CBO: 630,000 women could lose access to care if Planned Parenthood is defunded

No one has suggested shutting down PP.
Just denying federal funding.

Short of a massive audit there's no way to know if that money goes to abortions

You do know it doesn't go to abortions.
Because PP says so?

Seriously? PP has been under attack for a very long time. This isn't a line they are going to cross. You know this. You pretend confusion.
They're a huge company that knows how to juggle numbers and shift funds.
Like I said, without a massive audit nobody but their accountants know what money goes where

You do know. You pretend confusion where there is none. Look, I understand that there are those that want PP gone because some clinics do preform abortions. I do not understand the need to lie about that.
I have absolutely no skin in this game.....no reason to lie.

If there is a twenty dollar bill spent for gauze, who can honestly say where that $20 came from?
Republicans have been attacking PP for years.. bunch of idiots.
CBO: 630,000 women could lose access to care if Planned Parenthood is defunded
As many as 630,000 Planned Parenthood patients could lose access to birth control, STD screening, and other reproductive health services if the organization loses itsfederal funding, the Congressional Budget Office estimated Tuesday.

The House is scheduled to vote later this week on the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, which would bar the federal government from funding the group for one year. In debating the act, there's been significant argument over what would happen to Planned Parenthood patients if the group lost federal funding — whether they would simply transition to other health-care providers or whether they would not find replacements.

CBO, for its part, says it would be a mixed bag: Of Planned Parenthood's 2.6 million patients, the agency estimates that between 130,000 and 630,000 "would face reduced access to care."

"The people most likely to experience reduced access to care would probably reside in areas without access to other health care clinics or medical practitioners who serve low-income populations," the agency concludes.

I agree; politically it's about the worst thing the GOP could do just when the public is beginning to engage in the 2016 election. I mean, this is almost criminal mis-conduct for a political party given that over 1/2 the electorate is female. And yes, I realize that not all of the women are using PP services. I do guarantee you this though; that nearly every woman, at some time, has at one time or another been in need of some form of counsel in family planning. Did they use PP? Some did, most didn't. But all can empathize with a mother who perhaps didn't overly favor her daughter's role in the marriage, place in the world, etc. In other words, mom was happy being a housewife so she didn't see why her daughter would need fulfillment professionally or simply did not want a family. Anyway, my point is that the GOP could almost not have planned this worse.

That being said....with the ACA being in place, and the plans having to include contraception coverage (TTBOMK), I am not seeing a huge need to continue funding the Title X programs at levels they were funded in the past.

It seems like it's time to reduce funding for Title X.

Can you tell me why that shouldn't happen?
Hysterical how liberals are quick to call big corporations 'evil' but even quicker to defend PP
Republicans have been attacking PP for years.. bunch of idiots.
CBO: 630,000 women could lose access to care if Planned Parenthood is defunded
As many as 630,000 Planned Parenthood patients could lose access to birth control, STD screening, and other reproductive health services if the organization loses itsfederal funding, the Congressional Budget Office estimated Tuesday.

The House is scheduled to vote later this week on the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, which would bar the federal government from funding the group for one year. In debating the act, there's been significant argument over what would happen to Planned Parenthood patients if the group lost federal funding — whether they would simply transition to other health-care providers or whether they would not find replacements.

CBO, for its part, says it would be a mixed bag: Of Planned Parenthood's 2.6 million patients, the agency estimates that between 130,000 and 630,000 "would face reduced access to care."

"The people most likely to experience reduced access to care would probably reside in areas without access to other health care clinics or medical practitioners who serve low-income populations," the agency concludes.
Wrong, they would just get care from a real doctor, which would be a massive improvement.
People like yourself fail to understand the necessity of planned parenthood, and claiming PP'S care is somehow bad is a stupid point, low income women in various areas rely on PP, their is no alternative for them.


Yep, found the same info and was going to post it. Thanks, the left is very dishonest.

Those comprehensive care clinics include dental care clinics, massage and injury rehab centres, and other medical facilities which do not prescribe birth control. Additionally, many if not most of these clinics do not take Medicaid so women can't even access their care.

The number of available clinics which prescribe birth control and take Medicaid is really quite small and if PP closes offices, they're quickly overwhelmed. There are already three times as many people waiting for services from low income community health centres than they can take.

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