Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

So, your contention is that the man in the video speaking is not Schiller?


It doesn't matter.

Huffpo and Mediamatters link to videos, tapes, transcripts all the time,

but the Conservative consensus here at USMB is that they can be rejected simply because of Huffpo, mediamatters, and some others as the messengers.

People like you do it all the time. So why can't we?

O'Keefe is a rightwing operative. He's biased. He has an agenda. Therefore we can reject anything sourced to him as illegitimate.

Hell no, they're NOT BIASED against Republicans, Conservative, or the people in the Tea Party.

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Can we simply dismiss this based on the bias of the source,

in the same way material sourced from Huffpo and mediamatters, for example, is summarily dismissed?

Would that be a legitimate response?

You can dismiss the source if you want. But the quality of the source played no part in what the man said. Those are still his words, and he is still an executive for NPR, which claims to have no particular Bias.

So in effect you're saying that all the people here who summarily reject material because it's sourced to Huffpo or mediamatters or other liberal sites

are idiots?
Can we simply dismiss this based on the bias of the source,

in the same way material sourced from Huffpo and mediamatters, for example, is summarily dismissed?

Would that be a legitimate response?

You can dismiss the source if you want. But the quality of the source played no part in what the man said. Those are still his words, and he is still an executive for NPR, which claims to have no particular Bias.

So in effect you're saying that all the people here who summarily reject material because it's sourced to Huffpo or mediamatters or other liberal sites

are idiots?

good gawd man, give it up already. We are talking about NPR.
ACORN exonerated, O’Keefe video crimes revealed

Well shit, Texas Progress says that ACORN was exonerated, and if we can't trust a far left "Progressive" blog, what can we trust?

Now back to your lie, you claimed O'Keefe "spliced" the tape, inserted footage. You lied. You lied because you hold your party in high esteem and you have zero integrity.

Such is the way of the left.

The unedited footage doesn't change a thing - ACORN is a shit hole.

BTW, I already compared O'Keefe to Michael Moore, so I'm not defending his tactics - just pointing out that you're a shameless liar.

And all you can whimper out is a febble "You lie", "Zero intergrity" and "Shameless liar"

You need your Whaaaaaambulance dontcha?
So, your contention is that the man in the video speaking is not Schiller?

My contention is to consider the source of the story. Undercover conservative looking for 'gotcha' story. What else is new?

I see no problem with this statement:
“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

I would hardly call that 'savaging' the Tea Party. The GOP has been hijacked by extremists.

But you said nothing when the liberals did it to Walker. Fucking hypocrite.

And, no you wouldn't see any problem with that statement.... cuz you are too fucking stupid to spot the glaringly obvious.

Pompous ass.

You're seriously not treating O'Keefe the way you treat Huffington post? Remind us what you say when people link to Huffpo.

You can dismiss the source if you want. But the quality of the source played no part in what the man said. Those are still his words, and he is still an executive for NPR, which claims to have no particular Bias.

So in effect you're saying that all the people here who summarily reject material because it's sourced to Huffpo or mediamatters or other liberal sites

are idiots?

good gawd man, give it up already. We are talking about NPR.

You're one of the worst of all when it comes to attacking the messenger.

Are you telling us now that Huffington Post material is perfectly legitimate? Can be scoffed at for 'bias'?

Is that your new position?

The bastions of loony liberal worship are imploding on themselves. Perfectly in line with the ever imploding liberal agenda.

COOL!........It's an enjoyable thing to watch, indeed!
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Don't sit here arguing about this with the liberals on here, you are wasting your breath.

All who care Please call you Reps and tell them to get behind the DeFunding OF NPR.
So, your contention is that the man in the video speaking is not Schiller?


It doesn't matter.

Huffpo and Mediamatters link to videos, tapes, transcripts all the time,

but the Conservative consensus here at USMB is that they can be rejected simply because of Huffpo, mediamatters, and some others as the messengers.

People like you do it all the time. So why can't we?

O'Keefe is a rightwing operative. He's biased. He has an agenda. Therefore we can reject anything sourced to him as illegitimate.


NPR is the thorn in your side because they know its the truth

You gonna shoot that messenger?
So in effect you're saying that all the people here who summarily reject material because it's sourced to Huffpo or mediamatters or other liberal sites

are idiots?

good gawd man, give it up already. We are talking about NPR.

You're one of the worst of all when it comes to attacking the messenger.

Are you telling us now that Huffington Post material is perfectly legitimate? Can be scoffed at for 'bias'?

Is that your new position?

call your Rep and ask they get behind DEFUNDING npr.
good gawd man, give it up already. We are talking about NPR.

You're one of the worst of all when it comes to attacking the messenger.

Are you telling us now that Huffington Post material is perfectly legitimate? Can be scoffed at for 'bias'?

Is that your new position?

call your Rep and ask they get behind DEFUNDING npr.

I really don't care one way or another on the issue. I'm at the point on this issue where I'm the mom in the grocery store and the Right is the screaming 2 year old.

Give him the fucking candy bar if it will shut him up for chrissakes.

It doesn't matter.

Huffpo and Mediamatters link to videos, tapes, transcripts all the time,

but the Conservative consensus here at USMB is that they can be rejected simply because of Huffpo, mediamatters, and some others as the messengers.

People like you do it all the time. So why can't we?

O'Keefe is a rightwing operative. He's biased. He has an agenda. Therefore we can reject anything sourced to him as illegitimate.


NPR is the thorn in your side because they know its the truth

You gonna shoot that messenger?

I heard the story earlier today ON NPR.


btw, the guy's quitting, so all you nitwits are beating your meat over nothing.
You're one of the worst of all when it comes to attacking the messenger.

Are you telling us now that Huffington Post material is perfectly legitimate? Can be scoffed at for 'bias'?

Is that your new position?

call your Rep and ask they get behind DEFUNDING npr.

I really don't care one way or another on the issue. I'm at the point on this issue where I'm the mom in the grocery store and the Right is the screaming 2 year old.

Give him the fucking candy bar if it will shut him up for chrissakes.

LOL, that is why you have HOW MANY post in this thread about your strawmen Mediamatters and Huffingtonpost and James O'Keeffe..

now go CALL YOUR REPS and ask them to DEFUND NPR fer crying out loud. Or don't:lol:
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I don't think its going to matter. Schiller has left NPR and NPR is going to be defunded soon anyway.

I guess we will find out if Schiller's thoughts on NPR standing on its own are correct or not.
call your Rep and ask they get behind DEFUNDING npr.

I really don't care one way or another on the issue. I'm at the point on this issue where I'm the mom in the grocery store and the Right is the screaming 2 year old.

Give him the fucking candy bar if it will shut him up for chrissakes.

LOL, that is why you have HOW MANY post in this thread about your strawmen Mediamatters and Huffingtonpost and James O'Keeffe..

now go CALL YOUR REPS and ask them to DEFUND NPR fer crying out loud. Or don't:lol:

So you're admitting that complaining about the source is a strawman?

Good. You'll get reminded of that the next time you open your toothless maw over a thread from Huffpo
So was this Schiller or not. And, did he say it or not? And, was he reprimanded by NPR or Knot?

I really don't care one way or another on the issue. I'm at the point on this issue where I'm the mom in the grocery store and the Right is the screaming 2 year old.

Give him the fucking candy bar if it will shut him up for chrissakes.

LOL, that is why you have HOW MANY post in this thread about your strawmen Mediamatters and Huffingtonpost and James O'Keeffe..

now go CALL YOUR REPS and ask them to DEFUND NPR fer crying out loud. Or don't:lol:

So you're admitting that complaining about the source is a strawman?

Good. You'll get reminded of that the next time you open your toothless maw over a thread from Huffpo

who gives a shit, really
Not many people HAVE heard of the Huffington Post, anyway. They have had articles by Alex Baldwin for crying out loud, that should TELL YA SOMETHING..They are like Democratic Underground, A bee hive of leftist dribble. :lol:
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James O'Keefe?

He wouldn't mislead us......would he?

Hard to know what is real and what has been pieced together or edited

You have no Shame... :thup:


true story
What does "DiveCon" know about the "truth" - all he knows is how to swear (and not very well at that!)

As for Schiller, when the "right" is willing to accept that Governor Walker is also on tape stating that he contemplated sending Republican agitators among the crowd to create an incident that would reflect badly in the teachers, then we can discuss both in an intelligent manner!

You can't deny one and then expect to have any credibility complaining about the other!
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