Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

My contention is to consider the source of the story. Undercover conservative looking for 'gotcha' story. What else is new?

I see no problem with this statement:
“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

I would hardly call that 'savaging' the Tea Party. The GOP has been hijacked by extremists.

But you said nothing when the liberals did it to Walker. Fucking hypocrite.

And, no you wouldn't see any problem with that statement.... cuz you are too fucking stupid to spot the glaringly obvious.

Pompous ass.

You don't know the difference between an unedited prank phone call and cut and spliced videotape, as O'Keefe has used in the past?

Now, perhaps you can pinpoint which of the statements by former fund-raiser Schiller are so objectionable?

^Does being that Dishonest cause a Person to Smell in Real Life?... :lol:


Oh boy! It's another "Boy who Cried Wolfe" story by O’Keefe "the mad splicer", who's maliciously spliced Pimp and his Whore video defamed Acorn?


Lie much?

There was no "splicing," as you know but chose to lie about. The length was edited, as all news footage is. Nothing more.

You leftists are something else.
James O'Keefe?

He wouldn't mislead us......would he?

Hard to know what is real and what has been pieced together or edited
Oh boy! It's another "Boy who Cried Wolfe" story by O’Keefe "the mad splicer", who's maliciously spliced Pimp and his Whore video defamed Acorn?


Lie much?

There was no "splicing," as you know but chose to lie about. The length was edited, as all news footage is. Nothing more.

You leftists are something else.

ACORN exonerated, O’Keefe video crimes revealed

A long-awaited report on the facts behind discredited videotapes fraudulently edited and distributed by James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles has been released by California Attorney General Jerry Brown. The report documents the immense scope of O’Keefe and Giles’ criminal behavior in which they repeatedly violated state law by secretly recording conversations without the permission of all parties, and then selectively edited those recordings to fraudulently represent the actions of ACORN staff. The report includes unedited video and audio recordings obtained from O’Keefe under a grant of immunity for both he and Giles.

ACORN exonerated, O

Full Report here:

Unedited videos here:

News & Alerts - California Dept. of Justice - Office of the Attorney General
He wasn't in trouble for what he recorded in video, but for impersonating someone in order to get the video.....HUGE difference!!!

The whole OBJECT is to fool these corrupt people into thinking you're someone else.....that's all he got in trouble for doing.

It was for wiretapping.

Everything O'Keefe has produced it true - irrefutable.

O'Keefe was implicated in bugging Sen. Mary Landrieu's office to expose her criminal acts.

The charges were dropped - though the lying left sure makes it sound different.
Someone's opinion doesn't mean that what everyone at that place believes. Roger Ailes thinks anyone on the left is a Nazi. Does that mean Fox News thinks anyone who is on the left is a nazi? NO.
Nothing in your link says he doctored any tapes.

O'Keefe cut the most damaging part of the tape and put it on YouTube.

It was a Michael Moore, Keith Olbermann kind of move. He should have released the whole video in the first place.
ACORN exonerated, O’Keefe video crimes revealed

Well shit, Texas Progress says that ACORN was exonerated, and if we can't trust a far left "Progressive" blog, what can we trust?

Now back to your lie, you claimed O'Keefe "spliced" the tape, inserted footage. You lied. You lied because you hold your party in high esteem and you have zero integrity.

Such is the way of the left.

The unedited footage doesn't change a thing - ACORN is a shit hole.

BTW, I already compared O'Keefe to Michael Moore, so I'm not defending his tactics - just pointing out that you're a shameless liar.
call you Representatives AND DEMAND they DEFUND this George Soros funded BIASED organization.

Now, perhaps you can pinpoint which of the statements by former fund-raiser Schiller are so objectionable?

“Tea Party people,” aren’t just “Islamaphobic, but really xenophobic,” said Mr. Schiller. “I mean basically they are, they believe in sort of white, middle-American gun-toting. I mean, it’s scary. They’re seriously racist, racist people.”

I know you agree, but the game is pretending he didn't say it
You can bet your sweet ass if this NPR shill had been talking about Muslims or Blacks the left wouldn't be TRYING to make excuses for them. but since it's against their Tea Party fellow Americans, they could give a shit less.

Can we simply dismiss this based on the bias of the source,

in the same way material sourced from Huffpo and mediamatters, for example, is summarily dismissed?

Would that be a legitimate response?

You can dismiss the source if you want. But the quality of the source played no part in what the man said. Those are still his words, and he is still an executive for NPR, which claims to have no particular Bias.

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