Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

You really don't think they can make up losing a couple percentage points of funding with a few on-air sponsors?

They won't be able to call themselves National PUBLIC Radio anymore if they arne't government funded and have to have sponsors.

Which will also cause many to see them as losing any credibility of being "unbaised" (as if they ever were).
Conservative undercover filmmaker James O’Keefe strikes again…
The filmmaker released video this morning of NPR senior executive Ron Schiller trashing Conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Christians in a staged meeting with fake Muslim Brotherhood members.

Talk about good timing…and irony:
Just yesterday NPR CEO Vivian Schiller proclaimed that NPR had “no particular bias.”

From the video: Senior Executives at NPR meet with Muslim Brotherhood Front Group to solicit $5 million and discuss their federal funding, Fanatical Christians, Zionists in the media, Tea Partiers, Republicans, Uneducated Americans, and Juan Williams.

The Daily Caller reported on the tapes this morning:

A man who appears to be a National Public Radio senior executive, Ron Schiller, has been captured on camera savaging conservatives and the Tea Party movement.

“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

In a new video released Tuesday morning by conservative filmmaker James O’Keefe, Schiller and Betsy Liley, NPR’s director of institutional giving, are seen meeting with two men who, unbeknownst to the NPR executives, are posing as members of a Muslim Brotherhood front group. The men, who identified themselves as Ibrahim Kasaam and Amir Malik from the fictitious Muslim Education Action Center (MEAC) Trust, met with Schiller and Liley at Café Milano, a well-known Georgetown restaurant, and explained their desire to give to $5 million to NPR because, “the Zionist coverage is quite substantial elsewhere.”

On the tapes, Schiller wastes little time before attacking conservatives. The Republican Party, Schiller says, has been “hijacked by this group.” The man posing as Malik finishes the sentence by adding, “the radical, racist, Islamaphobic, Tea Party people.” Schiller agrees and intensifies the criticism, saying that the Tea Party people aren’t “just Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic, I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-America gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

This is funny, you actually think he said something that isn't true or at least real close to what has and is happening in the republican party. Most middle class republicans are racist even if you don't want to believe it. Many left leaning middle class people are also racist, but not to the extent that republicans are. Where the left may joke about it, the right is down right mean and nasty. I know because I have been part of both sides.

You go into a small town restraunt and get to talking about ethnic people and you wouldn't believe the conversations of hate that occur.
Wrong thread. This thread isn't about unions, and I haven't mentioned or even alluded to unions on this thread.


You brought the Koch Brothers and Gov. Walker into the thread....which is bringing the whole Union debate into it.

The fact that the Teacher's Union invests millions with the Koch Brothers while you haul into the discussion that they donated to Walker certainly isn't off limits then.

I brought up the Koch bros to show how Walker accepts money from special interests, unlike NPR's Schiller, who refused to accept donations from O'Keefe's fake Muslims. Nothing about teacher's unions. You righties are the ones who made that connection. Start a thread on it. I couldn't care less. But it has nothing to do with this thread or any point that I've made.

Yes, but when you bring Koch and Walker into it and want to talk about anyone being "bought", then you have to accept the Union being in bed with the Koch Brothers as well.

Even IF we go by your logic, then NPR accepts funds from George Soros. Then they immediately turned-around and fired the only moderate they had there. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence.
according to you they aren't really NPR now since they don't give your side of the news as you would want it told, not being able to understand that they go after the truth and owe nothing to anyone as to what they put on the air. The problem is you want your be3liefs reported as news which would mean it's truth and has meaning and they ain't willing to do that.
This is funny, you actually think he said something that isn't true or at least real close to what has and is happening in the republican party. Most middle class republicans are racist even if you don't want to believe it. Many left leaning middle class people are also racist, but not to the extent that republicans are. Where the left may joke about it, the right is down right mean and nasty. I know because I have been part of both sides.

You go into a small town restraunt and get to talking about ethnic people and you wouldn't believe the conversations of hate that occur.

So you and he are saying the Tea Party is comprised of racists...right?

Too bad that's been debunked a million times over already.

The Tea Party is actually comprised of mainstream Americans, and in fact is 51% Democrats and Independents:

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

You brought the Koch Brothers and Gov. Walker into the thread....which is bringing the whole Union debate into it.

The fact that the Teacher's Union invests millions with the Koch Brothers while you haul into the discussion that they donated to Walker certainly isn't off limits then.

I brought up the Koch bros to show how Walker accepts money from special interests, unlike NPR's Schiller, who refused to accept donations from O'Keefe's fake Muslims. Nothing about teacher's unions. You righties are the ones who made that connection. Start a thread on it. I couldn't care less. But it has nothing to do with this thread or any point that I've made.

Yes, but when you bring Koch and Walker into it and want to talk about anyone being "bought", then you have to accept the Union being in bed with the Koch Brothers as well.

Even IF we go by your logic, then NPR accepts funds from George Soros. Then they immediately turned-around and fired the only moderate they had there. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence.

You just don't get it, they don't allow anyone to use their own point of view when reporting of the news, can't you understand.
according to you they aren't really NPR now since they don't give your side of the news as you would want it told, not being able to understand that they go after the truth and owe nothing to anyone as to what they put on the air. The problem is you want your be3liefs reported as news which would mean it's truth and has meaning and they ain't willing to do that.

They are NPR until their funding is cut-off, but when that happens, they won't be able to call themselves that.

They accepted millions from George who do you think they'd favor?
This is funny, you actually think he said something that isn't true or at least real close to what has and is happening in the republican party. Most middle class republicans are racist even if you don't want to believe it. Many left leaning middle class people are also racist, but not to the extent that republicans are. Where the left may joke about it, the right is down right mean and nasty. I know because I have been part of both sides.

You go into a small town restraunt and get to talking about ethnic people and you wouldn't believe the conversations of hate that occur.

So you and he are saying the Tea Party is comprised of racists...right?

Too bad that's been debunked a million times over already.

The Tea Party is actually comprised of mainstream Americans, and in fact is 51% Democrats and Independents:

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics
Just made a quick drive down to the grocery store. Was listening to Hugh Hewitt. He was interviewing Breitbart...........This is just the tip of the iceberg. More on this is coming out anytime. O'keefe nailed these dirty bastards. NPR is finished ala ACORN, Planned Parenthood.

I can't wait to hear what else is going to be coming out.....O'keefe is a friggin' hero!
I brought up the Koch bros to show how Walker accepts money from special interests, unlike NPR's Schiller, who refused to accept donations from O'Keefe's fake Muslims. Nothing about teacher's unions. You righties are the ones who made that connection. Start a thread on it. I couldn't care less. But it has nothing to do with this thread or any point that I've made.

Yes, but when you bring Koch and Walker into it and want to talk about anyone being "bought", then you have to accept the Union being in bed with the Koch Brothers as well.

Even IF we go by your logic, then NPR accepts funds from George Soros. Then they immediately turned-around and fired the only moderate they had there. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence.

You just don't get it, they don't allow anyone to use their own point of view when reporting of the news, can't you understand.

Ummmmm......if I felt like Googling some links for you, I cold show you LOADS of examples of NPR "journalists" expressing their points of view!!

How about Nina Totenberg opining that she hoped Jesse Helms or one of his grandkids would get AIDS? That's not bias?

Here's a study saying they are biased:

Media Bias Is Real, Finds UCLA Political Scientist / UCLA Newsroom
This is funny, you actually think he said something that isn't true or at least real close to what has and is happening in the republican party. Most middle class republicans are racist even if you don't want to believe it. Many left leaning middle class people are also racist, but not to the extent that republicans are. Where the left may joke about it, the right is down right mean and nasty. I know because I have been part of both sides.

You go into a small town restraunt and get to talking about ethnic people and you wouldn't believe the conversations of hate that occur.

So you and he are saying the Tea Party is comprised of racists...right?

Too bad that's been debunked a million times over already.

The Tea Party is actually comprised of mainstream Americans, and in fact is 51% Democrats and Independents:

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

What I am saying is most white people are somewhat racist, and both sides have them.
The difference is those on the left do it as a joking thing(still wrong).
Those on the right believe that minorities are a problem and they are not patriotic Americans who we would be better off without. Their jokes go past being funny and show real hate.

Now if your walking up to them and saying we want to find out if your racist or mean, I'm sure they can figure out what to say at the time that would make them look like anyone else.

But go to that restraunt in Neb. where they wanted to pass a law against Mexicans and just get into a discussion about them as another white middle class righty.
This is funny, you actually think he said something that isn't true or at least real close to what has and is happening in the republican party. Most middle class republicans are racist even if you don't want to believe it. Many left leaning middle class people are also racist, but not to the extent that republicans are. Where the left may joke about it, the right is down right mean and nasty. I know because I have been part of both sides.

You go into a small town restraunt and get to talking about ethnic people and you wouldn't believe the conversations of hate that occur.

So you and he are saying the Tea Party is comprised of racists...right?

Too bad that's been debunked a million times over already.

The Tea Party is actually comprised of mainstream Americans, and in fact is 51% Democrats and Independents:

Tea Partiers Are Fairly Mainstream in Their Demographics

What I am saying is most white people are somewhat racist, and both sides have them.
The difference is those on the left do it as a joking thing(still wrong).
Those on the right believe that minorities are a problem and they are not patriotic Americans who we would be better off without. Their jokes go past being funny and show real hate.

Now if your walking up to them and saying we want to find out if your racist or mean, I'm sure they can figure out what to say at the time that would make them look like anyone else.

But go to that restraunt in Neb. where they wanted to pass a law against Mexicans and just get into a discussion about them as another white middle class righty.

Oh Jesus :rolleyes:
What I am saying is most white people are somewhat racist, and both sides have them.
The difference is those on the left do it as a joking thing(still wrong).
Those on the right believe that minorities are a problem and they are not patriotic Americans who we would be better off without. Their jokes go past being funny and show real hate.

Now if your walking up to them and saying we want to find out if your racist or mean, I'm sure they can figure out what to say at the time that would make them look like anyone else.

But go to that restraunt in Neb. where they wanted to pass a law against Mexicans and just get into a discussion about them as another white middle class righty.


Dude, I sincerely hate to be the one to break it to you, but you're a fucking bigot.
They report about things that affect people and how they are harmed. They don't support political parties or candidates. So most of what they are reporting about on NPR has to do with social justice, hardly anything a right leaning site or person is wanting to learn about or do they believe before it's even written.

Does NPR as a station report more things that the left consider new, by all means, but not as an opinion.
Of course I am, and so is almost everyone I have ever met on both sides. The only difference is I can see both sides of any item and your only able to see it from one direction.
They report about things that affect people and how they are harmed. They don't support political parties or candidates. So most of what they are reporting about on NPR has to do with social justice, hardly anything a right leaning site or person is wanting to learn about or do they believe before it's even written.

Does NPR as a station report more things that the left consider new, by all means, but not as an opinion.

Do you not realize this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding NPR?

That Breitbart just stated in a radio interview less than an hour ago that much more disburbing aspects of this meeting are going to be released.......That they are releasing info one piece at a time?

That this is going to make ACORN and Planned Parenthood's shown willingness to aide and abet the exploitation of minor children look like a drop in the bucket?

That NPR is going to be lucky to get any entity to sponsor them after they are no doubt defunded.

JAMES O'KEEFE, AMERICAN HERO!.........Tearing down the loony liberal agenda one brick at a time!
Of course I am, and so is almost everyone I have ever met on both sides. The only difference is I can see both sides of any item and your only able to see it from one direction.


Yes, but when you bring Koch and Walker into it and want to talk about anyone being "bought", then you have to accept the Union being in bed with the Koch Brothers as well.

Even IF we go by your logic, then NPR accepts funds from George Soros. Then they immediately turned-around and fired the only moderate they had there. Coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence.

I didn't bring up the Koch bros or unions. You and Mini did. Just look at these posts and tell me who brought them up. Read carefully, little one. It was Mini. And he then tried to make the argument about unions.

Who cares? How does one man's opinion mean NPR is biased? And I'm sure you don't want to talk about the fact that O'Keefe's goons repeatedly offered a $5 million check with no strings attached, which Schiller refused to accept.

How much of faux Koch's money did Walker accept?

Hello Goose, we're the Ganders!

that's different


That's right. It is different. Walker actually accepted money from the real Koch bros. Schiller refused to accept money from O'Keefe's goons.

You're aware that the very union you're arguing about has 5.5Million invested in the Koch brothers, right?

Oops. Looks like you fail once again.
They report about things that affect people and how they are harmed. They don't support political parties or candidates. So most of what they are reporting about on NPR has to do with social justice, hardly anything a right leaning site or person is wanting to learn about or do they believe before it's even written.

Does NPR as a station report more things that the left consider new, by all means, but not as an opinion.

Do you not realize this is just the tip of the iceberg regarding NPR?

That Breitbart just stated in a radio interview less than an hour ago that much more disburbing aspects of this meeting are going to be released.......That they are releasing info one piece at a time?

That this is going to make ACORN and Planned Parenthood's shown willingness to aide and abet the exploitation of minor children look like a drop in the bucket?

That NPR is going to be lucky to get any entity to sponsor them after they are no doubt defunded.

JAMES O'KEEFE, AMERICAN HERO!.........Tearing down the loony liberal agenda one brick at a time!

I don't know but I just heard Sean Hannity tell Juan Williams to get himself a good lawyer and I saw tears well up in Juan Williams eyes. That made me mad and it made me sad.
Let me get this straight, the Confederate Republican Party, which is 90% white and mostly Christian is angry that someone called them racist? The party that can only claim a measly 6% of scientists is angry that someone accuses them of being anti science?

Can someone explain to me where the "controversy" is?
But you said nothing when the liberals did it to Walker. Fucking hypocrite.

And, no you wouldn't see any problem with that statement.... cuz you are too fucking stupid to spot the glaringly obvious.

Pompous ass.

You don't know the difference between an unedited prank phone call and cut and spliced videotape, as O'Keefe has used in the past?

Now, perhaps you can pinpoint which of the statements by former fund-raiser Schiller are so objectionable?

Schiller's a partisan hack. So are you.

NPR should not get one dime of taxpayers money. Not. One. Dime. Got it? Good.

You just punked yourself.

Are my questions too tough for you?

Man up, CG!

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