Cars....we need to ban them to save lives....go to buses and trains.....

well dumb fuck....according to the logic of assholes like you we do need to ban all of those things........if we only save one life....right asshole.......

No one is advocating 'saving lives' by 'banning' anything – guns or cars.

You're an insane and dangerous extremist, and you pose the greatest threat to the Second Amendment.
Nobody advocates banning guns or cars

We just want to decrease the number of deaths from both. We have done it with cars....Why not do the same with guns?

Well dipstick....more Americans own and carry guns today....and gun murder rates and accidental gun deaths are going down, not allowing people to carry guns is lowering the gun death more people should own and carry guns...right?

We have more guns, not more gun owners. The number of families with guns is decreasing

The murder rate is dropping because of an end of the drug wars of the 90s, not because of more guns. Societies with more guns, have more murders....That's a fact....JACK

and with more fun ownership we have fewer gun murders....all the gun grabbing scare monger one about blood in the streets if normal, law abiding people carried guns has been proven wrong....
We have fewer murders in areas with more guns and fewer murders in areas with less guns

Your claiming a link between gun ownership and the drop in murder rate is laughable

Murder rates are down because crack wars are over
Gotta thank USMB for allowing comedians to post here. After all, our days are brightened by the laughter generated by posts like that of the op.
Guns need to be banned, no one but the government and the crooks should be allowed to carry guns!
Guns need to be banned, no one but the government and the crooks should be allowed to carry guns!

I know you're being facetious but as we all know banning has never banned anything. Guns don't need to be 'banned'; they need to be de-fetishized. Or if you prefer, de-romanticized. We've got to nationally grow the hell up.
Guns need to be banned, no one but the government and the crooks should be allowed to carry guns!

I know you're being facetious but as we all know banning has never banned anything. Guns don't need to be 'banned'; they need to be de-fetishized. Or if you prefer, de-romanticized. We've got to nationally grow the hell up.

I don't own a gun, I will never own a gun, I don't want a gun. I believe a person has the right to own a gun or guns if they choose and go through the proper channels to get a gun.
I enjoy when the foolish say..."no one is trying to take our guns away." they are like a person who goes to work, and while they are away a lawn service comes in, mows the lawn and takes care of the hedges...when they get home they look over their yard and say to themselves...."why do I have a lawn service...this yard looks great all on its own"

the fools who believe that left to their own devices that gun grabbing politicians wouldn't pass gun bans are just nuts......we have examples across the world and local examples of democrats trying to get as much banned as they can....

why don't they ban more....because of the efforts of the NRA, and the 2nd Amendment Foundation and all the local gun rights groups and politicians who support gun rights....most of the time you never see these efforts...they take place at the state level and don't make national have to read the gun sites to even know they are happening..but it is a constant fight and it is ongoing and will not stop...

those opposed to people owning guns will not stop...and they work through Hollywood, and the education system and through politics....

We had an assault rifle ban...but that doesn't't count...we have the New York SAFE act, but that doesn't count, we have states that have banned conealed carry...but that doesn't count, we have states banning magazine, the Feds trying to ban the most popular type of ammo....but they don't count.....

Add up all of those attempts....and the fact that only by fighting those attempts,were more not implemented and you fools like Clayton are exactly that...fools.....
Yet further evidence of your ignorance, stupidity, and extremism.

In no jurisdiction in the United States has any person had his firearm 'taken away' as a matter of public law. In no jurisdiction in the United States has anyone had his firearm 'taken away' absent just case to do so and pursuant to the gun owner's right to due process and just compensation in accordance with the 5th Amendment. And in no jurisdiction in the United States is anyone prohibited from possessing a firearm, or prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm.

The 1992 AWB did not 'confiscate' the prohibited weapons, a ban now gone never to return given current Second Amendment jurisprudence and the lack of a political desire to do so.

The Safe Act does not authorize firearms to be 'confiscated,' and has been upheld as Constitutional by a Federal court.

Magazine restrictions have likewise been upheld as Constitutional, along with background checks, such as the measures in Colorado.

Again, in no jurisdiction are citizens prohibited from carrying a concealed firearm; the Illinois prohibition was struck down as un-Constitutional back in 2012, the last of its kind.

And the Federal government is not seeking to 'ban' ammunition as a 'backdoor' means to 'gun control,' this notion is paranoid, delusional, and proven to be a lie.

Rather than exhibiting your ignorance, stupidity, and extremism, instead learn the law and facts of the issues concerning the Second Amendment, acknowledge the fact that the Second Amendment right is not absolute and subject to reasonable restrictions by government, and realize that the evolution of Second Amendment jurisprudence is ongoing, involving the political process, the courts, and citizens.

Last, understand that the Safe Act, the Colorado magazine capacity measure, and other similar laws are currently subject to legal challenge and judicial review to determine their constitutionality, likely to come before the Supreme Court, and that the best course of action is informed vigilance in support of the Second Amendment, not ignorant, hyperbolic extremism and stupidity.
i was a couple of people behind a guy at Walmart last week at the cashier line. He was somewhere in his late 70's or early 80's. He was wearing a 1911. I guess that i would have felt a little safer if he had not been drooling, at the time.
Guns need to be banned, no one but the government and the crooks should be allowed to carry guns!
And here we have another example of ignorant, hyperbolic extremism and stupidity that serves only to undermine the Second Amendment right.
How so? I have the right to chose and so do you. I believe in freedom, you believe in tyranny.
i was a couple of people behind a guy at Walmart last week at the cashier line. He was somewhere in his late 70's or early 80's. He was wearing a 1911. I guess that i would have felt a little safer if he had not been drooling, at the time.

For the life of me I can't figure out why the left bitches about Walmart every chance they get, tell us how stupid people are for supporting the corporate giants, how evil they are and then the dumb shits shop there. Makes no sense.
i was a couple of people behind a guy at Walmart last week at the cashier line. He was somewhere in his late 70's or early 80's. He was wearing a 1911. I guess that i would have felt a little safer if he had not been drooling, at the time.

For the life of me I can't figure out why the left bitches about Walmart every chance they get, tell us how stupid people are for supporting the corporate giants, how evil they are and then the dumb shits shop there. Makes no sense.
I like Walmart! They don't sell handguns....
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What really causes most of the problems in society is people moving about. If they'd just stay put, things would go much more smoothly. We need to implement tax and regulatory policy "incenting" people to stop moving around without a good reason. Think of the lives, and money, we could save. Think of the children.
What really causes most of the problems in society is people moving about. If they'd just stay put, things would go much more smoothly. We need to implement tax and regulatory policy "incenting" people to stop moving around without a good reason. Think of the lives, and money, we could save. Think of the children.

I can't speak for others, but I lived in 12 states in order to obtain employment, and stay off the unemployment roll, due to consolidation going on in my industry.
What really causes most of the problems in society is people moving about. If they'd just stay put, things would go much more smoothly. We need to implement tax and regulatory policy "incenting" people to stop moving around without a good reason. Think of the lives, and money, we could save. Think of the children.


We need a mobile society that is capable of moving where the work is
What really causes most of the problems in society is people moving about. If they'd just stay put, things would go much more smoothly. We need to implement tax and regulatory policy "incenting" people to stop moving around without a good reason. Think of the lives, and money, we could save. Think of the children.


We need a mobile society that is capable of moving where the work is

Well, work permits could be issued. That's a valid reason. Everyone else should just stay put.

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