Carville: Carville: A Supreme Court loss will help Democrats

Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices.

Except for one thing. The health care bill was hugely, hugely unpopular. If obama says that if he gets four more years he'd pack the court, that may be a signal to a lot of people to vote against him.

He already looks like he's going to blame their lawyer for the loss. As much responsiblity as he's run from so far, this might be the last straw.

from 9:30 am:

White House defends embattled solicitor general - Jonathan Allen -
Half the people against Ocare want more, single payer. You are sorely misled, and so are they. Waiting another 20 years is insanity.

I'd OPT that people want their own choices on thier own terms...not what some nameless faceless bureaucrat TELLS them they have to do.

I side with liberty of the individual every time...YOU on the otherhand, are too much of a wimp to join us an LIVE your life as YOU see fit.

YOU are dismissed.
Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices.

Except for one thing. The health care bill was hugely, hugely unpopular. If obama says that if he gets four more years he'd pack the court, that may be a signal to a lot of people to vote against him.

He already looks like he's going to blame their lawyer for the loss. As much responsiblity as he's run from so far, this might be the last straw.

from 9:30 am:

White House defends embattled solicitor general - Jonathan Allen -

Let them defend thier guy all they like. Even the Justices are laughing at him as they should. Just because obama chose this guy means nothing.
People who don't want to get affordable, guaranteed health care are freeloaders...and morons. Pub dupes. We'll see what Kennedy says.
People who don't want to get affordable, guaranteed health care are freeloaders...and morons. Pub dupes. We'll see what Kennedy says.
Guaranteed by whom? TAXPAYERS?

They've had enough of this shit. We're in debt enough without owing the existence of petulant pantywastes that could care less as long as someone ELSE is paying thier way...and accepting to selling the future generations into slavery as thier liberty has been already sold before they're born.

*No Thanks*

Take a hike.
People who don't want to get affordable, guaranteed health care are freeloaders...and morons. Pub dupes. We'll see what Kennedy says.

How on earth are you a freeloader by paying your own way rather than relying on someone else to pay?

Isaiah truly did see people would call evil good and good evil.
Colonel CueBall Speaks....telegraphs Democrat plans.

(CNN) - While the Obama administration fights to protect the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Democratic strategist and CNN contributor James Carville said a Supreme Court overruling may not be such a bad thing for the president, politically.

"I think this will be the best thing that has ever happened to the Democratic Party," Carville said Tuesday on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."

He added: "You know, what the Democrats are going to say, and it is completely justified, 'We tried, we did something, go see a 5-4 Supreme Court majority'."

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I give the people more credit to see through that than Carville does.
IF the Madate is found unConstitutional? (That is the funding mechanism for Ocare...), then the Statist Democrats will still run with it and it's Medicare for everyone. Single-Payer. /Story.

Watch them try it.

It will work.
IF the Madate is found unConstitutional? (That is the funding mechanism for Ocare...), then the Statist Democrats will still run with it and it's Medicare for everyone. Single-Payer. /Story.

Watch them try it.
Nope, the mandate compensates insurance companies for the removal of the pre-existing condition requirement for insurance coverage, and the elimination of lifetime maximums. It does not effect the remainder of the law nor does it it have any budget impact unless the court overturns the whole law. Without the mandate, the government will have to allow insurance companies to deny coverage for preexisting condition and impose lifetime maximums on benefits.

In Response to SCOTUS questions today:
Without the mandate, administration officials say, it would be unreasonable to expect health insurers to cover the sickest Americans if the healthiest ones are not required to pay for coverage. If the pool of the insured was composed disproportionately of the sick, insurance costs could soar.

But the White House says an array of other provisions in the law could stand. They include a vast expansion of Medicaid and the establishment of health insurance exchanges, offering subsidized coverage to those with low incomes, both scheduled to start in 2014.
Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices.

Except for one thing. The health care bill was hugely, hugely unpopular. If obama says that if he gets four more years he'd pack the court, that may be a signal to a lot of people to vote against him.

He already looks like he's going to blame their lawyer for the loss. As much responsiblity as he's run from so far, this might be the last straw.

There were only parts of the bill that were unpopular. If the whole bill goes down, how many thousands of American will have something taken away from them that they've gotten from the bill?
IF the Madate is found unConstitutional? (That is the funding mechanism for Ocare...), then the Statist Democrats will still run with it and it's Medicare for everyone. Single-Payer. /Story.

Watch them try it.

No one wants to defend the Mandate. Least of all Obama. If the Mandate goes down it'll be a dead issue in November and the only real path to health care reform will be the single payer system, which was the original goal.

A nice side effect is that if the mandate is struck down a lot of the reform ideas for Social Security will find themselves on the wrong side of the Court.
BTW even if it might help Obama and the Democrats, who cares? This law is unconstitutional and needs to be struck down.

On that nearly everyone agrees. The mandate was one of the most corrupt pieces of legislation I've ever seen. It was passed solely because of the Democrat's desire to pass ANYTHING so as not to allow the GOP to claim victory.

Seeing it struck down isn't only the correct action, but it is probably the single best outcome Obama can hope for. If it stands, he'll have to defend it. If it goes down, he can just move on.
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Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices.

Except for one thing. The health care bill was hugely, hugely unpopular. If obama says that if he gets four more years he'd pack the court, that may be a signal to a lot of people to vote against him.

He already looks like he's going to blame their lawyer for the loss. As much responsiblity as he's run from so far, this might be the last straw.
At the time the law was passed, most Americans were opposed to Obamacare but as Obama said once Americans understand what's in law and how it will effect them, they will support it. That's exactly what's happening. In a CNN poll release yesterday, opposition has dropped to 50%, down nearly 10 points from the time the law was passed. Only 30% wanted to see the law overturned.

I believe if the law is overturned, it will boast Obama's chance of reelection who is already strongly favored over Romney. For 30 million Americans looking forward to getting health insurance in 2014, the overturn of the law will not sit well at all. For Democrats who did not support the law because it wasn't a single payer plan, the overturn of the law will raise new hopes. Obama can use the healthcare issue to distract voters from the slow economic recovery.
Colonel CueBall Speaks....telegraphs Democrat plans.

(CNN) - While the Obama administration fights to protect the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Democratic strategist and CNN contributor James Carville said a Supreme Court overruling may not be such a bad thing for the president, politically.

"I think this will be the best thing that has ever happened to the Democratic Party," Carville said Tuesday on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."

He added: "You know, what the Democrats are going to say, and it is completely justified, 'We tried, we did something, go see a 5-4 Supreme Court majority'."

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I guess you missed the news. Several years ago, James Carville had a "brainectomy". He only has motor skills. Anything that emanates from his mouth is purely coincidental.
Colonel CueBall Speaks....telegraphs Democrat plans.

(CNN) - While the Obama administration fights to protect the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act, Democratic strategist and CNN contributor James Carville said a Supreme Court overruling may not be such a bad thing for the president, politically.

"I think this will be the best thing that has ever happened to the Democratic Party," Carville said Tuesday on CNN's "The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer."

He added: "You know, what the Democrats are going to say, and it is completely justified, 'We tried, we did something, go see a 5-4 Supreme Court majority'."

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I guess you missed the news. Several years ago, James Carville had a "brainectomy". He only has motor skills. Anything that emanates from his mouth is purely coincidental.


Actually, I like Carville... I'll give him this, he's honest about who he is.
Most people are saying that obama will use a loss to attack the Supreme Court and ask for 4 more years so he could appoint new Justices.

Except for one thing. The health care bill was hugely, hugely unpopular. If obama says that if he gets four more years he'd pack the court, that may be a signal to a lot of people to vote against him.

He already looks like he's going to blame their lawyer for the loss. As much responsiblity as he's run from so far, this might be the last straw.
At the time the law was passed, most Americans were opposed to Obamacare but as Obama said once Americans understand what's in law and how it will effect them, they will support it. That's exactly what's happening. In a CNN poll release yesterday, opposition has dropped to 50%, down nearly 10 points from the time the law was passed. Only 30% wanted to see the law overturned.

I believe if the law is overturned, it will boast Obama's chance of reelection who is already strongly favored over Romney. For 30 million Americans looking forward to getting health insurance in 2014, the overturn of the law will not sit well at all. For Democrats who did not support the law because it wasn't a single payer plan, the overturn of the law will raise new hopes. Obama can use the healthcare issue to distract voters from the slow economic recovery.

So, let me get this straight, people don't want it, yet it should be passed anyway because eventually we'll convince you to like it?

My God that's scary.
There are basically three possible outcomes:

SCOTUS leaves Obamacare untouched: in this scenario you get a massive ground swell from the GOP and the Tea party while Obama has to defend the mandate on the campaign trail. GOP almost certainly takes the House, Senate, and White House.

SCOTUS strikes down ALL if Obamacare: politically this is a tie. The GOP gets a nice victory in June that's ancient history in November. Obama gets handed a loss that frees him from defending any of Obamacare and he gets to revisit healthcare reform as an issue with the advantage that the traditional GOP response (the Mandate) is dead. The election is then decided by other issues.

SCOTUS strikes down the Mandate but leaves almost all of the law intact: this is an Obama win. He gets all the popular stuff in Obamacare like the no lifetime cap, no pre-existing, extended coverage for adult dependents AND he gets to avoid having to defend the Mandate. If the GOP try to attack him on healthcare he gets to point out all the popular stuff and pull out sob stories of kids helped out by the surviving clause. The GOP looks like they hate sick kids and loses in November.

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