Carter voted best ex-President

"who has done the best job since leaving the White House"


Well, would be hard for him NOT to improve on what he did while IN the White House. :lol:

You have a point there!
But I've also spent a lot of time volunteering with Habitat. He's done some very unselfish things for a lot of good people, instead of just sitting on his ass turning his status into million dollar speaking fees. Whether I agree with his politics or not, that counts in my book.

And you will NEVER hear me say he has not done a lot of unselfish things, nor that I think he is a bad person. I have always thought and still do think he is in general, a good man, and his intentions are usually noble. He also is a former President that has more than twice meddled in this Nation's affairs with his do-gooder-ism.

He was a sorry President. He seemed incapable of differentiating between his utopian idealism and reality. As CinC, I expect a WHOLE LOT better from a former Naval officer than his pitiful performance.
Well, would be hard for him NOT to improve on what he did while IN the White House. :lol:

You have a point there!
But I've also spent a lot of time volunteering with Habitat. He's done some very unselfish things for a lot of good people, instead of just sitting on his ass turning his status into million dollar speaking fees. Whether I agree with his politics or not, that counts in my book.

And you will NEVER hear me say he has not done a lot of unselfish things, nor that I think he is a bad person. I have always thought and still do think he is in general, a good man, and his intentions are usually noble. He also is a former President that has more than twice meddled in this Nation's affairs with his do-gooder-ism.

He was a sorry President. He seemed incapable of differentiating between his utopian idealism and reality. As CinC, I expect a WHOLE LOT better from a former Naval officer than his pitiful performance.

Agreed. He's a good man. In some areas he's a brilliant man (although I think his mind may be slipping a bit lately). But he was just too damn naive to be President. The Oval Office isn't made for a Boy Scout.
You have a point there!
But I've also spent a lot of time volunteering with Habitat. He's done some very unselfish things for a lot of good people, instead of just sitting on his ass turning his status into million dollar speaking fees. Whether I agree with his politics or not, that counts in my book.

And you will NEVER hear me say he has not done a lot of unselfish things, nor that I think he is a bad person. I have always thought and still do think he is in general, a good man, and his intentions are usually noble. He also is a former President that has more than twice meddled in this Nation's affairs with his do-gooder-ism.

He was a sorry President. He seemed incapable of differentiating between his utopian idealism and reality. As CinC, I expect a WHOLE LOT better from a former Naval officer than his pitiful performance.

Agreed. He's a good man. In some areas he's a brilliant man (although I think his mind may be slipping a bit lately). But he was just too damn naive to be President. The Oval Office isn't made for a Boy Scout.

Nor was it made for a Washington outsider; which, he definitely was. He lost the support of his own party in Congress. He was supposed to be the post-Vietnam, post-Watergate breath of fresh air and "change we could believe in". Like you said, we got a Boy Scout peanut farmer because that's exactly what he is.
And you will NEVER hear me say he has not done a lot of unselfish things, nor that I think he is a bad person. I have always thought and still do think he is in general, a good man, and his intentions are usually noble. He also is a former President that has more than twice meddled in this Nation's affairs with his do-gooder-ism.

He was a sorry President. He seemed incapable of differentiating between his utopian idealism and reality. As CinC, I expect a WHOLE LOT better from a former Naval officer than his pitiful performance.

Agreed. He's a good man. In some areas he's a brilliant man (although I think his mind may be slipping a bit lately). But he was just too damn naive to be President. The Oval Office isn't made for a Boy Scout.

Nor was it made for a Washington outsider; which, he definitely was. He lost the support of his own party in Congress. He was supposed to be the post-Vietnam, post-Watergate breath of fresh air and "change we could believe in". Like you said, we got a Boy Scout peanut farmer because that's exactly what he is.

To be fair, after Nixon's behavior and Ford's stupidity, I can see why the nation might choose a squeaky clean, idealist outsider with a PhD. Problem is, they didn't remember Washington is the pros. Carter was bush league - no pun intended. Politically he still is.
I still like him as an EX-president, but I agree he should probably stick to his humanitarian work instead of trying to butt his nose in where it never belonged.
Yip, but he never got us into a unnecessary war, now did he?
Yip, but he never got us into a unnecessary war, now did he?

Look what happened to America under his watch. Hostages taken, a failed Military attempt to free them, recession, double digit unemployment, along with double digit inflation, mortgage rates at 19-20%.
Care to expound on your pathetically failing post James. I didn't think you would :lol:
Look what happened to America under his watch. Hostages taken, a failed Military attempt to free them, recession, double digit unemployment, along with double digit inflation, mortgage rates at 19-20%.
Care to expound on your pathetically failing post James. I didn't think you would :lol:

Hostages were taken not due to actions taken by Carter. In 1953, the CIA overthrew the Democratically elected leader of Iran because he threatened to nationalize British oil. He was replaced with the Shah of Iran, who along with his secret police, SAVAK, repressed the Iranian people. It's one of the reasons also why many Iranians hate America today.

In 1979, the Shah fell, the people now in charge were pissed off, and took hostages.

Note: I'm not saying it was right that they took hostages, but you can't blame Carter for the fact hostages were taken.

[ame=] October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan (9780812919899): Gary Sick: Books[/ame]

The Former President of Iran, Bani-Sadr, also stated that Reagan made a deal with Teheran to delay the release of the hostages.

And if you don't believe that, not sure what to tell you. It isn't exactly far-fetched considering not even five years later, Reagan and his Administration are making secret weapons deals with the Iranians and Contras.
Look what happened to America under his watch. Hostages taken, a failed Military attempt to free them, recession, double digit unemployment, along with double digit inflation, mortgage rates at 19-20%.
Care to expound on your pathetically failing post James. I didn't think you would :lol:

Hostages were taken not due to actions taken by Carter. In 1953, the CIA overthrew the Democratically elected leader of Iran because he threatened to nationalize British oil. He was replaced with the Shah of Iran, who along with his secret police, SAVAK, repressed the Iranian people. It's one of the reasons also why many Iranians hate America today.

In 1979, the Shah fell, the people now in charge were pissed off, and took hostages.

Note: I'm not saying it was right that they took hostages, but you can't blame Carter for the fact hostages were taken.

[ame=] October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan (9780812919899): Gary Sick: Books[/ame]

The Former President of Iran, Bani-Sadr, also stated that Reagan made a deal with Teheran to delay the release of the hostages.

And if you don't believe that, not sure what to tell you. It isn't exactly far-fetched considering not even five years later, Reagan and his Administration are making secret weapons deals with the Iranians and Contras.

Robert...he was the president, it WAS under his watch. You can say what you did with just about anypresident, including Bush. The 9-11 terrorsist did what they did, not because of anything that Bush did....same thing. But it was under Bush's watch....that's my point. Carter did have a miserable attempt of rescuing them, but he had weakened our Military so much, that it was a disaster. Care to address the rest of my points in my last post?
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Yip, but he never got us into a unnecessary war, now did he?
No, he just killed Special forces troops, and paid to train Bin laden.

compressed to save spave

The overthrow of the Shaw had ZERO to do with 1953, that wasn't even common knowledge until the 1990s.

They took hostages because the Shah was given safe passage by, you guessed it, Jimmy carter.

Guess who allowed the Ayatolah to re-enter Iran?

Hint: His intials are JIMMY CARTER.

Don't even attempt to defend Jimma the moron, he was the worst Potus ever, until Chimpy and now Oclueless arrived.
President Carter is a Mensa member! I get tired of the "he isn't smart peanut jokes". By the way, HE put solar panels in the white house, and THEN Ronald Reagan removed them. Imagine, back in the 70's, a time of complete indulgence at the expense of outdoor anything, a man who saw the need, put up some panels, and was forgotten for it. I'm here to bring him back, and his panels. Thank you former President Carter, if only we'd listened!

Peace to all,

Mister Flew
President Carter is a Mensa member! I get tired of the "he isn't smart peanut jokes". By the way, HE put solar panels in the white house, and THEN Ronald Reagan removed them. Imagine, back in the 70's, a time of complete indulgence at the expense of outdoor anything, a man who saw the need, put up some panels, and was forgotten for it. I'm here to bring him back, and his panels. Thank you former President Carter, if only we'd listened!

Peace to all,

Mister Flew
So his legacy is solar panels? I see...
President Carter is a Mensa member! I get tired of the "he isn't smart peanut jokes". By the way, HE put solar panels in the white house, and THEN Ronald Reagan removed them. Imagine, back in the 70's, a time of complete indulgence at the expense of outdoor anything, a man who saw the need, put up some panels, and was forgotten for it. I'm here to bring him back, and his panels. Thank you former President Carter, if only we'd listened!

Peace to all,

Mister Flew
Bullshit, Jimma is NOT a 'Mensa' member, nor did he ever install solar panels! :lol:

List of Mensans - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
compressed to save spave

The overthrow of the Shaw had ZERO to do with 1953, that wasn't even common knowledge until the 1990s.

They took hostages because the Shah was given safe passage by, you guessed it, Jimmy carter.

Guess who allowed the Ayatolah to re-enter Iran?

Hint: His intials are JIMMY CARTER.

Don't even attempt to defend Jimma the moron, he was the worst Potus ever, until Chimpy and now Oclueless arrived.

I believe that Carter was the worst president EVER, bar none. Had Carter not sat there and let our embassy staff be held for 444 days without consequences, I don't believe we would have seen Islamic terrorism accelerate the way it did.
compressed to save spave

The overthrow of the Shaw had ZERO to do with 1953, that wasn't even common knowledge until the 1990s.

They took hostages because the Shah was given safe passage by, you guessed it, Jimmy carter.

Guess who allowed the Ayatolah to re-enter Iran?

Hint: His intials are JIMMY CARTER.

Don't even attempt to defend Jimma the moron, he was the worst Potus ever, until Chimpy and now Oclueless arrived.

I believe that Carter was the worst president EVER, bar none. Had Carter not sat there and let our embassy staff be held for 444 days without consequences, I don't believe we would have seen Islamic terrorism accelerate the way it did.
Don't forget, Jimma also is the one who started the training of the Mujadin to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan.

That worked out sooooooooo well, didn't it.
Maybe they are thinking about what they are doing after they were President...

Habitat...Yes. But, his political statements since he left, not even close to being ex presidential. Ex presidents had for the most part been quiet with their statements, and none that I can remember being as brash as Carter.
Well, I can't think of any other reason.

The man was challenged as a sitting President in the primaries by Ted Kennedy FFS. "Greatest Presidents" of any sort are not seriously challenged in the primaries when they are running for re-election.

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