Cawthorn charged with driving with revoked license for second time

Yep, that's what it sounds like. Fine him heavily, make him do some community service. You'd think that since he's in that chair after an accident, he'd moderate his behavior a bit but I stopped thinking I knew better than others how they should live their lives, by the time I was 30.

I don't know what they are going to do with him.

At first glance I thought he might have gotten his license suspended due to not paying for the speeding tickets.
On further consideration ... The speeding tickets were for 89 in a 65 zone, and 87 in a 70 zone.

I don't know North Carolina's code ... But here, 15 mph over the speed limit can lump a "Reckless Endangerment" citation on the speeding ticket.
Also here ... That can result in an automatic 6 month suspension of your license, and multiple accounts can cause greater time frames on suspension.

It is possible he had his license suspended, due to relative charges and penalties regarding the speeding tickets.
He just ignored that and kept driving.

Not saying that is the correct thing to do ...
Just that he may get another ticket for driving on a suspended license, if they think suspending his license makes a difference ... :auiqs.jpg:

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Yeah, it says I'm an adult who realizes that other adults screw up and deal with it. You people are such a fussy, pompous group of hall monitors ;) The man drove on a suspended license. He didn't lose the license due to murder, looting, arson, rape... it's a TRAFFIC code issue. Grow the hell up.
I think libs have a legitimate though relatively minor Gotcha! this time

most people speed more than we should

but driving on a suspended lic is pretty irresponsible for a member of congress
Can't come close to Dead Kennedy slammin his car in 8 ft of water and letting a girl be as she waited 3 hrs for death. Found with her lips pursed against the last possible air pocket

Since we're talking about traffic citations, it is on topic jackie
The dishonest right, masters of the red herring fallacy.
The guy is an absolute jerk but..........

According to the citation, Cawthorn was pulled over last Thursday near Shelby, N.C., when a trooper saw his 2019 Toyota truck cross over the center line of the road.

I have a real problem with the cops doing this. When "defund the police" is spoken about, it's about stuff like this. Making the cops stop harassing people over petty little things like this.
They are on the lookout for drunk drivers.

This twat is the ultimate Trump ass eater.
Are these the morons who said that no one should be allowed to own AR-15's, then when Ukraine was invaded did a 180?

Why yes, yes they are.

Morons will be morons.
It's almost as if normal, rational adults understand the difference between crying a like a bitch on a messageboard and actually being invaded.

I don't know what they are going to do with him.

At first glance I thought he might have gotten his license suspended due to not paying for the speeding tickets.
On further consideration ... The speeding tickets were for 89 in a 65 zone, and 87 in a 70 zone.

I don't know North Carolina's code ... But here, 15 mph over the speed limit can lump a "Reckless Endangerment" citation on the speeding ticket.
Also here ... That can result in an automatic 6 month suspension of your license, and multiple accounts can cause greater time frames on suspension.

It is possible he had his license suspended, due to relative charges and penalties regarding the speeding tickets.
He just ignored that and kept driving.

Not saying that is the correct thing to do ...
Just that he may get another ticket for driving on a suspended license, if they think suspending his license makes a difference ... :auiqs.jpg:

In North Carolina 15 over is a 30 day suspension of license. The second offense is a 60 day suspension, and it is hard not to know your license is suspended. They send you a nice letter and tell you to send your license to Raleigh. If you don't send it in 14 days they send a nice trooper to your house to pick it up.

I mean here is how dumb this punk ass kid is. My license was suspended for getting two speeding tickets within 30 days. I went to the courthouse, filled out a standard form for limited driving privileges that pretty much stated my job required me to be able to drive anywhere anytime. I then handed it to a nice lady at the desk at the court house and she walked it back to a judge who signed it. Easy peasy, no lawyer required.

He didn't hire a lawyer. He didn't attempt to plea. He didn't file for limited driving privileges. I mean I was young and dumb once too, but I grew out of that pretty damn quick, like by the time I was 19. You get a ticket, you hire a lawyer. If you like to speed, you buy a radar detector, a good one. Either this fool has lived under a rock for the last twenty years or he thinks he is special. I am going for the later.
Some get in a tizzy when a policeman enforces the law in a professional manner.

"Do you know who I am, Officer?" is not the proper response to being asked for license and registration.

From the hysterical attacks on this trooper, you'd think he had taken a knee on Cawthorn's neck until he stopped breathing.

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