Catalog Of Rationales For Obama-executive Not Using Ebola Isolation Plans

The CDC makes the following projections:

Questions and Answers: Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic—Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015 | Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC

Questions and Answers: Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic—Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015


This week’s MMWR, Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic—Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015, estimates the future number of cases if current trends continue. The MMWR also adjusts the number of cases based on estimated underreported cases.

By September 30, 2014, CDC estimates that there will be approximately 8,000 cases, or as high as 21,000 cases if corrections for underreporting are made.
Without additional interventions or changes in community behavior, CDC estimates that by January 20, 2015, there will be a total of approximately 550,000 Ebola cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone or 1.4 million if corrections for underreporting are made.
Cases in Liberia are currently doubling every 15-20 days, and those in Sierra Leone and Guinea are doubling every 30-40 days.
Halting the epidemic requires that approximately 70% of Ebola cases be cared for in Ebola Treatment Units or, if they are at capacity, at home or in a community setting in which there is a reduced risk of disease transmission and safe burials are provided.

Key Messages

If conditions remain unchanged, the situation will rapidly become much worse.
We know how to control and eventually stop the epidemic. Halting the epidemic requires placing up to 70% of patients into either an Ebola Treatment Unit or in a community setting in which the risk of disease transmission is reduced and safe burials are provided.
The cost of delay will be devastating. The number of cases is doubling about every 20 days. Every month of delay in reaching the 70% target will increase the number of patients, which means more cases and more deaths and the need for even more beds and other resources.

Let's recap: January 20, 2015, there will be a total of approximately 550,000 Ebola cases in Liberia and Sierra Leone

Again, from another forum, but very pertinent to the thread:

The quarantine protocols were abandoned due to industry pressure and pressure from civil liberties groups and the reality that they were ineffective.
Ok, your idea is about to become option number 29, be we need more details. Which Industry? On what grounds are the civil liberties groups making demands? What right is being denied? Why would restricting travel to hot zones be ineffective?

We have the word "Quarantine" for a reason. The process has worked for humanity many times in the past.

I'm sorry I mock. But when I hear such retarded garbage my instinct is to mock. To think the president hates whites and would use something like this to harm them is beyond retarded.

If you were actually sorry, your next sentence would not have been more of the same.

Given many of his words and actions, thinking that President Obama holds a racial grudge against White Americans is reasonable, and many, if not over 50% of Americans have come to believe it.

Trying to Use Ebola to attack Whites would be silly, since the disease, in itself, is not racially selective in any way.

However, there is a theory out there about how it COULD be used for Selected Attacks, and those could be done for Religious, Political, and/or Racial Reasons.
07] Obama is a secret Muslim, who is an American Saboteur, and is aiding and abetting ISIS Jihadist in a campaign to kill off large portions of the America Public, by creating a logical reason for Ebola to be loose in the United States, as cover for clandestine terrorist operatives, who will be selectively infecting target people within the U.S. in order to "Cut the Head and Hands Off" of the American Counter ISIS effort. There will be many cases of naturally spread Ebola, and hidden among them, in the mass death chaos, will be the select assassinations.
Basically this theory says that the introduction of Ebola to the general American Populous is done as "Cover" for select assassinations.

In the midst of the Pandemic, a few more bodies will not be noticed, and when we are burying in mass graves, or incinerating millions of corpses, no one will note that a bunch of them didn't die from Ebola.

And likely, no one will notice that the people dying are largely Conservatives and Whites. At least, not until months after the Pandemic is over.

Under such circumstances, very few of the bodies loaded onto trucks will get their body bags even opened, much less a Coroners Autopsy.

THAT is a believable theory, and approach to a Castro-like Coupe and takeover of America, that completely circumvents the fact that most Americans own Guns and would say "NO!" to Castro's approach of takeover.

I certainly HOPE that is not why Obama is not implementing the Quarantine, but it is reasonable, given the many death threats against Whites over the last few years, to be on guard against it.

I personally think this possibility is low in probability, but it would be simple enough to watch carefully to prevent it from being a useful attack mechanism.

It should be noted, that the general trend of the thread had gone into some detail, for several pages of posts, prior, on threats and wish for "Death to all Whites" made by prominent Lefties and Obama Administration members.

This was the context of these comments, and it was rather surprising to me, just how many "Death to Whites" comments had been made over the last few years.

#29] The Entire Ebola Threat is make believe for Politics, for Conservatives, this is ALL about politics and the November election. they don't care at all about the health and welfare of the American people. they never have and never will.

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