Catholic school in California is removing statues of Mary and Jesus in order to be "inclusive"

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.
I THINK Jesus created the religion called Christianity.

Jesus said: I Am the Way. No man can come to the Father except through Me.

Jesus was NOT "inclusive" in the way you'd like Him to be.

Now stop posting what you don't understand.

No Rome did, and Paul whoever he was. It was created to stop the fighting in Judea and northern Israel. Jesus as the story goes was a Jew and as a Jew? he would not of created a different religion.
Oye vay...while I welcome your ignorance
being met with the truth, which will benefit you
if you so choose to seek the path being laid out for you...

I find it very irritating that you insist on posting
pertaining to subject matter you are so clueless about!

And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Acts 11:26

The Roman Catholic Church...

God didn't create religion
nor did Jesus create a new or different religion

Jesus came to fulfill Scripture
the Jews knew there was to be a Messiah
but they rejected Jesus being Him

Please read all of
Matthew 5

do not take things out of context. If you read the whole NT you will see that many called themselves the messiah, and the jewish messiah would be a zealot. Was the Jesus as you picture him a Jewish Messiah?
Is he a zealot or a pacifist.

Back to Matt 5
Teaching About Retaliation. 38 ]“You have heard that it was said,‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. 40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time in history?
Please read all of
Matthew 5

do not take things out of context. If you read the whole NT you will see that many called themselves the messiah, and the jewish messiah would be a zealot.
Omg....are you trying to drive me nuts?!

You're telling me to read Scripture
and not take things out of context,
yet, you don't even understand
the Scripture you're quoting/referencing/posting

I read the Bible every day...
I have read and re read, the entire NT
I don't know what you're reading,
what you're getting at, what you're talking about
Back to Matt 5
Teaching About Retaliation. 38 ]“You have heard that it was said,‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. 40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time history?
Yes, back to Matthew 5

Seriously... wtf are you talking about?

Its like you're trying to connect the dots,
and you don't know what a dot looks like!

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time in history?

Verse 41
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time in history?
Who is going to press one into service
at that time in history?



Furthermore, what did that have to do with anything?

Straight shouldn't be allowed to post on this thread!


Rome had roads in Judea and all of northern Israel and their whole empire, they also had mile signs on the roads,
so when a soldiers would see a none soldier they would force one into service to carry their load for one mile,

Jesus said to carry it for two miles.
Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.
I THINK Jesus created the religion called Christianity.

Jesus said: I Am the Way. No man can come to the Father except through Me.

Jesus was NOT "inclusive" in the way you'd like Him to be.

Now stop posting what you don't understand.

No Rome did, and Paul whoever he was. It was created to stop the fighting in Judea and northern Israel. Jesus as the story goes was a Jew and as a Jew? he would not of created a different religion.
Oye vay...while I welcome your ignorance
being met with the truth, which will benefit you
if you so choose to seek the path being laid out for you...

I find it very irritating that you insist on posting
pertaining to subject matter you are so clueless about!

And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Acts 11:26

The Roman Catholic Church...

God didn't create religion
nor did Jesus create a new or different religion

Jesus came to fulfill Scripture
the Jews knew there was to be a Messiah
but they rejected Jesus being Him
Here folk, read this again:

The Catholic religion is based on traditions of men,
which is bad enough but, there is only One, True Living God,
and the only way to the Father, is through the Son

A school, run by a Catholic order, should be,
welcoming their students to the God and Father of Christ,
and Jesus Christ as their salvation and Savior,
not losing souls and appeasing the enemy for money

^ Use that as criteria for choosing a school that will mold your child.

All religions are man made on traditions of men.

What does she mean by "God and Father of Christ and Jesus Christ ?? , God, and Father of Christ and Jesus Christ, does she mean the Trinity??
All religions are man made on traditions of men.
I told you to do your homework...that's not true
What does she mean by "God and Father of Christ and Jesus Christ ?? , God, and Father of Christ and Jesus Christ, does she mean the Trinity??
Why are you asking someone else what I mean?

Lol...see, you were here at the time you posted this,
but, definitely not the demon!

Well explain what you mean?
Well explain what you mean?
Hell no...
you can't even grasp Matthew 5:41

Just did, now tell me where the first bible was printed?
Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.
I THINK Jesus created the religion called Christianity.

Jesus said: I Am the Way. No man can come to the Father except through Me.

Jesus was NOT "inclusive" in the way you'd like Him to be.

Now stop posting what you don't understand.

No Rome did, and Paul whoever he was. It was created to stop the fighting in Judea and northern Israel. Jesus as the story goes was a Jew and as a Jew? he would not of created a different religion.
Oye vay...while I welcome your ignorance
being met with the truth, which will benefit you
if you so choose to seek the path being laid out for you...

I find it very irritating that you insist on posting
pertaining to subject matter you are so clueless about!

And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Acts 11:26

The Roman Catholic Church...

God didn't create religion
nor did Jesus create a new or different religion

Jesus came to fulfill Scripture
the Jews knew there was to be a Messiah
but they rejected Jesus being Him

Please read all of
Matthew 5

do not take things out of context. If you read the whole NT you will see that many called themselves the messiah, and the jewish messiah would be a zealot. Was the Jesus as you picture him a Jewish Messiah?
Is he a zealot or a pacifist.

Back to Matt 5
Teaching About Retaliation. 38 ]“You have heard that it was said,‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. 40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time in history?
Please read all of
Matthew 5

do not take things out of context. If you read the whole NT you will see that many called themselves the messiah, and the jewish messiah would be a zealot.
Omg....are you trying to drive me nuts?!

You're telling me to read Scripture
and not take things out of context,
yet, you don't even understand
the Scripture you're quoting/referencing/posting

I read the Bible every day...
I have read and re read, the entire NT
I don't know what you're reading,
what you're getting at, what you're talking about
Back to Matt 5
Teaching About Retaliation. 38 ]“You have heard that it was said,‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’ 39 But I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. When someone strikes you on [your] right cheek, turn the other one to him as well. 40 If anyone wants to go to law with you over your tunic, hand him your cloak as well. 41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.42 Give to the one who asks of you, and do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow.

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time history?
Yes, back to Matthew 5

Seriously... wtf are you talking about?

Its like you're trying to connect the dots,
and you don't know what a dot looks like!

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time in history?

Verse 41
41 Should anyone press you into service for one mile, go with him for two miles.

comment on verse41, who is going to press one into service at the time in history?
Who is going to press one into service
at that time in history?



Furthermore, what did that have to do with anything?

Straight shouldn't be allowed to post on this thread!

You read it everyday and yet you take it out of context, culture and eras it was written in. You may read it everyday, but you have not studied it.

Your are right this needs to go into the religion thread, its no longer current events. Maybe we can talk about the printing of the first bible there.
Welp, they removed Israel from their Bible, and usurped their blessings, so why not cater to the world. Rather they were hot or cold, after all. They have a Pope that is leading them astray.
As for which side they ultimately end up on, note that they are not included in the candle sicks in Christ's Temple...

Of the 660 students who attend the K-12 school, 121 are boarding students and 98 of these are international students from British Columbia, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

Stock said schools operated by the Catholic Church, such as St. Isabella, Marin Catholic and St. Anselm, tend to have larger class sizes and lower tuition costs. Tuition for an incoming kindergarten student at San Domenico is $29,850.

Skewes-Cox said, “If you walk on the campus and the first thing you confront is three or four statues of St. Dominic or St. Francis, it could be alienating for that other religion, and we didn’t want to further that feeling.”

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

Welp, they removed Israel from their Bible, and usurped their blessings, so why not cater to the world. Rather they were hot or cold, after all. They have a Pope that is leading them astray.
As for which side they ultimately end up on, note that they are not included in the candle sicks in Christ's Temple...

Of the 660 students who attend the K-12 school, 121 are boarding students and 98 of these are international students from British Columbia, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

Stock said schools operated by the Catholic Church, such as St. Isabella, Marin Catholic and St. Anselm, tend to have larger class sizes and lower tuition costs. Tuition for an incoming kindergarten student at San Domenico is $29,850.

Skewes-Cox said, “If you walk on the campus and the first thing you confront is three or four statues of St. Dominic or St. Francis, it could be alienating for that other religion, and we didn’t want to further that feeling.”

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
No one is forcing all others to go there. According to the school many different faiths, maybe even atheist go to that school.

Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get a good education. I have no issue with removing a few statues to make it more welcoming to all.

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

I actually have more of a problem with Protestant schools teaching creationism in grade schools and Noah's Ark as historical.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?
Welp, they removed Israel from their Bible, and usurped their blessings, so why not cater to the world. Rather they were hot or cold, after all. They have a Pope that is leading them astray.
As for which side they ultimately end up on, note that they are not included in the candle sicks in Christ's Temple...

Of the 660 students who attend the K-12 school, 121 are boarding students and 98 of these are international students from British Columbia, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

Stock said schools operated by the Catholic Church, such as St. Isabella, Marin Catholic and St. Anselm, tend to have larger class sizes and lower tuition costs. Tuition for an incoming kindergarten student at San Domenico is $29,850.

Skewes-Cox said, “If you walk on the campus and the first thing you confront is three or four statues of St. Dominic or St. Francis, it could be alienating for that other religion, and we didn’t want to further that feeling.”

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

Welp, they removed Israel from their Bible, and usurped their blessings, so why not cater to the world. Rather they were hot or cold, after all. They have a Pope that is leading them astray.
As for which side they ultimately end up on, note that they are not included in the candle sicks in Christ's Temple...

Of the 660 students who attend the K-12 school, 121 are boarding students and 98 of these are international students from British Columbia, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Mexico, Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. The students attending San Domenico come from a variety of religious backgrounds besides Christianity: Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam.

Stock said schools operated by the Catholic Church, such as St. Isabella, Marin Catholic and St. Anselm, tend to have larger class sizes and lower tuition costs. Tuition for an incoming kindergarten student at San Domenico is $29,850.

Skewes-Cox said, “If you walk on the campus and the first thing you confront is three or four statues of St. Dominic or St. Francis, it could be alienating for that other religion, and we didn’t want to further that feeling.”

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
No one is forcing all others to go there. According to the school many different faiths, maybe even atheist go to that school.

Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get a good education. I have no issue with removing a few statues to make it more welcoming to all.

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

I actually have more of a problem with Protestant schools teaching creationism in grade schools and Noah's Ark as historical.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.
Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

Rome created the religion of Christianity to be all inclusive. One must open the door instead of slamming it. It's a good gesture.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
No one is forcing all others to go there. According to the school many different faiths, maybe even atheist go to that school.

Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get a good education. I have no issue with removing a few statues to make it more welcoming to all.

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

I actually have more of a problem with Protestant schools teaching creationism in grade schools and Noah's Ark as historical.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
No one is forcing all others to go there. According to the school many different faiths, maybe even atheist go to that school.

Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get a good education. I have no issue with removing a few statues to make it more welcoming to all.

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

I actually have more of a problem with Protestant schools teaching creationism in grade schools and Noah's Ark as historical.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.

I can't prove it to the standard you'd want. You can't prove what you believe to a standard I want. Difference is you'll take my lack of meeting your standard as enough in order for you to discount what I believe while refusing to apply that same thing to your lack of meeting my standard.
Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

Rome didn't create Christianity, retard. Someone needs to slam the door on you and hope it hits you hard enough to knock the shit loose between your ears.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
No one is forcing all others to go there. According to the school many different faiths, maybe even atheist go to that school.

Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get a good education. I have no issue with removing a few statues to make it more welcoming to all.

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

I actually have more of a problem with Protestant schools teaching creationism in grade schools and Noah's Ark as historical.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?
Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

Yes they did with a little help from their friends, Tiberius Alexander, Josephus, and Philo and maybe a few others well versed in Judaism. Someone needs to slam the door on you. Do you really think Christianity would be allowed in a Roman Empire without Romes ok. Also Rome gave you the Bible.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
No one is forcing all others to go there. According to the school many different faiths, maybe even atheist go to that school.

Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get a good education. I have no issue with removing a few statues to make it more welcoming to all.

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

I actually have more of a problem with Protestant schools teaching creationism in grade schools and Noah's Ark as historical.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.

Prove your skull isn't full of sh1t. The stuff you post is pretty stupid, yet you believe it without real proof, and often in spite of evidence to the contrary. So, why the f1ck do you ask for proof of something your philosophy prevents you from believing?

Genetics prove a common ancestor of both men and women, Y-chromosome Adam and mitochondrial Eve.
it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.

it was "created" to "defrag" all the various religions held at the time.

also - ok'ing something doesn't mean they created it.
Here's the probable breakdown:
20% Catholic
75% Christian, non-Catholic
5% other

They go there to get away from the militant secularism of the public schools, so hiding the statues will reduce the Christians who go there. As the school becomes more elitist and secular, it'll attract more non-Christians.

You've already established your leftist credentials. The evidence doesn't matter, you go with your Atheist worldview. You didn't have to bother declaring yourself an anti-Creationist. You know, you're for same-sex marriage, etc. You don't even need a brain as someone else has determined everything you believe.

So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.
The problem is most of the writers in this thread do not understand the Catholic religion.
ROFLMMFAO You don't even have a basic understanding of religion The Catholic Archdiocese has taken such a hit this is what they are resorting to. Its not about God, its about finances
If you don't mind me saying, I'm not sure you quite understand how a diocese or archdiocese works. There has always been the "financial", legal or mundane organizational part of the Catholic hierarchy. They are not, nor have ever been, a part of the the "theological" arm of the Catholic church, which is the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and is one of the most important dicasteries of the "Roman Curia".

It would be a big mistake in thinking a diocese or archdiocese has any control over all Catholic parishes or institutions. The Jesuits, for example, run thousands of secondary schools and colleges/universities throughout the US. They report to their own superiors within their order, not to a bishop in a diocese. The same applies to the Dominicans, Franciscans (see: Pope Francis), Benedictines and other orders within the Catholic church. You might have forgotten that "diocesan" priests are their own order. They are the ones who report to the Bishop or Archbishop.

With respect to the topic, the mere removal of statues and icons from a school, is not in violation of any tenet of Catholic faith or Canon law I'm aware of but that's not something I keep abreast of.
If you don't mind me saying, I'm not sure you quite understand how a diocese or archdiocese works.
If I did mind, I don't belong here...With that said,
I'm quite sure you don't understand,
how a diocese and archdiocese works,
has absolutely nothing to do with,
the point some of us are trying to get across.
There has always been the "financial", legal or mundane organizational part of the Catholic hierarchy. They are not, nor have ever been, a part of the the "theological" arm of the Catholic church
Furthermore, I'm quite sure you don't know
as much as you like to think you do, about the Catholic church

They most definitely are,
and always have been, hand in hand.

The only difference now, as opposed to then, is,
how to increase the revenue that has been lost
from the massive exodus of their flock

That's why pope Francis,
that's why a softening on some positions
Darling, God doesn't change, nor does His Word
He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow
With respect to the topic, the mere removal of statues and icons from a school, is not in violation of any tenet of Catholic faith or Canon law I'm aware of
With respect to the topic, this has shit to do with
violations of any laws pertaining to the Catholic faith.

Their "laws" are not from God, nor supersede the Sacrifice
We are not under Gods laws, we are under Gods Grace
That's why Christ died and God resurrected Him.

This isn't about the statues being removed,
but, rather, what removing them signifies...
removing God and being ashamed instead of bold

Your opinions are wrong. Nothing you have yet to say is fact. While I treat others opinions with respect, yours are so far from reality as to be fantasy. I don't blame you however. Many whom hold close to the protestant teaching of sola scriptura ("by scripture alone") is the doctrine that the Bible contains all knowledge necessary for salvation and holiness. They sincerely and fervently believe that their interpretation of God and scripture is absolute and needs no evidence or proof. Alls more the pity. Meaningful dialogue at this point This is why I didn't provide evidence to back up my claims. You wouldn't have read it.
So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.
So Noahs Ark is real history and by Creationist , I mean everything that goes with it, Adam and Eve, the tree of knowledge, the snake. You do not believe in evolution?

Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. Its not either or, its both.
Last edited:
Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. They are both true.
sure i can. but when i see someone making religious games in front of someone and having zero respect for how they feel, yea, i see no point in trying to be courteous to you.

you are all over the map and it's just time to walk away from the train wreck. have a wondeful life.
Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. They are both true.
sure i can. but when i see someone making religious games in front of someone and having zero respect for how they feel, yea, i see no point in trying to be courteous to you.

you are all over the map and it's just time to walk away from the train wreck. have a wondeful life.

End days people scare me that is why, they should not take the bible literally, neither the Quran nor the Torah.
They will end up rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem which will start WWIII, and many Protestants believe in the end of days and want to see Jesus come back in the clouds, so that is why this cultist of sola scriptura as Gods ultimate word has to end.

That in itself should scare the hell out of you.
Until one of those that claims evolution is true can provide an picture of my actual great, great, great, great . . . great grandfather from 20,000 generations ago they say I evolved from, NO.

Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. Its not either or, its both.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. They are both true.
sure i can. but when i see someone making religious games in front of someone and having zero respect for how they feel, yea, i see no point in trying to be courteous to you.

you are all over the map and it's just time to walk away from the train wreck. have a wondeful life.

End days people scare me that is why, they should not take the bible literally, neither the Quran nor the Torah.
They will end up rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem which will start WWIII, and many Protestants believe in the end of days and want to see Jesus come back in the clouds, so that is why this cultist of sola scriptura as Gods ultimate word has to end.

That in itself should scare the hell out of you.

What concerns me is people like you that claim to know something about Christianity actual know very little but can convince others of your bullshit viewpoint.
Prove Adam and Eve, and leave the bible out of it.
prove biblical characters without using the bible!!!!

people like you are an ass in this area just to be a fucking ass. if you don't wish to believe, fine. don't. your call. but if you want people to respect that, how about respecting them?

That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. Its not either or, its both.
That's what I tell them when they ask such questions. I don't care whether or not they believe if I can't provide proof to the level they'll accept. The problem is they can't provide proof of what they believe to my standards yet still expect me to believe them.
like i said, give some respect, get it back.

be an ass, be alone.

i gave up religion for lent a LONG time ago but raised very roman catholic. so far she's just blithering w/o much real knowledge of the faith.

I guess you can't as well. That is why the RCC says evolution is not counter to creationism. They are both true.
sure i can. but when i see someone making religious games in front of someone and having zero respect for how they feel, yea, i see no point in trying to be courteous to you.

you are all over the map and it's just time to walk away from the train wreck. have a wondeful life.

End days people scare me that is why, they should not take the bible literally, neither the Quran nor the Torah.
They will end up rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem which will start WWIII, and many Protestants believe in the end of days and want to see Jesus come back in the clouds, so that is why this cultist of sola scriptura as Gods ultimate word has to end.

That in itself should scare the hell out of you.

What concerns me is people like you that claim to know something about Christianity actual know very little but can convince others of your bullshit viewpoint.
that's why i just stopped. trolling around and mocking people who don't feel like she does.

got enough of that crap in the world, i don't need to play along.

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