Caught on Camera: Illegals Smuggle Drugs Into Laredo Before Trump Visit

No. So, how would you do it? 1,950 miles, much of it private land. Go...
That would be a great project for people on welfare. Remember FDR??? Public works? Building shit? Heck, China built the great wall without bulldozers and other earth moving machinery. Private land? Do you think eminent domain should be used only when it serves the purpose of government land confiscation such as "preservation" of wetlands?
So you're going to just take the land, so much for property rights, and how would we pay for this 1,950 miles of fence? Wall? Ditch? What exactly?
Trying to spin again? Eminent domain is "the right thing to do" only to fit your agenda? How are we paying for billions of $ "foreign aid?"
I am not in the Army Corps of Engineers to devise, decide and implement the best plan. That's the problem with you, on one hand you believe in omnipotency (such as a leader - not that I am one - should be an expert from astronomy to zymurgy and everything in between) on the other hand you ridicule other people who believe in it.
There's no spin. Either you respect property rights in this case or you don't? You can't have it both ways.
You want to have it in both ways. You did not corner me although you are quite sure you did. This is not an issue of a spotted owl need to move to another tree. It is national security issue. Yes, in the protection of all, including the property owner, there should be arrangements made of land purchase to establish a defensive zone on the border line. Also, we are not talking about orchards, and wheat fields on the border line. It shouldn't be that expensive as a lot in Manhattan. Most of the land is "waste land" what I saw on the news when showing illegal border crossings.
The land is privately own and many do not wish to sell. Now what?
That would be a great project for people on welfare. Remember FDR??? Public works? Building shit? Heck, China built the great wall without bulldozers and other earth moving machinery. Private land? Do you think eminent domain should be used only when it serves the purpose of government land confiscation such as "preservation" of wetlands?
So you're going to just take the land, so much for property rights, and how would we pay for this 1,950 miles of fence? Wall? Ditch? What exactly?
Trying to spin again? Eminent domain is "the right thing to do" only to fit your agenda? How are we paying for billions of $ "foreign aid?"
I am not in the Army Corps of Engineers to devise, decide and implement the best plan. That's the problem with you, on one hand you believe in omnipotency (such as a leader - not that I am one - should be an expert from astronomy to zymurgy and everything in between) on the other hand you ridicule other people who believe in it.
There's no spin. Either you respect property rights in this case or you don't? You can't have it both ways.
You want to have it in both ways. You did not corner me although you are quite sure you did. This is not an issue of a spotted owl need to move to another tree. It is national security issue. Yes, in the protection of all, including the property owner, there should be arrangements made of land purchase to establish a defensive zone on the border line. Also, we are not talking about orchards, and wheat fields on the border line. It shouldn't be that expensive as a lot in Manhattan. Most of the land is "waste land" what I saw on the news when showing illegal border crossings.
The land is privately own and many do not wish to sell. Now what?
I guess first somebody need to ask them. Then here is a refresher:
"... nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
What was the last time you had problem with eminent domain?
So you're going to just take the land, so much for property rights, and how would we pay for this 1,950 miles of fence? Wall? Ditch? What exactly?
Trying to spin again? Eminent domain is "the right thing to do" only to fit your agenda? How are we paying for billions of $ "foreign aid?"
I am not in the Army Corps of Engineers to devise, decide and implement the best plan. That's the problem with you, on one hand you believe in omnipotency (such as a leader - not that I am one - should be an expert from astronomy to zymurgy and everything in between) on the other hand you ridicule other people who believe in it.
There's no spin. Either you respect property rights in this case or you don't? You can't have it both ways.
You want to have it in both ways. You did not corner me although you are quite sure you did. This is not an issue of a spotted owl need to move to another tree. It is national security issue. Yes, in the protection of all, including the property owner, there should be arrangements made of land purchase to establish a defensive zone on the border line. Also, we are not talking about orchards, and wheat fields on the border line. It shouldn't be that expensive as a lot in Manhattan. Most of the land is "waste land" what I saw on the news when showing illegal border crossings.
The land is privately own and many do not wish to sell. Now what?
I guess first somebody need to ask them. Then here is a refresher:
"... nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."
What was the last time you had problem with eminent domain?
Oil pipeline. Before that it was shopping and hotel complex. I support property rights, within reason.
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There's always enough money. Why do you think the American Government is all over the world killing & plundering. It's all about the cash. It has $Trillions to wage war everywhere in the world and secure foreign borders. So it has the money to secure its own. It just doesn't have the will.
Name a foreign border that we have secured? You are being giving a chance to be rational here but so far all you can do is whine, bitch, and moan.

Your Government is all over the world waging war and spending $Billions helping secure foreign borders. So don't tell me it doesn't have enough money to secure its own border. That's absurd Bullshit.
And yet you can't name a single nation that the US secures the way you want our southern border secured?

Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan. Just to name a few. It's spending $Billions on it. Bring those $Billions home. Your Government can secure its border. It just doesn't have the will to do it. So the People need to demand it.
None of those borders are secure, and certainly not by us. Ukraine? We aren't even there.

Your Government is currently helping secure those borders. It's spending massive Tax Dollars on it. And we are in Ukraine. We just conducted joint military exercises with the new Ukrainian Government's military. The puppet Government we helped pull off the illegal coup in Kiev. Just bring the Tax Dollars back home. Secure our border.
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..

Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Lay off the cartoons son. You're sounding like a silly child again. Maybe slow down on the cartoons, and then come back when you have something to say. Capisce.
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..

Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..

Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...

I asked you what you thought it was, and all you had was more silly Bullshite. Lay off the cartoons son. Stop wasting our time.
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..

Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...

I asked you what you thought it was, and all you had was more silly Bullshite. Lay off the cartoons son. Stop wasting our time.
your just wasting time on here, why should I not entertain you..
Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...

I asked you what you thought it was, and all you had was more silly Bullshite. Lay off the cartoons son. Stop wasting our time.
your just wasting time on here, why should I not entertain you..

Seriously, you sound like a child starved for attention. I don't have time for silly buffoons. So go on back to your cartoons little one. The adults will handle things here. Bye.
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...

I asked you what you thought it was, and all you had was more silly Bullshite. Lay off the cartoons son. Stop wasting our time.
your just wasting time on here, why should I not entertain you..

Seriously, you sound like a child starved for attention. I don't have time for silly buffoons. So go on back to your cartoons little one. The adults will handle things here. Bye.
Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...

I asked you what you thought it was, and all you had was more silly Bullshite. Lay off the cartoons son. Stop wasting our time.
your just wasting time on here, why should I not entertain you..

Seriously, you sound like a child starved for attention. I don't have time for silly buffoons. So go on back to your cartoons little one. The adults will handle things here. Bye.

Will that Wiley Coyote ever catch that crazy Road Runner? Who knows? Why don't you go find out. Back to your cartoons dipshit. Bye.
This is hilarious! :lmao:
Nice exchange between paulitician and Moonglow…. :lmao:
Looks like making friends… :smiliehug:
:smoke: :popcorn:

Ha, i don't suffer fools gladly. Come at me with childish buffoonery, and i'll annihilate. That particular poster is known for adding nothing but one-liner childish buffoonery. Too many pop tarts and cartoons i guess. He or she wastes our time. They shouldn't come to the Politics Forum. They should take their silly Bullshite somewhere else.
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..

Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...
No idea if it was drugs or not, but considering the source link in the OP, I'd say that there's a reasonable chance that the video could have been staged.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...

I asked you what you thought it was, and all you had was more silly Bullshite. Lay off the cartoons son. Stop wasting our time.
your just wasting time on here, why should I not entertain you..

Seriously, you sound like a child starved for attention. I don't have time for silly buffoons. So go on back to your cartoons little one. The adults will handle things here. Bye.

Will that Wiley Coyote ever catch that crazy Road Runner? Who knows? Why don't you go find out. Back to your cartoons dipshit. Bye.
Looks like you'll be back to your toilet trenching
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..
First off, they do not know what is in those bags..

Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...
No idea if it was drugs or not, but considering the source link in the OP, I'd say that there's a reasonable chance that the video could have been staged.
i enjoyed how they announced that the cartel was after them for witnessing the action, yet people drove right by the SUV and nothing happened..
Sure loaded it fast and took off pretty quickly. What do you think it is?
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...
No idea if it was drugs or not, but considering the source link in the OP, I'd say that there's a reasonable chance that the video could have been staged.
i enjoyed how they announced that the cartel was after them for witnessing the action, yet people drove right by the SUV and nothing happened..
I honestly think that AJ accidentally sold his credibility quite a while ago... it went out in a shipment of "Super Male Vitality", if I'm not mistaken.
illegal deer harvest...

Back to your cartoons son. You're sounding stupid again.
Please confirm with evidence it twas drugs, and that the video event was not staged...
No idea if it was drugs or not, but considering the source link in the OP, I'd say that there's a reasonable chance that the video could have been staged.
i enjoyed how they announced that the cartel was after them for witnessing the action, yet people drove right by the SUV and nothing happened..
I honestly think that AJ accidentally sold his credibility quite a while ago... it went out in a shipment of "Super Male Vitality", if I'm not mistaken.
Maybe he can sneak across the border dressed as an Arab?

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