Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

He's allowed to have his opinion but I think NPR is doing the right thing canning the guy.
So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country
he's not a felon, dipshit
and you just keep proving me right for calling you a fucking moron

He's right that O'Keefe is scum. In regards to him being a felon ... he was facing felony charges over the thing in Lousiana but luckily for him one of his co-conspirators daddy is a US Attorney so that went away.
So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country
he's not a felon, dipshit
and you just keep proving me right for calling you a fucking moron

He's right that O'Keefe is scum. In regards to him being a felon ... he was facing felony charges over the thing in Lousiana but luckily for him one of his co-conspirators daddy is a US Attorney so that went away.

The Truth: Republicans just ignore it.
So once again, the felon gets what he wants. The dude would be a felon if not for one of the guy's dad wasn't US attorney. This scum of the earth needs to taken out like the rest of the trash in this country
he's not a felon, dipshit
and you just keep proving me right for calling you a fucking moron

He's right that O'Keefe is scum. In regards to him being a felon ... he was facing felony charges over the thing in Lousiana but luckily for him one of his co-conspirators daddy is a US Attorney so that went away.
it's called a plea bargain
He's right that O'Keefe is scum. In regards to him being a felon ... he was facing felony charges over the thing in Lousiana but luckily for him one of his co-conspirators daddy is a US Attorney so that went away.

The Truth: Republicans just ignore it.
no, thats what you do

Yeah, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
The Truth: Republicans just ignore it.
no, thats what you do

Yeah, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
still lying about that i see
kerry on dude
no, thats what you do

Yeah, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
still lying about that i see
kerry on dude

The Truth: Republicans just ignore it.
Hey DiveCon, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
Hey DiveCon, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
keep on lying about it
its expected of you now

oh, and again, FUCK OFF
Hey DiveCon, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
keep on lying about it
its expected of you now

oh, and again, FUCK OFF

The truth is a bitch ... kinda like you, aint it?

Fake Koch: Right, right. Well, we’ll back you any way we can. But, uh, what we were thinking about the crowds was, uh, was planting some troublemakers.

Walker: You know, the, well, the only problem with that — because we thought about that.

Fake Koch: [Laughs] Well, I tell you what, Scott: once you crush these bastards I’ll fly you out to Cali and really show you a good time.

Walker: All right, that would be outstanding. Thanks, thanks for all the support and helping us move the cause forward, and we appreciate it.
Conservative undercover filmmaker James O’Keefe strikes again…
The filmmaker released video this morning of NPR senior executive Ron Schiller trashing Conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Christians in a staged meeting with fake Muslim Brotherhood members.

Talk about good timing…and irony:
Just yesterday NPR CEO Vivian Schiller proclaimed that NPR had “no particular bias.”

From the video: Senior Executives at NPR meet with Muslim Brotherhood Front Group to solicit $5 million and discuss their federal funding, Fanatical Christians, Zionists in the media, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Uneducated Americans, and Juan Williams.

The Daily Caller reported on the tapes this morning:

A man who appears to be a National Public Radio senior executive, Ron Schiller, has been captured on camera savaging conservatives and the Tea Party movement.

“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

In a new video released Tuesday morning by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe, Schiller and Betsy Liley, NPR’s director of institutional giving, are seen meeting with two men who, unbeknownst to the NPR executives, are posing as members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The men, who identified themselves as Ibrahim Kasaam and Amir Malik from the fictitious Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust, met with Schiller and Liley at Café Milano, a well-known Georgetown restaurant, and explained their desire to give to $5 million to NPR because, “the Zionist coverage is quite substantial elsewhere.”

On the tapes, Schiller wastes little time before attacking conservatives. The Republican Party, Schiller says, has been “hijacked by this group.” The man posing as Malik finishes the sentence by adding, “the radical, racist, Islamaphobic, Tea Party people.” Schiller agrees and intensifies the criticism, saying that the Tea Party people aren’t “just Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic, I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

there were many great parts to that;

The blatant racism towards jews. that was over the top, and I'd bet there's a chance they lose some of their funding.

The fact that they had no issue in dealing with a hate group, that was repped by a couple of blatant racists (actors)

They admitted they don't need our money.

But the best was when he didn't blink, bat an eye, have a moment of awe when homeboy said we wanna donate $5 million. Nothin! he just took another bite of food and kept right on going.

Sadly, he needed little coxing to get him to be himself.
Hey DiveCon, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
Did he put plants in crowds........Nope!

Did he accept a vacation to California.......Nope!

And who isn't negotiating in good faith?.......Oh, that's right. A bunch of cowardly dem politicians who split town with their tails between their legs......Typical liberal whimps!

Once again, you have nothing more than purely loony liberal drivel!

Now, lets get to the topic at hand..........NPR getting busted for doing the what they claim they don't do........NPR getting busted for being the partisan hack entity that we ALL know they are.

JAMES O'KEEFE, AMERICAN HERO!:salute::rock:.......Tearing down the loony liberal agenda one brick at a time!
Hey DiveCon, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
Did he put plants in crowds........Nope!

But he said he considered it.

Did he accept a vacation to California.......Nope!

Yes, he did.

And who isn't negotiating in good faith?

That would be Scott Walker as evidenced by the tape.

Now, lets get to the topic at hand..........NPR getting busted for doing the what they claim they don't do........NPR getting busted for being the partisan hack entity that we ALL know they are.

One executive who was deservedly fired does not equal "NPR"
Hey DiveCon, tell us again how Scott Walker was just being polite and didn't really expose himself as a liar, or as someone who can't be trusted to negotiate in good faith, or as someone who considered putting plants in crowds to cause trouble, and how he didn't really accept a flight and vacation out to California.
keep on lying about it
its expected of you now

oh, and again, FUCK OFF

The truth is a bitch ... kinda like you, aint it?
no, you

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