Cars....we need to ban them to save lives....go to buses and trains.....

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Actually no Brain....not how dangerous it evil and dangerous the user might iran....they have told us they are going to murder people with nuclear they don't get them.....easy math.....

Sorry nukes don't kill anyone, so they are not dangerous based on your own arguments.

Brain...stop....the old Irish saying....if people around you tell you that you are better sit down....sit down brain...
We need to ban guns because guns were created to kill people, u know?!
And cars were created not to kill people. We should better teach people how to drive better!
You can teach driver how not to kill people, but you can't teach drunken idiot with gun how no to use it!

Drunks kill more people with cars than they do with guns.....

Car accidents....3 million or so a year

Gun accidents...17,000 a year..

Car accident fatalities....33,000 a year...

Gun accident fatalities....6-700 a year

We have passed laws against drunks, required registration, licensing and insurance

We need to do the same with guns
No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....

Wow flip flopped again. Ok so now we are back to nukes aren't dangerous because they kill nobody? So we should let Iran have nukes because they already have cars which are far more dangerous. You can't even believe your own silly arguments. are trying to hard to twist my words.....

And there are just over 250 million cars and they killed 33, 561 people in 2013....

Passenger vehicles in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

there are well over 320 million guns and they accidentally killed......505 in 2013.......

Those numbers mean nothing. Over 200 million licensed drivers. The number of cars doesn't matter, it's drivers. There are only about 60 million gun owners. Again the number of guns doesn't matter, its the number of owners. And cars are used daily 365 times a year. And according to your fake inflated numbers guns are only used 1.6 million times a year. So guns are far more dangerous.
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society
We need to ban guns because guns were created to kill people, u know?!
And cars were created not to kill people. We should better teach people how to drive better!
You can teach driver how not to kill people, but you can't teach drunken idiot with gun how no to use it!

Drunks kill more people with cars than they do with guns.....

Car accidents....3 million or so a year

Gun accidents...17,000 a year..

Car accident fatalities....33,000 a year...

Gun accident fatalities....6-700 a year

We have passed laws against drunks, required registration, licensing and insurance

We need to do the same with guns

We have laws against using guns to commit crimes already...20,000 of them...will the 20,001 do the trick....?

And how do they stop drunks from getting behind the wheel of a car....they don't, they know they can't...they catch them in the act of breaking the law....and then they fine them, put them in jail and put a blow device in their cars....

What you guys want with background checks is to require all Americans to put blow devices in all of their case they drive drunk....that is what a background check, registration and magazine limits are intended for....pre-crime...

When the solution to gun violence....catch people who use guns to commit actual crime...then lock them up.......

Simple...and you avoid the silliness of background checks that criminals ignore and registration that doesn't stop or solve one crime....
No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Actually no Brain....not how dangerous it evil and dangerous the user might iran....they have told us they are going to murder people with nuclear they don't get them.....easy math.....

Sorry nukes don't kill anyone, so they are not dangerous based on your own arguments.

Brain...stop....the old Irish saying....if people around you tell you that you are better sit down....sit down brain...

It seems you need to stop. You want to say Iran can't have nukes because if they USE them they are very dangerous. At the same time you are arguing USE doesn't matter when comparing guns and cars. You are contradicting yourself and you
The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....

Wow flip flopped again. Ok so now we are back to nukes aren't dangerous because they kill nobody? So we should let Iran have nukes because they already have cars which are far more dangerous. You can't even believe your own silly arguments. are trying to hard to twist my words.....

And there are just over 250 million cars and they killed 33, 561 people in 2013....

Passenger vehicles in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

there are well over 320 million guns and they accidentally killed......505 in 2013.......

Those numbers mean nothing. Over 200 million licensed drivers. The number of cars doesn't matter, it's drivers. There are only about 60 million gun owners. Again the number of guns doesn't matter, its the number of owners. And cars are used daily 365 times a year. And according to your fake inflated numbers guns are only used 1.6 million times a year. So guns are far more dangerous.

And according to your fake inflated numbers guns are only used 1.6 million times a year. should sit down brain, you silliness is showing.....the number is not fake, but comes from averaging 16 actual studies done to research the defensive use of guns....over 40 years by both public and private researchers...

And the 1.6 million times a year that guns are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives is just an average of those studies...

And to your point....that number is not all gun use....silly stated....that is how often they are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...

Guns are used more than that for going to the range with the family, hunting and competition as well as many other outdoor activities with the number and use is even higher......making the 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013 an even smaller number compared to how often guns are used safely....

Stop while you are only a little behind.....
The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Actually no Brain....not how dangerous it evil and dangerous the user might iran....they have told us they are going to murder people with nuclear they don't get them.....easy math.....

Sorry nukes don't kill anyone, so they are not dangerous based on your own arguments.

Brain...stop....the old Irish saying....if people around you tell you that you are better sit down....sit down brain...

It seems you need to stop. You want to say Iran can't have nukes because if they USE them they are very dangerous. At the same time you are arguing USE doesn't matter when comparing guns and cars. You are contradicting yourself and you

You want to say Iran can't have nukes because if they USE them

Brain...embarrasing yourself again...I am not saying iran can't have them because "IF" they are going to use them....I am saying iran has said they are "GOING TO" use them.....a big difference....
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......
Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....

Wow flip flopped again. Ok so now we are back to nukes aren't dangerous because they kill nobody? So we should let Iran have nukes because they already have cars which are far more dangerous. You can't even believe your own silly arguments. are trying to hard to twist my words.....

And there are just over 250 million cars and they killed 33, 561 people in 2013....

Passenger vehicles in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

there are well over 320 million guns and they accidentally killed......505 in 2013.......

Those numbers mean nothing. Over 200 million licensed drivers. The number of cars doesn't matter, it's drivers. There are only about 60 million gun owners. Again the number of guns doesn't matter, its the number of owners. And cars are used daily 365 times a year. And according to your fake inflated numbers guns are only used 1.6 million times a year. So guns are far more dangerous.

And according to your fake inflated numbers guns are only used 1.6 million times a year. should sit down brain, you silliness is showing.....the number is not fake, but comes from averaging 16 actual studies done to research the defensive use of guns....over 40 years by both public and private researchers...

And the 1.6 million times a year that guns are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives is just an average of those studies...

And to your point....that number is not all gun use....silly stated....that is how often they are used to stop or prevent violent criminal attack and save lives...

Guns are used more than that for going to the range with the family, hunting and competition as well as many other outdoor activities with the number and use is even higher......making the 505 accidental gun deaths in 2013 an even smaller number compared to how often guns are used safely....

Stop while you are only a little behind.....

Even including all uses guns are FAR more dangerous. Most owners I know use them just a few times a year. And there are over 200 million licensed drivers compared to only 60 million gun owners. Again guns are FAR more dangerous. It's silly to even make this comparison.
We need to ban guns because guns were created to kill people, u know?!
And cars were created not to kill people. We should better teach people how to drive better!
You can teach driver how not to kill people, but you can't teach drunken idiot with gun how no to use it!

Drunks kill more people with cars than they do with guns.....

Car accidents....3 million or so a year

Gun accidents...17,000 a year..

Car accident fatalities....33,000 a year...

Gun accident fatalities....6-700 a year

We have passed laws against drunks, required registration, licensing and insurance

We need to do the same with guns

We have laws against using guns to commit crimes already...20,000 of them...will the 20,001 do the trick....?

And how do they stop drunks from getting behind the wheel of a car....they don't, they know they can't...they catch them in the act of breaking the law....and then they fine them, put them in jail and put a blow device in their cars....

What you guys want with background checks is to require all Americans to put blow devices in all of their case they drive drunk....that is what a background check, registration and magazine limits are intended for....pre-crime...

When the solution to gun violence....catch people who use guns to commit actual crime...then lock them up.......

Simple...and you avoid the silliness of background checks that criminals ignore and registration that doesn't stop or solve one crime....

How do we stop drinks from getting behind the wheel?

We license them, make them carry insurance, punish them and those who serve them drinks. We arrest drunks BEFORE they hurt someone, not necessarily after

We need to do the same with guns
Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Actually no Brain....not how dangerous it evil and dangerous the user might iran....they have told us they are going to murder people with nuclear they don't get them.....easy math.....

Sorry nukes don't kill anyone, so they are not dangerous based on your own arguments.

Brain...stop....the old Irish saying....if people around you tell you that you are better sit down....sit down brain...

It seems you need to stop. You want to say Iran can't have nukes because if they USE them they are very dangerous. At the same time you are arguing USE doesn't matter when comparing guns and cars. You are contradicting yourself and you

You want to say Iran can't have nukes because if they USE them

Brain...embarrasing yourself again...I am not saying iran can't have them because "IF" they are going to use them....I am saying iran has said they are "GOING TO" use them.....a big difference....

No actually you are embarrassing yourself. You are again saying USE is important when determining how dangerous something is. But then you claim USE isn't important when comparing guns and cars. You contradict yourself, now that is embarrassing.
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......
Gun fatalities will pass 30,000 this year

Sad commentary on our society
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......

He didn't say accidently...
We need to ban guns because guns were created to kill people, u know?!
And cars were created not to kill people. We should better teach people how to drive better!
You can teach driver how not to kill people, but you can't teach drunken idiot with gun how no to use it!

Drunks kill more people with cars than they do with guns.....

Car accidents....3 million or so a year

Gun accidents...17,000 a year..

Car accident fatalities....33,000 a year...

Gun accident fatalities....6-700 a year

We have passed laws against drunks, required registration, licensing and insurance

We need to do the same with guns

We have laws against using guns to commit crimes already...20,000 of them...will the 20,001 do the trick....?

And how do they stop drunks from getting behind the wheel of a car....they don't, they know they can't...they catch them in the act of breaking the law....and then they fine them, put them in jail and put a blow device in their cars....

What you guys want with background checks is to require all Americans to put blow devices in all of their case they drive drunk....that is what a background check, registration and magazine limits are intended for....pre-crime...

When the solution to gun violence....catch people who use guns to commit actual crime...then lock them up.......

Simple...and you avoid the silliness of background checks that criminals ignore and registration that doesn't stop or solve one crime....

How do we stop drinks from getting behind the wheel?

We license them, make them carry insurance, punish them and those who serve them drinks. We arrest drunks BEFORE they hurt someone, not necessarily after

We need to do the same with guns you have any clue what you are talking about.....? We license drunks....we make drunks carry drunk insurance......?

Sure, we might punish people who knowingly served them too much...but only after they are caught driving drunk...and the same goes for guns....sell a gun to a known get arrested and punished.......and no...we don't arrest drunks before they get into their cars.....
Last edited:
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......

He didn't say accidently...

Because he is stupid.....he needs to compare apples to apples.....he won't do that because the numbers won't go against I compared the apples for him......
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......

He didn't say accidently...

Because he is stupid.....he needs to compare apples to apples.....he won't do that because the numbers won't go against I compared the apples for him......

I understand what you did and see validity in it. But you also should look at how often something is USED because as you say with nukes, USE is very important.
guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......

He didn't say accidently...

Because he is stupid.....he needs to compare apples to apples.....he won't do that because the numbers won't go against I compared the apples for him......

I understand what you did and see validity in it. But you also should look at how often something is USED because as you say with nukes, USE is very important. aren't making sense...take a break and try again later......

We don't let felons have guns...they still get them of course....but felons can't have guns...

Iran is a felon on the world they don't get nukes....
Gun fatalities will surpass car fatalities this year

Sad commentary on our society

Does every word out of your mouth have to be a lie....fuck head.....I guess so...

Again...gun fatalities are not going to surpass car fatalities....

Cars accidentally killed 33,561 people in 2013....

Guns accidentally killed 505 people in 2013.....

no way they are even close.......

He didn't say accidently...

Because he is stupid.....he needs to compare apples to apples.....he won't do that because the numbers won't go against I compared the apples for him......

I understand what you did and see validity in it. But you also should look at how often something is USED because as you say with nukes, USE is very important. aren't making sense...take a break and try again later......

We don't let felons have guns...they still get them of course....but felons can't have guns...

Iran is a felon on the world they don't get nukes....

You need to take a break. Nukes don't kill anyone. We have to look at the death numbers according to you right? So if they don't kill anyone they aren't dangerous based on your car/gun argument.

We both know how much something is USED has to be taken into account. Your car/gun argument is just silly. They shouldn't be compared and you have to be dishonest to do it.

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