CBO report forecasts unsustainable debt in long term


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
The DOW took its biggest hit ever on Monday. Thank you Obama. We need to purge the government, by voting, of democrats. 8 years of failure is enough. What do we hear from lord Obama? Climate change BS. What a waste of space he is.

And before you leftists say it. He halved the HUGE deficit HE created.

Budget deficit smallest of Obama presidency, but economy still sluggish: CBO - Washington Times

The economy is sluggish but growing and inflation remains low, painting a decidedly mixed picture for the federal government, the Congressional Budget Office reported Tuesday, saying the fiscal situation is improving this year but will snap back by 2018 to swelling deficits and unsustainable debt.

The inflation rate is so low that Social Security beneficiaries probably won’t get a cost-of-living raise after this year, the CBO said. But tax revenue is up and spending has stayed pat, which is helping reduce the pool of red ink in the federal budget.
The DOW took its biggest hit ever on Monday. Thank you Obama.
I didn't see you thanking Obama when it doubled. Did I miss that?

The dip has nothing to do with Obama, dip...shit.
We crossed a very significant public/private debt-to-GDP ratio back in 2000. Until we get back under that line, we will continue to have sluggish growth when we have growth, and longer and deeper recessions when we have recessions.

This is the fault of everyone. Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Muslims, heteros, gays, blacks, whites, Mexicans, Jews, pedophiles, saints, priests, rapists, stock brokers, gamblers, moms, dads, wives, husbands, race car drivers, postal workers, Congressmen, Senators, voters, ditch diggers, layabouts, country singers, stamp collectors, toy makers, farmers, factory workers, cotton pickers, rag pickers, ice pickers, bartenders, waitresses, patrons, artists, rocket scientists...

But it is so much more fun to blame the other guy while pretending innocence. So, so, so, so much more fun.
The DOW took its biggest hit ever on Monday. Thank you Obama.
I didn't see you thanking Obama when it doubled. Did I miss that?

The dip has nothing to do with Obama, dip...shit.

Oh right, nothing is his fault. I forgot that. And where are these people living who think inflation is small?
We crossed a very significant public/private debt-to-GDP ratio back in 2000. Until we get back under that line, we will continue to have sluggish growth when we have growth, and longer and deeper recessions when we have recessions.

This is the fault of everyone. Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Muslims, heteros, gays, blacks, whites, Mexicans, Jews, pedophiles, saints, priests, rapists, stock brokers, gamblers, moms, dads, wives, husbands, race car drivers, postal workers, Congressmen, Senators, voters, ditch diggers, layabouts, country singers, stamp collectors, toy makers, farmers, factory workers, cotton pickers, rag pickers, ice pickers, bartenders, waitresses, patrons, artists, rocket scientists...

But it is so much more fun to blame the other guy while pretending innocence. So, so, so, so much more fun.

It is the fault of those in power and those in power for almost 10 years have been democrats. Some way, some how they need taught a lesson. Not that I think that Republicans are a prize I just don't see how those running things can be rewarded.
Not much comment on something that could bring down the world's economy.
The DOW took its biggest hit ever on Monday. Thank you Obama.
I didn't see you thanking Obama when it doubled. Did I miss that?

The dip has nothing to do with Obama, dip...shit.
By printing and dumping tens of billions of dollars monthly, Obama drove interest rates to zero. That precipitated the flow of money away from Main Street and into Wall Street.

Thanks for WHAT? :dunno:
We crossed a very significant public/private debt-to-GDP ratio back in 2000. Until we get back under that line, we will continue to have sluggish growth when we have growth, and longer and deeper recessions when we have recessions.

This is the fault of everyone. Democrats, Republicans, Christians, Muslims, heteros, gays, blacks, whites, Mexicans, Jews, pedophiles, saints, priests, rapists, stock brokers, gamblers, moms, dads, wives, husbands, race car drivers, postal workers, Congressmen, Senators, voters, ditch diggers, layabouts, country singers, stamp collectors, toy makers, farmers, factory workers, cotton pickers, rag pickers, ice pickers, bartenders, waitresses, patrons, artists, rocket scientists...

But it is so much more fun to blame the other guy while pretending innocence. So, so, so, so much more fun.
So in other words it's everyone else's fault but the guy in charge. You should have just blamed Bush at the start and saved a lot of bullshit and typing.
The DOW took its biggest hit ever on Monday. Thank you Obama. We need to purge the government, by voting, of democrats. 8 years of failure is enough. What do we hear from lord Obama? Climate change BS. What a waste of space he is.

And before you leftists say it. He halved the HUGE deficit HE created.

Budget deficit smallest of Obama presidency, but economy still sluggish: CBO - Washington Times

The economy is sluggish but growing and inflation remains low, painting a decidedly mixed picture for the federal government, the Congressional Budget Office reported Tuesday, saying the fiscal situation is improving this year but will snap back by 2018 to swelling deficits and unsustainable debt.

The inflation rate is so low that Social Security beneficiaries probably won’t get a cost-of-living raise after this year, the CBO said. But tax revenue is up and spending has stayed pat, which is helping reduce the pool of red ink in the federal budget.

Social Security


That's it. Everything else is peanuts.

We need to raise taxes.
The DOW took its biggest hit ever on Monday. Thank you Obama. We need to purge the government, by voting, of democrats. 8 years of failure is enough. What do we hear from lord Obama? Climate change BS. What a waste of space he is.

And before you leftists say it. He halved the HUGE deficit HE created.

Budget deficit smallest of Obama presidency, but economy still sluggish: CBO - Washington Times

The economy is sluggish but growing and inflation remains low, painting a decidedly mixed picture for the federal government, the Congressional Budget Office reported Tuesday, saying the fiscal situation is improving this year but will snap back by 2018 to swelling deficits and unsustainable debt.

The inflation rate is so low that Social Security beneficiaries probably won’t get a cost-of-living raise after this year, the CBO said. But tax revenue is up and spending has stayed pat, which is helping reduce the pool of red ink in the federal budget.

Social Security


That's it. Everything else is peanuts.

We need to raise taxes.

Social Security? So far it doesn't add a dime to the debt. I am not vouching for this site but according to it SS is still in the plus side of expenditures vs receipts. Trust Fund Data

According to the government defense and pensions, not ss pensions, are not the largest expenditure.


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