Zone1 Catholics: Unfortunately the Society of St Pius X "branch" of the Catholic Church is also in error


Jesus is my theology. He comes first over whatever knowledge is or can be derived from studying.. whatever (nature)
I don't know if Jesus talked to you, but He has not talked to me, so I believe my eyes and not what others tell me to believe.
I don't know if Jesus talked to you, but He has not talked to me, so I believe my eyes and not what others tell me to believe.
Jesus has many many ways of "talking to" us

I am thankful I was "raised Catholic" (though barely.. and in the novus ordo--- at first.. :oops:until I got educated)
I think it more accurate to say we have many ways of hearing Jesus. Probably explains why there are so many different Christian sects.

I'm honestly very happy for you.
you should be. If you knew what I know, you would understand.

But the sad thing is that the Church is nearly invisible. Not many go to the SSPX Catholic Church because they are misled and think that the francis church is the real deal, despite all his flaws and, frankly, EVIL.

Even if Catholics don't know about the SSPX (I didn't until a couple years ago), they should be thoroughly fed up with francis and about tempted to go join Good Book Baptist down the street. There is no tangible Presence of Christ there, but ... at least there may be orthodox (more or less?) Christianity?
you should be. If you knew what I know, you would understand.

But the sad thing is that the Church is nearly invisible. Not many go to the SSPX Catholic Church because they are misled and think that the francis church is the real deal, despite all his flaws and, frankly, EVIL.

Even if Catholics don't know about the SSPX (I didn't until a couple years ago), they should be thoroughly fed up with francis and about tempted to go join Good Book Baptist down the street. There is no tangible Presence of Christ there, but ... at least there may be orthodox (more or less?) Christianity?
Don't get confused by Theological speculation and what the Church holds to be true. I tend to the latter.

I don't know if Jesus talked to you, but He has not talked to me, so I believe my eyes and not what others tell me to believe.

Do you believe that 1+1=2? I heard this is really true and this is one of the most demanding mathematical proofs. But because I am convinced 1+1=2 is a true statement I never tried to find and to understand this proof.
Disclaimer: I'm not a Catholic or even a Christian. That said, it has always amazed me how Christians can never agree on a definition of who are Christians but everyone of them knows who are not Christians.

You are also able to know who is not a Christian - even when he says he is a Christian. The Christian religion (the Christian rebound in god) is no ideology.
you should be. If you knew what I know, you would understand.
Maybe if you knew what I know you'd question your understanding.

But the sad thing is that the Church is nearly invisible. Not many go to the SSPX Catholic Church because they are misled and think that the francis church is the real deal, despite all his flaws and, frankly, EVIL.

Even if Catholics don't know about the SSPX (I didn't until a couple years ago), they should be thoroughly fed up with francis and about tempted to go join Good Book Baptist down the street. There is no tangible Presence of Christ there, but ... at least there may be orthodox (more or less?) Christianity?
Does it matter? Do you think only SSPX'ers will go to heaven?
Don't get confused by Theological speculation and what the Church holds to be true. I tend to the latter.

I am far less confused than ever in my life. I no longer wholeheartedly support the SSPX because I have learned that they have a very flawed view of Vatican II and also they have a connection to it, whereas the sedevacantists don't want to be connected in any way with what they call (and I concur) an evil, fake "church."

A real pope could never canonize an apostate from the faith like Paul VI or JP II. Therefore, the one "canonizing" (ha ha.. what a joke) them ( Francis).. is not a true pope. That seems logical enough and yet the SSPX tries to bend themselves into a pretzel coming up with some OTHER explanation when there absolutely IS no other explanation.
First off, as a non-Christian I don't criticize, I'm only here trying to understand.

Actually, we have nothing that Jesus wrote. Everything we know about Him comes from others.

Some Christians take the OT and NT as literally truth, e.g., the universe was created in 6 days, there was a global flood, no 'macro' evolution, etc. Others believe the Bible is a combination of myth, allegory, history, and theology and evolution is acceptable. Others believe the Bible is a divinely inspired work of man and contains very human errors and manipulations. To me they are all Christians.
The Bible defines who is a Christian, and it has nothing to do with a name on a door, whether Grandma went to church all her life, what country you're living in, or what you've studied in your life.
The Bible defines who is a Christian, and it has nothing to do with a name on a door, whether Grandma went to church all her life, what country you're living in, or what you've studied in your life.
Some might say it was Christians who defined the NT. Jews might say it was Christians who re-interpreted the OT. Muslims would say the Bible had become corrupt and needed refreshment.

Regardless, I'm always amazed that Christians have a hard time defining Christianity but an easy time pointing out who is NOT a Christian.
Some might say it was Christians who defined the NT. Jews might say it was Christians who re-interpreted the OT. Muslims would say the Bible had become corrupt and needed refreshment.

Regardless, I'm always amazed that Christians have a hard time defining Christianity but an easy time pointing out who is NOT a Christian.
I don't have a hard time defining Christianity, nor does anyone who simply reads what Jesus said.

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