Cars....we need to ban them to save lives....go to buses and trains.....

We cant allow the average person to determine where or when they can travel to and from can we?

Ban all forms of non governmental approved travel. It's the American way.
I totally agree! Let's have only government approved public transportation!!!!
View attachment 39866 View attachment 39867
Sure that isn't a production line for Soylent Green?
We are getting to Soylent Green scenario if world population keeps increasing. Earth population is 9x higher than it would be desirable according to some.

Actually, we aren't over populated...not even close.....there are some isolated spots but there is so much land......and at the same time.....we aren't creating enough people to replace the ones we lose......except for muslims....they are increasing their populations while Europeans in particular are below replacement rates......which is going to bite them on the ass when it comes time to retire....
I am not a tree hugger per se but I think over population is a threat. Earth will cleanse herself. If it happens in the near future (what I doubt) I know you are ready for "emergencies" and that's a good thing.

I wouldn't worry about over population.....from what I understand you could put the entire population of the world in Texas and the population density would be the same as New York city....

As Europe has societies advance and achieve wealth, the people have less interest in having lots of children...and prefer to have their own lives....check the population rates of the European countries......see what their replacement rates are...that should cheer you up.....

Just don't look at the muslim population rates in Europe...that might depress you .....
the cost of cars is too high.....they kill more people than guns, and they injure more people each year than guns...there is no way to make them safe....with all the required training and safety features..they are "Unsafe at Any Speed."

Estimated 35 200 US traffic deaths reported in 2013 -

The National Safety Council estimated that during 2013, 35,200 people died in US traffic accidents, plus there were about 3.8 million crash injuries requiring medical attention. An agency official blamed most of the accidents on human error.

Now keep in mind.....guns only kill 8-9,000 people a year through intentional homicide and only 6-700 people due to human error.....and many people believe guns should be banned for anyone who isn't a cop or a soldier...true...that never quite worked out for Germans in the 1930s....but gun banners are not clear thinkers anyway.....


With the death and injuries due to cars exceeding that of guns by a lot.....a lot........I would call on my brothers and sisters who want to ban guns to focus on a real help me get them totally banned....

And the great thing....they aren't protected by the Constitution...we could ban them tomorrow if we wanted and no one could say S**t about it.......

Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......


And where did I say that?


Still waiting.......................
We need to ban guns because guns were created to kill people, u know?!
And cars were created not to kill people. We should better teach people how to drive better!
You can teach driver how not to kill people, but you can't teach drunken idiot with gun how no to use it!
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns
We need to ban guns because guns were created to kill people, u know?!
And cars were created not to kill people. We should better teach people how to drive better!
You can teach driver how not to kill people, but you can't teach drunken idiot with gun how no to use it!

Drunks kill more people with cars than they do with guns.....

Car accidents....3 million or so a year

Gun accidents...17,000 a year..

Car accident fatalities....33,000 a year...

Gun accident fatalities....6-700 a year
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....
Alcohol abuse and driving, USA's biggest killer on the road and health problem....ban booze...
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.
Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....

Nobody is advocating banning guns just like nobody is advocating banning cars

When auto fatalities became to high we made safer cars, safer roads, required licensing, insurance and registration

The same is needed for guns

guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.
guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....
guns are already safe....they only hurt or kill innocent people when used improperly..the same as cars.....

and as,safe,as we made cars...they still kill more people than guns each year....

Cars kill 33,000 each year....

Guns accidentally kill 6-700 each year...

Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Actually no Brain....not how dangerous it evil and dangerous the user might iran....they have told us they are going to murder people with nuclear they don't get them.....easy math.....
Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....

Wow flip flopped again. Ok so now we are back to nukes aren't dangerous because they kill nobody? So we should let Iran have nukes because they already have cars which are far more dangerous. You can't even believe your own silly arguments.
Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Actually no Brain....not how dangerous it evil and dangerous the user might iran....they have told us they are going to murder people with nuclear they don't get them.....easy math.....

Sorry nukes don't kill anyone, so they are not dangerous based on your own arguments.
Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....

Wow flip flopped again. Ok so now we are back to nukes aren't dangerous because they kill nobody? So we should let Iran have nukes because they already have cars which are far more dangerous. You can't even believe your own silly arguments. are trying to hard to twist my words.....

And there are just over 250 million cars and they killed 33, 561 people in 2013....

Passenger vehicles in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

there are well over 320 million guns and they accidentally killed......505 in 2013.......
Cars are used infinitely more than are guns. The more an item is used the more often there will be accidents OBVIOUSLY.
Cars - 200 million drivers used daily.
Guns - 1.6 million times a year using your fake and inflated number.

Guns are FAR more dangerous than cars.

And of course cars are needed while guns are not. I use my car daily, have never needed a gun. Most of the country can say the same thing.

Sorry doesn't matter....all that matters at the end of a year which one produces more dead...and cars win by a long are far more dangerous.......

And considering that if you have a car and a gun at your are more likely to die in the car than by the gun.....

No that is an extremely childish way to look at it. Any moron knows that you have to look at how much something is used to determine if it is dangerous. Based on use and ownership guns are FAR more dangerous, and that is how any intelligent person would look at it. And I'll ask you again then. Why do we care if Iran has nukes? Nukes don't kill anyone each year. Iran already has cars so I guess we shouldn't care if they have nukes right? Because according to you they aren't dangerous.

The same reason we don't want known, dangerously mentally ill people to have access to guns....we know they will use them....Iran states over and over they are going to use them......not maybe...not a chance...they state they are want them so they can actually use them against Israel and the U.S. and then the West........

And for the killed 33,561 in 2013 people according to the Dept. of Tranportaion....


Oh wait so now it depends on if something is used for how dangerous it is? It's amazing how you ride both sides depending on what you are arguing. If use is important for how dangerous something is then guns are far more dangerous than cars. If cars were used only 1.6 million times a year they would have a MUCH lower death count than guns. They are however used by over 200 million people daily. Sorry you lose.

Sorry Brain...the CDC disagrees with you.....

Accidental gun deaths....for 2013....only 505.......less than the 6-700 it usually is....

So.....Dept. of accidental death rate....33, more deadly.....
Since pot deaths are lowers than gun deaths we should outlaw guns and legalize pot..

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