Catholic school in California is removing statues of Mary and Jesus in order to be "inclusive"

There are no prophecies in the OT or NT. Who were the NT writers?? (We know Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John did't pen them) . When were they wrote? Moses , who was Moses, really? Since the exodus didn't happen as in the OT, we have to wonder about Moses.

There is no code in the Bible. Also no prophecy.

Then you have never picked up a Bible. 1/4 of the book predicts the future. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul absolutely did write the books of the Bible. I know that because Bill and Sam and Roger can't predict the future.
What John prophesied nearly 2000 years ago, reads like the nightly news.

What John wrote about was as a prisoner. Of course it reads like the nightly news, they had wars abundance back then just like today.

Who was the beast, remember there are 2 beasts and a dragon. Which beast is 666? Mark of the beast. Which beast?

What John wrote about was Christ's return to earth. If you are correct and all of these things happened 2,000 years ago, where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple?

It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??
Then you have never picked up a Bible. 1/4 of the book predicts the future. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Paul absolutely did write the books of the Bible. I know that because Bill and Sam and Roger can't predict the future.
What John prophesied nearly 2000 years ago, reads like the nightly news.

What John wrote about was as a prisoner. Of course it reads like the nightly news, they had wars abundance back then just like today.

Who was the beast, remember there are 2 beasts and a dragon. Which beast is 666? Mark of the beast. Which beast?

What John wrote about was Christ's return to earth. If you are correct and all of these things happened 2,000 years ago, where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple?

It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.
What John wrote about was as a prisoner. Of course it reads like the nightly news, they had wars abundance back then just like today.

Who was the beast, remember there are 2 beasts and a dragon. Which beast is 666? Mark of the beast. Which beast?

What John wrote about was Christ's return to earth. If you are correct and all of these things happened 2,000 years ago, where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple?

It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.
Youre going to be really disappointed if Jesus returns. You do realize he is a Black guy dont you? There is a reason God turned people white as a punishment.
What John wrote about was as a prisoner. Of course it reads like the nightly news, they had wars abundance back then just like today.

Who was the beast, remember there are 2 beasts and a dragon. Which beast is 666? Mark of the beast. Which beast?

What John wrote about was Christ's return to earth. If you are correct and all of these things happened 2,000 years ago, where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple?

It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.

Herods' temple. They are crazy hasidics, zealots just like John was, Simon waS
What John wrote about was as a prisoner. Of course it reads like the nightly news, they had wars abundance back then just like today.

Who was the beast, remember there are 2 beasts and a dragon. Which beast is 666? Mark of the beast. Which beast?

What John wrote about was Christ's return to earth. If you are correct and all of these things happened 2,000 years ago, where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple?

It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.

Sure there are Jewish zealots in Israel that want to rebuild Herod's Temple and begin sacrifices again, they are lunatics in my opinion and your post makes me very nervous that people are going to try and bring about the end times like in Rev, when that happened in 70AD. Jesus is not coming back in the clouds. John was a zealot and Simon was a sicarii. You need to read the war of the Jews by Josephus.

The religious zealots and fundamentals are just like ISIS and the Taliban, in my opinion they threaten the existence of humanity, there is no Satan, but just bad preachers that brainwash the masses with this craziness.

The dragon is Nero, the first beast is Vespasian the beast from the sea , the beast from the land the second beast is Titus. The woman trying to give birth is Israel. Rome is the new Babylon.

The second beast insisted surrender to Rome or perish, by this time the first beast was made Emperor.
Last edited:
What John wrote about was Christ's return to earth. If you are correct and all of these things happened 2,000 years ago, where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple?

It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.
Youre going to be really disappointed if Jesus returns. You do realize he is a Black guy dont you? There is a reason God turned people white as a punishment.

If He wasn't black the first time, then He won't be black when he returns the second time. He is a typical Jew, unadorned. And I won't be disappointed to see Him, no matter what color He is. Truth is, He didn't have much flesh left for it to matter. I am far more concerned with the scarring.

He let them beat Him all night long. They ripped chunks of flesh from His face. That picture of Him on the cross with a little band of thorny wood on His head? No. Those thorns were nearly as thick as your little finger, and as long. They crammed that down on His head and then took a mallet and hammered those thorns down between His skull and His flesh. They whipped Him until He was one stroke away from dying before He made it to the cross. His flesh and muscles were in shreds. He was described as not looking human when the nailed Him to the cross.
He returned in that body, and has it still. I believe that that is why the Jews will weep bitter tears when He comes back to them. I know I will. Some of those scars belong to me.

We're all the same color Asc. All made in the same image. We all look like our Dad. He's colorful and creative.
It's common scholarly thought the gospels were wrote in the later half of the first century and not by the said authors.
Jesus And The Hidden Contradictions Of The Gospels
Check out many sources and you will find the same info.

When was the Temple destroyed, 70AD. Please give chapter and verse about John writing about Jesus's return to earth. I see you didn't answer any of my questions. Which beast gives the mark, the one from the land or the one from the sea?

Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.
Youre going to be really disappointed if Jesus returns. You do realize he is a Black guy dont you? There is a reason God turned people white as a punishment.

If He wasn't black the first time, then He won't be black when he returns the second time. He is a typical Jew, unadorned. And I won't be disappointed to see Him, no matter what color He is. Truth is, He didn't have much flesh left for it to matter. I am far more concerned with the scarring.

He let them beat Him all night long. They ripped chunks of flesh from His face. That picture of Him on the cross with a little band of thorny wood on His head? No. Those thorns were nearly as thick as your little finger, and as long. They crammed that down on His head and then took a mallet and hammered those thorns down between His skull and His flesh. They whipped Him until He was one stroke away from dying before He made it to the cross. His flesh and muscles were in shreds. He was described as not looking human when the nailed Him to the cross.
He returned in that body, and has it still. I believe that that is why the Jews will weep bitter tears when He comes back to them. I know I will. Some of those scars belong to me.

We're all the same color Asc. All made in the same image. We all look like our Dad. He's colorful and creative.
The first Jews were Black. Ashkenazis Jews surfaced after it spread to europe. If he was a typical Jew then he will be a Black guy.
Pen, the Temple John knew hadn't even been destroyed yet, and John was describing the one to come. Christ prophesied the Temple's destruction.

There was a preacher, teacher, who passed not long ago. I recognized a lot of his research because I used the same ancient library. But he described something that I had never come across and still can't find.
He said the Temple was actually set on fire by a band of Muslims, and when the Romans in charge heard the Temple was on fire went running to see if it could be put out. And that makes sense to me. There was gold in that Temple, and the Romans would have wanted to remove it. Because it melted down through the stones, the stones had to be pried apart and the gold scraped off.

Back to Christ being revealed in 70 AD. are we? Where is He? If you are using Revelation as your source, then you have to use all of it.
Is Christ in His Temple in Jerusalem? How did they plan on destroying all life on earth in 70 AD? Because that is what determines the hour Christ actually does return. Was there already an earthquake that split the Mount of Olive in two? How did they pull it back together like it is now? How was the gospel preached worldwide prior to Christ's return in 70 AD?
You can't ignore those questions and still maintain that it has all already come to pass.

If you believe that what is described in Rev. has already occurred, then you have to admit that it is accurate. If it is accurate in the things you believe it described, how is it you ignore parts you don't like. According to Rev. not only does Satan exist, he is about to take center stage. You don't get to determine what parts you agree with and scratch out the things you don't. That is adding to and taking away from God's word and is not recommended by our Father. Eve did it and we all know how that turned out.
Scholars believe no such thing. All of the Jewish writers would have mentioned the destruction of the Temple, their most important real estate in the world, had they been writing after that incident. All of the writings occurred prior to that event. The Dead Sea Scrolls confirm it. How is it that you believe John wrote during his imprisonment, and on the other hand you think someone else wrote the book later. Pick a lane.
Not only did John "reveal" Christ's return but described where he would return, who would be with him, his appearance, and the reaction of the Jews when He does appear. AND the state of the world when He shows up. Revelation IS the chapter and verse about Christ's return.
And if this all happened already as you believe it has, you shouldn't have to ask who the beasts were. It should be old history. So which beast survived a mortal head wound? Who was he?

Truth is, the beast of the sea is the anti-Christ. The land beast is the false prophet. His job is to make sure that beast #1 is worshiped. Both are yet to be revealed.

Now on to my question.
If, as you believe, that John described what happened in his lifetime, then where is Christ that I may visit Him in His Temple? And if Satan has already been chained, it is an awfully long chain, don't you think? According to your calculations, Christ's millennial reign should have ended by now. How was it?

Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.
Youre going to be really disappointed if Jesus returns. You do realize he is a Black guy dont you? There is a reason God turned people white as a punishment.

If He wasn't black the first time, then He won't be black when he returns the second time. He is a typical Jew, unadorned. And I won't be disappointed to see Him, no matter what color He is. Truth is, He didn't have much flesh left for it to matter. I am far more concerned with the scarring.

He let them beat Him all night long. They ripped chunks of flesh from His face. That picture of Him on the cross with a little band of thorny wood on His head? No. Those thorns were nearly as thick as your little finger, and as long. They crammed that down on His head and then took a mallet and hammered those thorns down between His skull and His flesh. They whipped Him until He was one stroke away from dying before He made it to the cross. His flesh and muscles were in shreds. He was described as not looking human when the nailed Him to the cross.
He returned in that body, and has it still. I believe that that is why the Jews will weep bitter tears when He comes back to them. I know I will. Some of those scars belong to me.

We're all the same color Asc. All made in the same image. We all look like our Dad. He's colorful and creative.
The first Jews were Black. Ashkenazis Jews surfaced after it spread to europe. If he was a typical Jew then he will be a Black guy.

Christ's genealogy hails from Urfa, where Abraham was born, not far from the Euphrates.
They are not secularizing the school.

They're not secularizing the school, when removing both religious statues and practices? Nothing is too stupid for you to say.

They don't secularize the hosp you work in do they,
we would have a problem if they only allowed Catholics in their healthcare system which Ascension is the largest in the US and world.

Don't be so stupid. This is not about who's allowed in the door. This is about the school changing the product that it offers, and in doing so, betraying their own beliefs.

I would bet most Protestants do not go there, as we are fully aware of what they think of statues of Mary and Crucifixes.

Most Protestants don't go there? Yeah, there's millions of Protestants who don't go there. Actually, I think you have something else stupid in mind. I'm very sure most of the students there are Protestants (only 20% are Catholic). I doubt there are many Muslims and Jews choosing to attend a "Christian", even if Catholic, school. It doesn't help that Muslims and Jews are only a tiny part of the population.

The problem is most of the writers in this thread do not understand the Catholic religion.

I think most of us understand the Catholic religion very well. We're not all stupid.
Seems to me that Hebrews wrote about the temple priests , no more need for them.

Gee wouldn't the anti Christ and false prophet be the same person??

And yet, when Christ returns He, a Jewish Rabbi, will take His place in the Temple. That means the Jews are going to rebuild their Temple. And the Jews have begun training priests for the first time in 1,500 years.
No, the anti-Christ and the false prophet are not the same entity. The anti-Christ is an egotistical politician who is mortality wounded and Satan uses that incident to usurp that body. The false prophet causes people to worship that beast. 2 different people.
Pen, none of this has already happened. But it is happening now. Look for the signs. They are there. There is no reason to be caught unaware.
Youre going to be really disappointed if Jesus returns. You do realize he is a Black guy dont you? There is a reason God turned people white as a punishment.

If He wasn't black the first time, then He won't be black when he returns the second time. He is a typical Jew, unadorned. And I won't be disappointed to see Him, no matter what color He is. Truth is, He didn't have much flesh left for it to matter. I am far more concerned with the scarring.

He let them beat Him all night long. They ripped chunks of flesh from His face. That picture of Him on the cross with a little band of thorny wood on His head? No. Those thorns were nearly as thick as your little finger, and as long. They crammed that down on His head and then took a mallet and hammered those thorns down between His skull and His flesh. They whipped Him until He was one stroke away from dying before He made it to the cross. His flesh and muscles were in shreds. He was described as not looking human when the nailed Him to the cross.
He returned in that body, and has it still. I believe that that is why the Jews will weep bitter tears when He comes back to them. I know I will. Some of those scars belong to me.

We're all the same color Asc. All made in the same image. We all look like our Dad. He's colorful and creative.
The first Jews were Black. Ashkenazis Jews surfaced after it spread to europe. If he was a typical Jew then he will be a Black guy.

Christ's genealogy hails from Urfa, where Abraham was born, not far from the Euphrates.
What does that have to do with Jesus being Black? Urfa was a city founded by Blacks. Nimrod was Black. BTW you do realize Christ or Kristos is a title not actually a name right?
They are not secularizing the school.

They're not secularizing the school, when removing both religious statues and practices? Nothing is too stupid for you to say.

They don't secularize the hosp you work in do they,
we would have a problem if they only allowed Catholics in their healthcare system which Ascension is the largest in the US and world.

Don't be so stupid. This is not about who's allowed in the door. This is about the school changing the product that it offers, and in doing so, betraying their own beliefs.

I would bet most Protestants do not go there, as we are fully aware of what they think of statues of Mary and Crucifixes.

Most Protestants don't go there? Yeah, there's millions of Protestants who don't go there. Actually, I think you have something else stupid in mind. I'm very sure most of the students there are Protestants (only 20% are Catholic). I doubt there are many Muslims and Jews choosing to attend a "Christian", even if Catholic, school. It doesn't help that Muslims and Jews are only a tiny part of the population.

The problem is most of the writers in this thread do not understand the Catholic religion.

I think most of us understand the Catholic religion very well. We're not all stupid.

I know what its about and I know all about Protestants and how then pounce on Catholics for having statues, having confession, etc. and the call no man father crap. Why they are so upset about taking out a few statues is beyond me. They do not consider Catholics Christians, most of them, I know all about it.

You brought up you work in a hospital, so I think its appropriate. No they do not understand the Catholic religion at all and those who left it never got it. We are not fundamentalist.

Same with hosp and healthcare, and schools , the Catholic religion takes all unlike some Protestant schools.
San Anselmo’s San Domenico School creates stir by removing Catholic statues

We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, ... (unless that offends you, in which case, never mind.)
Since they're a Catholic and an independent school, they're trying to be welcoming to students of all faiths. People are misunderstanding who the school is because it is run by a Catholic order. But read the article. The school isn't doing anything wrong or against it's own mission statement.
Since they're a Catholic and an independent school, they're trying to be welcoming to students of all faiths.
The Catholic religion is based on traditions of men,
which is bad enough but, there is only One, True Living God,
and the only way to the Father, is through the Son

A school, run by a Catholic order, should be,
welcoming their students to the God and Father of Christ,
and Jesus Christ as their salvation and Savior,
not losing souls and appeasing the enemy for money!

Why do non Catholics attend a Catholic school , because they are exceptional and non judgmental.
Why do non Catholics attend a Catholic school , because they are exceptional and non judgmental

It would be awesome, if, at the very least,
a prerequisite for posting here,
involved an assessment test and qualifying score!

If your statement were true...
It's those NOT of the Catholic faith that have the problem!


though, Christians, Baptists, Lutheran, Protestants,
would be the only exception to my statement

Regardless, the Catholic Archdiocese
has ABSOLUTELY, no business
pushing God to the background to cater to world religions!

No surprise there...
replacing Almighty God for the Almighty dollar
Welp, they removed Israel from their Bible, and usurped their blessings, so why not cater to the world. Rather they were hot or cold, after all. They have a Pope that is leading them astray.
As for which side they ultimately end up on, note that they are not included in the candle sicks in Christ's Temple...

Of the 660 students who attend the K-12 school, 121 are boarding students and 98 of these are international students from British Columbia, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

Stock said schools operated by the Catholic Church, such as St. Isabella, Marin Catholic and St. Anselm, tend to have larger class sizes and lower tuition costs. Tuition for an incoming kindergarten student at San Domenico is $29,850.

Skewes-Cox said, “If you walk on the campus and the first thing you confront is three or four statues of St. Dominic or St. Francis, it could be alienating for that other religion, and we didn’t want to further that feeling.”

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.
Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.
In the Precious name of Jesus, the Name above all names
and according to the Word of Almighty God, away with you demon!

Yet I'm still here.:lol:
Yet I'm still here.:lol:
Is the demon still here?

People aren't demons, they have demons...
This is a spiritual battle darling!

Laugh all you want...mark my word,
the day will come, when you reflect on this exchange,
and you won't be laughing!
San Anselmo’s San Domenico School creates stir by removing Catholic statues

We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, ... (unless that offends you, in which case, never mind.)
Since they're a Catholic and an independent school, they're trying to be welcoming to students of all faiths. People are misunderstanding who the school is because it is run by a Catholic order. But read the article. The school isn't doing anything wrong or against it's own mission statement.
Since they're a Catholic and an independent school, they're trying to be welcoming to students of all faiths.
The Catholic religion is based on traditions of men,
which is bad enough but, there is only One, True Living God,
and the only way to the Father, is through the Son

A school, run by a Catholic order, should be,
welcoming their students to the God and Father of Christ,
and Jesus Christ as their salvation and Savior,
not losing souls and appeasing the enemy for money!

All religions are based on the traditions of men, if not for Rome, you would not have the bible or Christianity.
All religions are based on the traditions of men, if not for Rome, you would not have the bible or Christianity
Not your homework

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