CBO: Stimulus saved between 5 to 25 million jobs


More ink !!!

From the board fraud.

Yes, I recall how people during the 4th year of Reagan's first term were thinking about what a crap job he had done.

it was so bad, he barely won re-election.


Are you seriously going to argue that the stimulus program which wasn't passed until Feb 17, 2009 and which could not possibly have had much of an impact until later that year is responsible for the easing of job losses, which had already peaked long before in January?

I'll answer for him.

He absoulutely argues it all the time....well, he really does not argue. He just posts his graphs and bows out licking his wounds.

It is unbelievable the Kool-Aid the people on the left will sell each other.
What about the fact that many stores opened earlier than last year? Might've skewed the data a bit.

The real question will be whether the trend continues; we got a nice bump to start the holiday retail season, but will we see a dropoff as we get closer to Xmas compared to last year?

And - what's going to happen in January when the bills come due?
Yeah....Oh those high interest credit card bills...
Drove by the largest mall in the area today. Around 1 pm....Parking lot was maybe half full.
Normally, the traffic back up onto the ramp off the interstate.
I think people went for the sales and that's all.
I think we'll find this CHRISTMAS ( ya read that libs?!!!!) shopping season will be average.
I know I am spending less. And I spent less last year. Not using ANY credit. All cash buys.
We're not exchanging gifts outside the immediate family. Relatives will just have to understand times are difficult.
That is because you don't read enough.

Americans paid off $1 trillion dollars of personal debt this year.

Plenty of pent up demand.

And here it comes....

$1 trillion? You have a source?

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Americans have paid off nearly $1 trillion in debt over the past two years, although the pace of repayment has slowed, according to a regional Federal Reserve report released Monday.

Total consumer debt was $11.6 trillion as of Sept. 30; down 7.4%, or $922 billion, from the peak reached in the third quarter of 2008, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Consumer indebtedness fell another 0.3% in the third quarter, after a 3.3% decline in the prior quarter.

American households pay off debt - New York Fed - Nov. 8, 2010

Thanks for the link.
I noticed it didn't say anything about the last year.

It hasn't even gotten close to it's previous high. It just recovered. We could have an empty WH and that would likely happen.

Under Reagan, the DOW tripled....breaking 1000 and going to new heights people never dreamed of.

Octocrissy, the fraud.
Bush killed Uncle Sam. Now righties are rabid because Obama can't bring him back to life soon enough.
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Bush killed Uncle Sam. Now righties are rabid because Obama can't him back to life soon enough.

Rabid? I just want someone in the Oval Office who's got some ideas on how to fix the mess we're in. I could care less if he's from the Left or the Right. I just know that Barack Obama doesn't have any solutions to our problems. It's time for the voters to stand up and say "Next..."

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