Cars....we need to ban them to save lives....go to buses and trains.....

the cost of cars is too high.....they kill more people than guns, and they injure more people each year than guns...there is no way to make them safe....with all the required training and safety features..they are "Unsafe at Any Speed."

Estimated 35 200 US traffic deaths reported in 2013 -

Now keep in mind.....guns only kill 8-9,000 people a year through intentional homicide and only 6-700 people due to human error.....and many people believe guns should be banned for anyone who isn't a cop or a soldier...true...that never quite worked out for Germans in the 1930s....but gun banners are not clear thinkers anyway.....


With the death and injuries due to cars exceeding that of guns by a lot.....a lot........I would call on my brothers and sisters who want to ban guns to focus on a real help me get them totally banned....

And the great thing....they aren't protected by the Constitution...we could ban them tomorrow if we wanted and no one could say S**t about it.......

Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

Now this is a much more valid argument than the gun/car comparison thing. Just saying... Though I still think ownership is down. :)
Why don't we just ban guns?

It will have a lesser impact on society
Thugs would love that retarded leftwingbats idea.
Yes, those cops would enjoy a defanged population....
Libtards are so stupid, thugs don't care if guns are legal, they will be the only ones with them. I will never give up my guns.
So this Libtard that owns several weapons(since that is the proper nomenclature for us veterans) is stupid because the cops are thugs?
Not cops, thugs, criminals. Cops will have them to but by the time they get there it will be too late.
the cost of cars is too high.....they kill more people than guns, and they injure more people each year than guns...there is no way to make them safe....with all the required training and safety features..they are "Unsafe at Any Speed."

Estimated 35 200 US traffic deaths reported in 2013 -

Now keep in mind.....guns only kill 8-9,000 people a year through intentional homicide and only 6-700 people due to human error.....and many people believe guns should be banned for anyone who isn't a cop or a soldier...true...that never quite worked out for Germans in the 1930s....but gun banners are not clear thinkers anyway.....


With the death and injuries due to cars exceeding that of guns by a lot.....a lot........I would call on my brothers and sisters who want to ban guns to focus on a real help me get them totally banned....

And the great thing....they aren't protected by the Constitution...we could ban them tomorrow if we wanted and no one could say S**t about it.......

Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK
"Cars....we need to ban them to save lives....go to buses and trains....."

You truly are a ridiculous idiot – regardless where anyone is on the gun control debate, this is so monumentally moronic and completely devoid of any reason and logic, that you succeed in only undermining the Second Amendment right.

go fuck yourself are the coward who only comes on to attack....fucking moron....
Justified, warranted, and appropriate attack on a truly moronic and failed thread premise, devoid of logic, reason, and merit.

And that goes for all your other moronic, idiotic threads that always fail as one type of a fallacy or another.

Again, you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment right, the consequence of your ignorance and stupidity – making it that much more difficult for those of us who own guns and seek to defend the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment.

You've become the poster child for those hostile to current Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Far more people in this country are killed by dogs than bears. Do you think that is because dogs are much more dangerous than bears?
clayton doesn't say anything about the constitution that I disagree is his stupidity about the goals of gun grabbers that is really fucking there is nothing to dispute on Constitutional grounds....he just attacks me personally......big of him.....
And this is yet another manifestation of your ignorance and stupidity: this delusional, paranoid nonsense of 'gun grabbers'; no one is seeking to 'take away' your guns, that would be un-Constitutional, a violation of the Second and Fifth Amendments.

The process that would involve gun 'confiscation' is so involved, so complex, so legally and Constitutionally burdensome, that no government would ever seek to 'ban guns.'
You can't ban my car. I intend to use it to run down government agents who are going to try to take my guns away....
Wow, my guns haven't killed anyone.
Nor have mine.

But that's not the issue.

The issue concerns the ridiculous, unwarranted notion that there is some kind of 'government conspiracy' designed to 'disarm America,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Second Amendment jurisprudence is still in its infancy, it is very much still evolving; it will be decades more before we have a comprehensively settled and accepted legal understanding of the Second Amendment right.

And there are indeed numerous issues to be resolved, such as what actually constitutes a weapon 'in common use,' and entitled to Constitutional protections, regulatory policy with regard to magazine capacity, the superficial configuration of a firearm as regulatory criteria, and the merits of waiting periods, registration, and licensing requirements – all of which will likely come before the Supreme Court for final resolution.

But the fundamental tenets of the Second Amendment will remain intact and unchallenged: that the Second Amendment recognizes an individual right to possess a firearm pursuant to the right of lawful self-defense, where government may not indeed prohibit citizens from possessing firearms, nor seek to take them away.
"Cars....we need to ban them to save lives....go to buses and trains....."

You truly are a ridiculous idiot – regardless where anyone is on the gun control debate, this is so monumentally moronic and completely devoid of any reason and logic, that you succeed in only undermining the Second Amendment right.

go fuck yourself are the coward who only comes on to attack....fucking moron....

Is this where all your posts end up when you're losing then?

the cost of cars is too high.....they kill more people than guns, and they injure more people each year than guns...there is no way to make them safe....with all the required training and safety features..they are "Unsafe at Any Speed."

Estimated 35 200 US traffic deaths reported in 2013 -

The National Safety Council estimated that during 2013, 35,200 people died in US traffic accidents, plus there were about 3.8 million crash injuries requiring medical attention. An agency official blamed most of the accidents on human error.

Now keep in mind.....guns only kill 8-9,000 people a year through intentional homicide and only 6-700 people due to human error.....and many people believe guns should be banned for anyone who isn't a cop or a soldier...true...that never quite worked out for Germans in the 1930s....but gun banners are not clear thinkers anyway.....


With the death and injuries due to cars exceeding that of guns by a lot.....a lot........I would call on my brothers and sisters who want to ban guns to focus on a real help me get them totally banned....

And the great thing....they aren't protected by the Constitution...we could ban them tomorrow if we wanted and no one could say S**t about it.......

Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......


And where did I say that?


Still waiting.......................

Still still waiting.......................
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I enjoy when the foolish say..."no one is trying to take our guns away." they are like a person who goes to work, and while they are away a lawn service comes in, mows the lawn and takes care of the hedges...when they get home they look over their yard and say to themselves...."why do I have a lawn service...this yard looks great all on its own"

the fools who believe that left to their own devices that gun grabbing politicians wouldn't pass gun bans are just nuts......we have examples across the world and local examples of democrats trying to get as much banned as they can....

why don't they ban more....because of the efforts of the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment Foundation and all the local gun rights groups and politicians who support gun rights....most of the time you never see these efforts...they take place at the state level and don't make national have to read the gun sites to even know they are happening..but it is a constant fight and it is ongoing and will not stop...

those opposed to people owning guns will not stop...and they work through Hollywood, and the education system and through politics....

We had an assault rifle ban...but that doesn't't count...we have the New York SAFE act, but that doesn't count, we have states that have banned conealed carry...but that doesn't count, we have states banning magazine, the Feds trying to ban the most popular type of ammo....but they don't count.....

Add up all of those attempts....and the fact that only by fighting those attempts,were more not implemented and you fools like Clayton are exactly that...fools.....
Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK

sorry, not true...that is from an anti gunner at the General Social Survey who wants to encourage politicians to ban guns by lying about gun ownership....that particular survey is a phone survey asking people if they own a this climate...and they expect a truthful answer....

Even worse for you guys the GSS is a face to face survey, not a phone the odds of telling a pollster the truth about your guns is even less...
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well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK

sorry, not true...that is from an anti gunner at the General Social Survey who wants to encourage politicians to ban guns by lying about gun ownership....that particular survey is a phone survey asking people if they own a this climate...and they expect a truthful answer....

sorry...societies with more guns don't have more murders......America is the number one country for gun ownership but over 90 for murder rate...and th countries with the higher murder rates have stricter gun laws....
Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK

and with more fun ownership we have fewer gun murders....all the gun grabbing scare monger one about blood in the streets if normal, law abiding people carried guns has been proven wrong....
Did you blow your brains out before you posted this logic?

People die on buses and trains too. And planes. None of which are designed to destroy anything.
They also die from walking around getting struck by lightning, from drowning and from disease.
Clearly we need to ban buses, trains, planes, lightning, bacteria and water.


well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK

sorry, the number of families reporting gun ownership is going down...the actual ownership is going up....minorities and women are buying more guns, there are more and more background checks being done and that isn't just the same people buying guns....
It is true that the government is disarming citizens. Hell, they took John Hinckley's gun away, and he had not been convicted of anything...
well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK

sorry, not true...that is from an anti gunner at the General Social Survey who wants to encourage politicians to ban guns by lying about gun ownership....that particular survey is a phone survey asking people if they own a this climate...and they expect a truthful answer....

I know....because we can only trust message board posters for their opinions on guns

We have 300 million guns......nowhere near 300 million gun owners

Gun nuts love to stock up. Fewer and fewer Americans want the damned things in their homes

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