit like "well it was worse in the past" -- are the same people who claim they are being oppressed because they had to wear a mask to go in Home Depot.

Can you draw the connection? I think I see exactly what you are implying but you would deny it if I spelled it out.
Saying mean things on the internet is nothing.
If you were raised by two mommies, you most likely are triggered by words and ideas that contradict your delicate world view.

I would say there is some validity to that. The same would go for those raised by one mommy and no daddy. An exception would be if there was a male role model around otherwise like a grandfather, uncle, nosey male neighbor, or someone like that around.
Black folks are among the original 2nd amendment advocates....because black folks were the main ones targeted when 2nd amendment rights were being denied....

I suggest you so-called gun rights advocates research the life of this great man......

View attachment 472072

At one time, he even obtained a charter from the NRA for his rifle club until he vowed to exercise his 2A rights to protect his community from the KKK and racist cops.......we can't have that can we?

You're right. In fact, the main reason the Democrats formed the KKK was to go after legally armed free blacks. As you see, nothing has changed, except now they have your full support in doing it.
The democrats didn't form shit. White people did. And the republicans ended reconstruction so it could happen. Just like republicans are opening the door for modern jim crow today.
Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in the system...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

I've got no issue with black folks exercising carry, Because the INITIAL gun control laws in this country were ALL ABOUT racism.. And gun control NOW -- focusing on rifles that kill less people every year than bare hands or knives is a form of "reverse racism". And it does nothing to stop the slaughter in the black urban hoods..

Seen your examples before.. They've been in this\ forum every couple of years. They are too fake to use as ANY evidence of racism.. They are "set-up" candid camera shams. In one, the girlfriend taking the pics is in the DIRECT LINE OF FIRE if the officers DID discharge a weapon. So there was not a real threat.
Black folks are among the original 2nd amendment advocates....because black folks were the main ones targeted when 2nd amendment rights were being denied....

I suggest you so-called gun rights advocates research the life of this great man......

View attachment 472072

At one time, he even obtained a charter from the NRA for his rifle club until he vowed to exercise his 2A rights to protect his community from the KKK and racist cops.......we can't have that can we?

You're right. In fact, the main reason the Democrats formed the KKK was to go after legally armed free blacks. As you see, nothing has changed, except now they have your full support in doing it.
The democrats didn't form shit. White people did. And the republicans ended reconstruction so it could happen. Just like republicans are opening the door for modern jim crow today.

Modern Jim Crow TODAY? Please tell me where there are "literacy tests" and rigged "guess the number of jelly beans" to register to vote. Or people getting ASSAULTED for voting or THINKING about voting..

Why is you always DEMEANING the ACTUAL brutality of racist history? Is that because you DONT KNOW the brutality of the Jim Crow laws? Or you just want to forget that EVERY CREATOR AND ENFORCER of Jim Crow was a loyal Southern Democrat??
Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in the system...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

I actually do not disagree with you on the point that black people are treated differently when it comes to 2A rights.

I do disagree on the reason.

Either way, black folks deserve to be treated equally, especially when it comes to self protection.

I actually respected that armed march on Stone Mtn.. But I still wonder if those heavily armed dudes REALIZE that the entire HISTORY of Stone Mtn -- including the transfer to the State of GA was a full Democrat production..

My guess is they probably DO realize that because a fair percentage of these black militias are pushing SOLID RE-segregation and self-governing.. I respect that also.. Because our current government is morally, intellectually, and FINANCIALLY bankrupt. They COULD do better with 50 acres and a mule right now..
If the African American people want to form their own armed militia, its cool with me. I can do without their "master race" bullshit, but I can understand why they want to rid their ghettos of crime. Personally, I have no problem with the Black Gestapo if the plan is effective.

Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in the system...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

Such a drama queen you are .
Blacks are many times more criminal and violent than any other segment of society and it's understandable that cops are going to be extremely paranoid around blacks.
Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in thesystem...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

I actually do not disagree with you on the point that black people are treated differently when it comes to 2A rights.

I do disagree on the reason.

Either way, black folks deserve to be treated equally, especially when it comes to self protection.

Whites really need to stop trying to tell us what isn't racist.

The root cause of the problems we face is white racism.

The root of the problem is the perceived victimization of failure.

As a white male I can’t claim victimhood. If I don’t succeed I have nobody to blame except myself.

Most people have no idea how liberating that is.

Victimhood is a crutch.
Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in thesystem...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

I actually do not disagree with you on the point that black people are treated differently when it comes to 2A rights.

I do disagree on the reason.

Either way, black folks deserve to be treated equally, especially when it comes to self protection.

Whites really need to stop trying to tell us what isn't racist.

The root cause of the problems we face is white racism.

Conservatives really need to stop trying to tell us what isn't racist.
Many whites, particularly the racist and white supremacist ones, like to pretend that there's no difference in lawfully practicing your 2nd Amendment rights.

These videos show the utter ignorance (willful or otherwise) of that ideology...

Shorter version...

The problem is nothing but the inherent racism in the system...aka Systemic Racism.

It has to stop!

Whine all you want, but negroes have demonstrated a propensity towards violence. So, while this one particular colored boy might night be a threat, the inescapable fact is that the majority of them would.

The police are simply reacting to that reality...

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