Zone1 Catholics: Here is some information about problems in the Church

This is the ecclesiastical equivalent of advocating anarchy. There is no true Pope at present, so...

What? Where does that get you?

And recognize that Pope Frank has populated the college of Cardinals with clones of himself.

The Church has gone through - and continues to go through - crises that dwarf the issues that energize these folks. What is their point? Seriously.
Jesus Christ said do all things in His name. So, right from the beginning, That church did not name the church Jesus Christ. Right from the beginning, they were doomed. Then, they didn't know how to keep the Apostleship going. No prophet and no apostles. Thus, no revelation anymore. Doomed! They even had a Pope that committed murder to get on the throne of the church. Doomed.
This is the ecclesiastical equivalent of advocating anarchy. There is no true Pope at present, so...

What? Where does that get you?

And recognize that Pope Frank has populated the college of Cardinals with clones of himself.

The Church has gone through - and continues to go through - crises that dwarf the issues that energize these folks. What is their point? Seriously.
We have no idea what you are saying because you do not specify who you are talking about. "Their point"?

Jesus Christ said do all things in His name. So, right from the beginning, That church did not name the church Jesus Christ. Right from the beginning, they were doomed. Then, they didn't know how to keep the Apostleship going. No prophet and no apostles. Thus, no revelation anymore. Doomed! They even had a Pope that committed murder to get on the throne of the church. Doomed.
And what do you see in... well, at least some Catholic Churches when you walk in?

a Crucifix, sometimes a BIG one at the altar

and who (I don't say What) is in the tabernacle? Consecrated Hosts, meaning Jesus Himself (Transubstantiation)

So yeh... which "churches" are without Christ again?
And what do you see in... well, at least some Catholic Churches when you walk in?

a Crucifix, sometimes a BIG one at the altar

and who (I don't say What) is in the tabernacle? Consecrated Hosts, meaning Jesus Himself (Transubstantiation)

So yeh... which "churches" are without Christ again?
All Churches that claim themselves to be Christian believe in Christ and show it in art or word in some form. But, naming the Church seems pretty simple if it's Jesus Christ's Church. Who's name is Catholic? I know some people named Roman. See, I'm not saying that Catholics don't worship Jesus Christ. They do. Yet, Jesus said to worship the Father, His Father, in His name by using his name for all things.
So, it looks like from Constantine to John VIII to the present, that the CC has never been the true church but in a state of constant apostasy as Paul prophecied. Christ himself would have to appear and restore His Church with Apostles and Prophets.
All Churches that claim themselves to be Christian believe in Christ and show it in art or word in some form. But, naming the Church seems pretty simple if it's Jesus Christ's Church. Who's name is Catholic? I know some people named Roman. See, I'm not saying that Catholics don't worship Jesus Christ. They do. Yet, Jesus said to worship the Father, His Father, in His name by using his name for all things.
So, it looks like from Constantine to John VIII to the present, that the CC has never been the true church but in a state of constant apostasy as Paul prophecied. Christ himself would have to appear and restore His Church with Apostles and Prophets.
as per usual

you are hung up on words

I can't discuss things w/ you whne you are hung up on petty, insignificant words. Have u ever heard of how words signify CONCEPTS? Realities?

check it out some time

And I hve been in Christ's TANGIBLE Presence. You are LDS so you have not (unless for some few minutes or so whne you attended some Catholic funeral or wedding and at that time, you were distracted and didn't perceive it)
as per usual

you are hung up on words

I can't discuss things w/ you whne you are hung up on petty, insignificant words. Have u ever heard of how words signify CONCEPTS? Realities?

check it out some time

And I hve been in Christ's TANGIBLE Presence. You are LDS so you have not (unless for some few minutes or so whne you attended some Catholic funeral or wedding and at that time, you were distracted and didn't perceive it)
All we have are words in a Book. You need to understand better those words to logically reason truth from them.
"Tangeble" presence? So, you have seen the face and body of Jesus Christ? Is that what you are saying? Or, are you just saying that when you are at Church, you feel the presence of the Lord? Like I"ve said, I believe you believe in Jesus Christ. It's just the sacraments you partake of (the bread but not the wine. You let the Priest drink the wine to feel good and get drunk :auiqs.jpg: ) hasn't been blessed and sanctified with the authority of God because the Priesthood of the RCC is fake and in apostasy.
All we have are words in a Book. You need to understand better those words to logically reason truth from them.
Unbelievable the reaction I had to this.

All we have are words in a Book? Really?

Speak for yourself.. and all the other protestant religions. Catholics have FAR more than mere words. Again, they have the Real Presence of Christ and you have never been in it..

so we cannot discuss matters.. no level ground
"Tangeble" presence? So, you have seen the face and body of Jesus Christ? Is that what you are saying? Or, are you just saying that when you are at Church, you feel the presence of the Lord? Like I"ve said, I believe you believe in Jesus Christ. It's just the sacraments you partake of (the bread but not the wine. You let the Priest drink the wine to feel good and get drunk :auiqs.jpg: ) hasn't been blessed and sanctified with the authority of God because the Priesthood of the RCC is fake and in apostasy.
OK, so you mention the Real Presence. That doesn't mean you know anything about, much less have u experienced it yourself.

As to your first comment, no it is not about SEEING Jesus face to face. It is a PRESENCE.

However, that said: We Catholics also have a visual, namely theShroud of Turin.. :)

That stuff about the priest and getting drunk on the Blood of Christ is not worth responding to.

Let's see if there is anything else.. Oh, it hasn't been sanctified.. because of apostasy.

Well, u can believe anything you want and it looks like you do
Unbelievable the reaction I had to this.

All we have are words in a Book? Really?

Speak for yourself.. and all the other protestant religions. Catholics have FAR more than mere words. Again, they have the Real Presence of Christ and you have never been in it..

so we cannot discuss matters.. no level ground
So, you have seen the Lord with your eyes? I no you haven't. Oh, you mean the sacraments that you think actually turn into human flesh and red blood inside you? LOL!!! Cannibals! The gates of hell. I'd advise you to get out of Satan's kingdom now!
OK, so you mention the Real Presence. That doesn't mean you know anything about, much less have u experienced it yourself.

As to your first comment, no it is not about SEEING Jesus face to face. It is a PRESENCE.

However, that said: We Catholics also have a visual, namely theShroud of Turin.. :)

That stuff about the priest and getting drunk on the Blood of Christ is not worth responding to.

Let's see if there is anything else.. Oh, it hasn't been sanctified.. because of apostasy.

Well, u can believe anything you want and it looks like you do
But, I have felt and experienced the presence of the Lord by way of the Holy Ghost many times. The veil over our minds has lifted off a few times during my life and I was comforted. It comes from within when I pray and communicate with Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus Christ. (By the way, Jesus is His name. Christ is His title) Joseph Smith saw the faces and bodies of the Father and Son. The Holy Ghost has born witness to my soul this is true.
The Shroud of Turin is definitely an interesting artifact. What it is, is an idol of the Lord and you worship it. Idol worshipping is a sin. We worship the living God, not the dead god. And, we don't spend every minute of the day pulling the Christ off some idol to be tortured and killed again and again and again like in your masses.

Well, I've witnessed many masses and the people don't get to partake of the remembrance of the blood of the Son of God. Only the Priests. So, the people are kept in darkness which is a historical problem with the RCC. They used to torture and kill people for reading the scriptures. That way, the RCC Poop and Priests could lie to the people and do all sorts of torture and murderous things to them. Stretch racks and lots more. Brainwash them and control the people's minds. Just like you. You can't see the forest from the trees.
you worship the LDS
We worship the Father in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ and do all things in His name. We don't bow down to artistry stuff like the Shroud of Turin... It may very well be the face of Christ. But, it's not Christ anymore. See, Satan loves to do this sort of thing to Catholics. He makes it look like paintings and statutes cry and goofy stuff like that to try and deceive you. We don't worship a Church. You do.
Oh, I thought there was a response here...

I'll return later and check again....
We worship the Father in the name of the Son, Jesus Christ and do all things in His name. We don't bow down to artistry stuff like the Shroud of Turin... It may very well be the face of Christ. But, it's not Christ anymore. See, Satan loves to do this sort of thing to Catholics. He makes it look like paintings and statutes cry and goofy stuff like that to try and deceive you. We don't worship a Church. You do. You worship Idols.

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