Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

Let me get this straight, the Confederate Republican Party, which is 90% white and mostly Christian is angry that someone called them racist? The party that can only claim a measly 6% of scientists is angry that someone accuses them of being anti science?

Can someone explain to me where the "controversy" is?

say bye bye dean, I just cannot subject myself to your insane verbal trash anymore, time to add you to sangha in the ignore bin. seek help, seriously.
They report about things that affect people and how they are harmed. They don't support political parties or candidates. So most of what they are reporting about on NPR has to do with social justice, hardly anything a right leaning site or person is wanting to learn about or do they believe before it's even written.

Does NPR as a station report more things that the left consider new, by all means, but not as an opinion.

Really? You SURE???

I already mentioned one talking head on NPR - Nina Totenberg opining that she hoped Jesse Helms or one of his grandkids would get AIDS?

That's not opinion or mean-spirited?

And you don't think UCLA is a bastion of Conservatism do you? Even THEY did a study saying NPR was liberally biased:

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom
Now, perhaps you can pinpoint which of the statements by former fund-raiser Schiller are so objectionable?

“Tea Party people,” aren’t just “Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic,” said Mr. Schiller. “I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-American gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

I know you agree, but the game is pretending he didn't say it

So, you're pissed at him for saying what we all have seen? There's a reason why there were no hard-Right Republicans screaming about the trillions in debt while Bush was still President: #1) He's also a Republican. 2) He's White.

As for xenophobic, that's a matter of opinion, but being called xenophobic is not necessarily an insult. And I can see where you can get that label by being anti-immigration and anti-illegal immigration. I am both, but I'm not xenophobic.
Can we simply dismiss this based on the bias of the source,

in the same way material sourced from Huffpo and mediamatters, for example, is summarily dismissed?

Would that be a legitimate response?

You can dismiss the source if you want. But the quality of the source played no part in what the man said. Those are still his words, and he is still an executive for NPR, which claims to have no particular Bias.

So in effect you're saying that all the people here who summarily reject material because it's sourced to Huffpo or mediamatters or other liberal sites

are idiots?
I'll say it!
Let me get this straight, the Confederate Republican Party, which is 90% white and mostly Christian is angry that someone called them racist? The party that can only claim a measly 6% of scientists is angry that someone accuses them of being anti science?

Can someone explain to me where the "controversy" is?

say bye bye dean, I just cannot subject myself to your insane verbal trash anymore, time to add you to sangha in the ignore bin. seek help, seriously.

Yea, I couldn't think of a controversy either. Must hurt.
You're one of the worst of all when it comes to attacking the messenger.

Are you telling us now that Huffington Post material is perfectly legitimate? Can be scoffed at for 'bias'?

Is that your new position?

call your Rep and ask they get behind DEFUNDING npr.

I really don't care one way or another on the issue. I'm at the point on this issue where I'm the mom in the grocery store and the Right is the screaming 2 year old.

Give him the fucking candy bar if it will shut him up for chrissakes.
I'd rather smack him across the mouth, but I'm a violent Liberal.
I don't think its going to matter. Schiller has left NPR and NPR is going to be defunded soon anyway.

I guess we will find out if Schiller's thoughts on NPR standing on its own are correct or not.
Who is going to defund them? The House, on their own?
You don't know the difference between an unedited prank phone call and cut and spliced videotape, as O'Keefe has used in the past?

Now, perhaps you can pinpoint which of the statements by former fund-raiser Schiller are so objectionable?

Schiller's a partisan hack. So are you.

NPR should not get one dime of taxpayers money. Not. One. Dime. Got it? Good.

You just punked yourself.

Are my questions too tough for you?

Man up, CG!

That would depend on IF you can prove the prank phone call was unedited...which you can't.


You also can't prove O'Keefe's videos are edited. As a matter of fact, he ALWAYS provides the FULL UNEDITED versions (as he did here) of his videos for all to see the time stamps and counters proving that they aren't edited.

As far as Schiller's statements certainly don't expect anyone to believe he was lauding and praising conservatives do you? If so, you need medication.
I don't think its going to matter. Schiller has left NPR and NPR is going to be defunded soon anyway.

I guess we will find out if Schiller's thoughts on NPR standing on its own are correct or not.
Who is going to defund them? The House, on their own?
you DO understand that if the house never passes the funding, they dont get it
its not like its an automatic thing that needs to be a repeal of a bill
I don't think its going to matter. Schiller has left NPR and NPR is going to be defunded soon anyway.

I guess we will find out if Schiller's thoughts on NPR standing on its own are correct or not.
Who is going to defund them? The House, on their own?
you DO understand that if the house never passes the funding, they dont get it
its not like its an automatic thing that needs to be a repeal of a bill

Exactly! :clap2:

Otherwise, why would the Dems be whining so much about the GOP defunding this and that?
It sure is entertaining listening to these lib's sputter and spit as yet ANOTHER one of their bastions of liberal lunacy is about to go down the friggin' tubes!

Can't wait to see what else O'keefe has in store for NPR. According to Andrew Breitbart, it's only just begun!
Who is going to defund them? The House, on their own?
you DO understand that if the house never passes the funding, they dont get it
its not like its an automatic thing that needs to be a repeal of a bill

Exactly! :clap2:

Otherwise, why would the Dems be whining so much about the GOP defunding this and that?

It doesn't matter if the House passes it. If the Senate won't pass it, or if Obama vetoes it, then it goes nowhere. Democrats could very well negotiate it out of the bill. I guess you both forgot that part.
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you DO understand that if the house never passes the funding, they dont get it
its not like its an automatic thing that needs to be a repeal of a bill

Exactly! :clap2:

Otherwise, why would the Dems be whining so much about the GOP defunding this and that?

It doesn't matter if the House passes it. If the Senate won't pass it, or if Obama vetoes it, then it goes nowhere. Democrats could very well negotiate it out of the bill. I guess you both forgot that part.
wow, another mental midget

if the funding doesnt pass the house, they DONT GET IT
doesnt matter one bit what they do in the senate
you DO understand that if the house never passes the funding, they dont get it
its not like its an automatic thing that needs to be a repeal of a bill

Exactly! :clap2:

Otherwise, why would the Dems be whining so much about the GOP defunding this and that?

It doesn't matter if the House passes it. If the Senate won't pass it, or if Obama vetoes it, then it goes nowhere. Democrats could very well negotiate it out of the bill. I guess you both forgot that part.

You seem to have missed the part about it NOT being anything they have to PASS. They only have to NOT allow it to pass. :cool:
It sure is entertaining listening to these lib's sputter and spit as yet ANOTHER one of their bastions of liberal lunacy is about to go down the friggin' tubes!

Can't wait to see what else O'keefe has in store for NPR. According to Andrew Breitbart, it's only just begun!

O'Keefe, was that guy who spliced together video to smear Acorn?

Breitbart confirms he was duped by O'Keefe and the ACORN pimp hoax

In his report, Harshbarger, who was himself denied full viewing of the tapes, concluded:
The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions of Mr. O’Keefe’s and Ms. Giles’s comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding. A comparison of the publicly available transcripts to the released videos confirms that large portions of the original video have been omitted from the released versions.

Falling for the ACORN Hoax

Are ALL right wing heroes dirty?

The reason the left can't do the same things to the right is because the right is already out there with racism and provocation. It wouldn't be news.
It sure is entertaining listening to these lib's sputter and spit as yet ANOTHER one of their bastions of liberal lunacy is about to go down the friggin' tubes!

Can't wait to see what else O'keefe has in store for NPR. According to Andrew Breitbart, it's only just begun!

O'Keefe, was that guy who spliced together video to smear Acorn?

Breitbart confirms he was duped by O'Keefe and the ACORN pimp hoax

In his report, Harshbarger, who was himself denied full viewing of the tapes, concluded:
The videos that have been released appear to have been edited, in some cases substantially, including the insertion of a substitute voiceover for significant portions of Mr. O’Keefe’s and Ms. Giles’s comments, which makes it difficult to determine the questions to which ACORN employees are responding. A comparison of the publicly available transcripts to the released videos confirms that large portions of the original video have been omitted from the released versions.

Falling for the ACORN Hoax

Are ALL right wing heroes dirty?

The reason the left can't do the same things to the right is because the right is already out there with racism and provocation. It wouldn't be news.

MEDIA MATTERS......twisting everything Breitbart ACTUALLY said. fail.
Oh boy! It's another "Boy who Cried Wolfe" story by O’Keefe "the mad splicer", who's maliciously spliced Pimp and his Whore video defamed Acorn?

Who in their right mind, beside you psuedo-cons and conned out there, is going to give that little prick a second look anyway.

I guess that's why NPR immediately apologized for the remarks stating that is not their beliefs or policies.
And the far left Huff PO writes this:
Ron Schiller, Former NPR Fundraiser, Caught On Tape Bashing Tea Party, Questioning Need For Federal Funds (VIDEO)

And any myriad of other reports from left and right leaning. I guess we should ignore those too since they don't fit into the liberal idealogy?
Exactly! :clap2:

Otherwise, why would the Dems be whining so much about the GOP defunding this and that?

It doesn't matter if the House passes it. If the Senate won't pass it, or if Obama vetoes it, then it goes nowhere. Democrats could very well negotiate it out of the bill. I guess you both forgot that part.
wow, another mental midget

if the funding doesnt pass the house, they DONT GET IT
doesnt matter one bit what they do in the senate

You're a moron. The funding is in a bill, correct? Bills have to pass both houses of Congress and get signed by the president. If Dems decide to, they can fight to get the funding restored. It, among other things, could keep Dems, who control the Senate, from voting to pass the funding bill. I'm not saying that this will definitely happen, I'm just pointing out the possibility. The two of you think it's a slam dunk. There are negotiations involved. The defunding provision could very well be removed in the negotiations process. Apparently, you don't understand how the process works.
Exactly! :clap2:

Otherwise, why would the Dems be whining so much about the GOP defunding this and that?

It doesn't matter if the House passes it. If the Senate won't pass it, or if Obama vetoes it, then it goes nowhere. Democrats could very well negotiate it out of the bill. I guess you both forgot that part.

You seem to have missed the part about it NOT being anything they have to PASS. They only have to NOT allow it to pass. :cool:

It's already in the funding bill that the House passed. Now, if they decide, Dems can fight to get it removed or maybe they won't vote to pass the bill.
You're a moron. The funding is in a bill, correct? Bills have to pass both houses of Congress and get signed by the president. If Dems decide to, they can fight to get the funding restored. It, among other things, could keep Dems, who control the Senate, from voting to pass the funding bill. I'm not saying that this will definitely happen, I'm just pointing out the possibility. The two of you think it's a slam dunk. There are negotiations involved. The defunding provision could very well be removed in the negotiations process. Apparently, you don't understand how the process works.

You really should just stop arguing this until you cover it in class. You obviously have no idea of how this stuff works, and no willingness to understand it. Whether you like it or not, if the funding isn't approved by the House, the Senate doesn't even enter the equation, nor the President.

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