CBS News Bombshell: Student Leader Wasn't at School On Day of the Mass Shooting

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It appears a clever blogger remade the video to fool us. He ad-libbed the video to make it seem that he rode the bike to school after the shooting started.

It was taken out of context and rearranged to give a different story.

Red state has issued a retraction as well.

WevWe been had folks
That is what conservatives do best

Six months from now, they will still claim it is true
Bearing false witness, lying is now common routine practice for whatever these people are, Republicans, conservatives, Rrumproids, whatever.
They are so predictable

They do this on every major story

And Trumps approval rating rises with each 'story'

No, it does not. His approval rating went up to the highest level in his Presidency, 42% by one poll last week. Majority of Americans polled still overwhelmingly disapprove.
This guy just became a laughing stock:

A new documentary by CBS News reveals that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student David Hogg, who has become the face of the student body’s push for gun control, was not at the school at the time of the shooting.

The bombshell comes from David Hogg himself, who made the admission to a CBS News interviewer as part of the documentary “39 Days.”

"39 Days": How Parkland shooting survivors turned grief into action

At 4 minutes 55 sec. of video Hogg says:

DAVID HOGG: "On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and road as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."


David Hogg is fake news.
Your OP is a LIE!
It appears a clever blogger remade the video to fool us. He ad-libbed the video to make it seem that he rode the bike to school after the shooting started.

It was taken out of context and rearranged to give a different story.

Red state has issued a retraction as well.

WevWe been had folks
That is what conservatives do best

Six months from now, they will still claim it is true
Bearing false witness, lying is now common routine practice for whatever these people are, Republicans, conservatives, Rrumproids, whatever.
They are so predictable

They do this on every major story

And Trumps approval rating rises with each 'story'

No, it does not. His approval rating went up to the highest level in his Presidency, 42% by one poll last week. Majority of Americans polled still overwhelmingly disapprove.

Since Stormy, his approval has risen 6 points. Just like Slick Willie Clintons did

THE MEDIA CANNOT BE TRUSTED. The prove it time and time again. Turn them off!
You do know that it is the CON$ervoFascist MEDIA that is lying about this. The OP is an out and out Russian LIE, parroted by the Russian echo chamber of Right-wing whack sites. Even the Right-wing Red State was forced to admit the truth:

"UPDATE #2: This Vox article indicates that Hogg went back to the campus area at 6 pm and did not actually enter campus, but had his camera and interviewed people across the street from campus. Here’s his quote:

At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years. All the while, I was making sure my camera bag didn’t rip open, because if you zip it a certain way, the camera falls out, and it would be destroyed."
There is also a faked photoshopped viral photo of the Cuban kid tearing the Constitution in half. Real photo is of the kid ripping a shooting range target in half. Can't believe anything from these degenerate deplorable slugs.
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THE MEDIA CANNOT BE TRUSTED. The prove it time and time again. Turn them off!
You do know that it is the CON$ervoFascist MEDIA that is lying about this. The OP is an out and out Russian LIE, parroted by the Russian echo chamber of Right-wing whack sites. Even the Right-wing Red State was forced to admit the truth:

"UPDATE #2: This Vox article indicates that Hogg went back to the campus area at 6 pm and did not actually enter campus, but had his camera and interviewed people across the street from campus. Here’s his quote:

At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years. All the while, I was making sure my camera bag didn’t rip open, because if you zip it a certain way, the camera falls out, and it would be destroyed."
Hell, shortly after the shootings he was hamming it up in front of the cameras, his was the most often viewed face that night. I saw no camera gear ever.
That is what conservatives do best

Six months from now, they will still claim it is true
Bearing false witness, lying is now common routine practice for whatever these people are, Republicans, conservatives, Rrumproids, whatever.
They are so predictable

They do this on every major story

And Trumps approval rating rises with each 'story'

No, it does not. His approval rating went up to the highest level in his Presidency, 42% by one poll last week. Majority of Americans polled still overwhelmingly disapprove.

Since Stormy, his approval has risen 6 points. Just like Slick Willie Clintons did

Really, the one I saw put him ar 42% approval. Are you saying he was as low as 36%?
This kid reminds me of the tree that fell in the forest

Only reason any kids showed up is because it was FREE. Free pizza, hotel, travel.... hanging out with friends playing Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto where the 'WINNER' is the one who stacks up the most bodies.

Over a million showed up nationwide

Parkland Students are making a difference
This fake news was debunked yesterday

Make something else up
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.
so - the audio from hogg himself says "on the day of the shooting" and now CBS wants to change it to "at 6pm" and i'm supposed to believe an update that contradicts what he actually SAID IN THE VIDEO ITSELF?

from the now edited version of what he said:
"At 6 pm after the shooting, I took my camera, got on my bike. I rode in basically twilight. And I ride my bike three miles down winding sidewalks and find my way to the school, as I’ve done in previous years. All the while, I was making sure my camera bag didn’t rip open, because if you zip it a certain way, the camera falls out, and it would be destroyed."

and what he said in the video we can hear:
"On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting."

no. i don't trust news sources that edit their news to fit a narrative. do you actually approve of a news source doing this? either just tell me you approve of this or give me the quote in any form of audio of him actually saying it since the entire video was recorded.
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Wasn't at school that magical day?

Where was he?

Did somebody tip him off?

If someone did, why did he not "tell someone"?

What did he know!
When did he know it!
Another dumb assed SUCKER who fell for the OP's LIE! :asshole:
Notice how easily the Right then constructs a conspiracy theory out of the OP's lie!!!!!
This fake news was debunked yesterday

Make something else up
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.

Interesting, because the actual audio was Hogg himself and he didn't say much of what this written report says at all. Nice cover up CBS.
Don't you put on a tinfoil hat, too. That would be a discouraging day for me.
This fake news was debunked yesterday

Make something else up
UPDATE: CBS Video Confusing. Hogg Was on Campus.

The update clarifies that Hogg was there. The journalist who said he wasn't corrected her story.
so - the audio from hogg himself says "on the day of the shooting" and now CBS wants to change it to "at 6pm" and i'm supposed to believe an update that contradicts what he actually SAID IN THE VIDEO ITSELF?

no. i don't trust news sources that edit their news to fit a narrative. do you actually approve of a news source doing this?
Correcting their story when they found out more? YES.
In this little clip Camera Hogg admits that he was home when Nicholas Cruz shot up his school. This proves that he's a fraud. He's been going around the country acting like he's a victim.....but in fact he wasn't even there.

Valarie Jarrett shows up to congratulate the Hogg.


well the whole thing should be renamed to the "march of our LIES"
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