Casey Anthony

YOU are the jury. What's your thoughts so far?

  • guilty.

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • not guilty.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • undecided.

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Where she goes will but up to the DOC. It is not up to the judge. Or anyone else.

I don't know how Florida's Dept. of Corrections operates, but where I live, seriousness of offense does indeed play a part in determining where you do your time.

I would believe this the case anywhere, but the decision is not that of the court. There must be a processing review by the warden to determine placement; I would think.

There is. The choices are gen pop, protective custody, and max. If someone isn't in need of protective custody or max, they go to gen pop. That's in a medium security prison. It's a little different in a maximum security prison.
When this is all over, the two lawyers will cash their pay checks, shake hands, slap one another on the back, go enjoy a game of tennis and a drink together. :dance:
When this is all over, the two lawyers will cash their pay checks, shake hands, slap one another on the back, go enjoy a game of tennis and a drink together. :dance:

Just like Obama and McCain. Same crap really.

Here is the deal, she will get off any serious time. It is impossible to prove she killed her child...and I think she did it.

She will do Lohan time. Nothing more. LIterally a slap on the wrist and the media does not know how to handle it.

A cute mother....but she killed her cute child....
Granny says it's bad luck to try a case onna Sunday...
Casey Anthony weeps as prosecutor calls her a liar
Sun Jul 3,`11 – Casey Anthony briefly wept Sunday as prosecutors told jurors during closing arguments that she murdered her 2-year-old daughter Caylee to reclaim the carefree life she had before the girl was born.
Prosecutors portrayed Anthony as a young mother who killed her daughter because she got in the way of her love life. "Something needed to be sacrificed, that something was either the life she wanted or the life thrust upon her. She chose to sacrifice her child," prosecutor Jeff Ashton said during his 90-minute argument. Defense attorney Jose Baez said the prosecutors' case was so weak they tried to portray Anthony as "a lying, no-good slut" and that their forensic evidence was based on a "fantasy." He said Caylee's death was "an accident that snowballed out of control."

Prosecutors contend Caylee was suffocated with duct tape by her mother, who then crafted elaborate lies to mislead investigators and her parents. Defense attorneys countered that the toddler accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool, and that Casey in fact was hiding emotional distress caused by alleged sexual abuse from her father. Her father has denied that claim. Judge Belvin Perry ruled Sunday morning that there was no evidence of such abuse and that the defense could not allude to it in closing arguments. Jury deliberations are now expected to begin Monday after the prosecution gives its rebuttal arguments.

Baez began his closing argument by telling jurors they have more questions than answers, including the biggest: How did Caylee die? Neither prosecutors nor the defense have offered firm proof of how Caylee died. "It can never be proven," he said. Baez spent most of his four-hour argument attacking the prosecution's forensic evidence. He said the prosecution's air analysis of the trunk of Anthony's car, which allegedly showed air molecules consistent with decomposition, could not be duplicated. He said no one could prove a stain found in the trunk was caused by Caylee's body decomposing there. And witnesses showed maggots found in the trunk came from a bag of trash that was found there, he said.

"They throw enough against the wall and see what sticks. That is what they're doing ... right down to the cause of death," Baez said. He later conceded his client had told elaborate lies and invented imaginary friends and even a fake father for Caylee, but he said that doesn't mean she killed her daughter. He also attacked Anthony's father, George Anthony, as unreliable. He said that a suicide note that George Anthony wrote in January 2009 that claimed no knowledge of what happened to Caylee was self-serving and that the attempt was a fraud. He said George Anthony claimed he was going to kill himself with a six-pack of beer and some high-blood pressure medicine.

I realize there is no DNA evidence in this case that proves that Casey did it, but there is a ton of other circumstantial evidence that convinces me she is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Most importantly that Casey was the last person to be seen with Caylee, and then all the lies about where Caylee was, and lastly that she was found dead and discarded. Not to mention the pictures of Casey having a good old time when her daughter was "missing".

To find Casey not guilty would be as bad and shameful as when OJ was found not guilty. Caylee deserves justice. That poor, sweet little girl. :(
She doesn't deserve to go without giving some kind of accountability, for gorsh sake, but at the same time it's about accountability to what level. Considering the family history and environment through which was her only support given, it distorts what defining lines could be drawn for her role as a responsible individual.
She doesn't deserve to go without giving some kind of accountability, for gorsh sake, but at the same time it's about accountability to what level. Considering the family history and environment through which was her only support given, it distorts what defining lines could be drawn for her role as a responsible individual.

A trial is about individual accountability. Each person is afforded their own criminal trial in the United States, so I don't see what your argument is.
I sense there something you would like to share with the group?

I wish I had a dime for every time I'd heard someone say 'the system is broken' in the last 5 years. It comes from everywhere. Maybe so. Maybe we are just outdated.

Trial by a jury of your peers, in my opinion, would work a lot better if those jurors were professional jurors. It certainly would in medical malpractice, product liability, and workers' compensation cases. Jurors simply have a hard time tying the importance of evidence to relevant elements of legal concepts. And as science progresses, this will become a greater and greater problem, in my opinion.

That is EXACTLY what the system is designed to prevent.
I wish I had a dime for every time I'd heard someone say 'the system is broken' in the last 5 years. It comes from everywhere. Maybe so. Maybe we are just outdated.

Trial by a jury of your peers, in my opinion, would work a lot better if those jurors were professional jurors. It certainly would in medical malpractice, product liability, and workers' compensation cases. Jurors simply have a hard time tying the importance of evidence to relevant elements of legal concepts. And as science progresses, this will become a greater and greater problem, in my opinion.

That is EXACTLY what the system is designed to prevent.

I may or may not have been trying to ruffle some feathers :razz:

ETA: arguing whether the State proved first degree murder was becoming stagnant
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This trial has so many avenues for appeal it isn't funny. Here's another one:

The REBUTTAL by the prosecution cannot be an attempt to retry the case, which they have done this morning, especially by replaying the phone conversations and then launching their theories (again). On rebuttal, the prosecution is required to stick to the CLOSING STATEMENTS made by the defense. Baez objected several times and was overruled.

Baez did a great job (finally) of laying out all the facts proving lack of evidence/incomplete evidence/manipulated evidence, all solid reasons to imply reasonable doubt as to premeditation and murder by Casey Anthony.
This trial has so many avenues for appeal it isn't funny. Here's another one:

The REBUTTAL by the prosecution cannot be an attempt to retry the case, which they have done this morning, especially by replaying the phone conversations and then launching their theories (again). On rebuttal, the prosecution is required to stick to the CLOSING STATEMENTS made by the defense. Baez objected several times and was overruled.

Baez did a great job (finally) of laying out all the facts proving lack of evidence/incomplete evidence/manipulated evidence, all solid reasons to imply reasonable doubt as to premeditation and murder by Casey Anthony.

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